dispensation, it is highly necessary to distinguish those precepts which are peculiarly Mosaic, and are consequently abrogated, from those which belong to the Law of Nature, or the Moral Law, and are still of universal obligation. §3. The Mosaic Laws may be considered as of three kinds; namely, those which were given to the Jews, not as Jews, but as men, which constitute the Moral Law, and are binding upon every human being;-those which were given to them as Jews,-the ceremonial and Levitical statutes, which were not to extend beyond the limits of the Israelitish nation;and those which were given to them as inhabitants of Palestine, and members of a separate community, the civil and forensic, which have no authority and force at present, further than as they declare the general and immutable principles of social right. and, fo severa The places Jewish the id they being the on and of shado long-p view t force: riod for The Moral Law appertains to all people, as that essential branch of the Mosaic code, which is generally founded in the Law of Nature-is universally binding-and is written by God himself in the human heart. It contains the rule of virtuous living; and as the Decalogue, or Ten Commandments, given on Mount Sinai, is a summary of moral precepts drawn up by God himself, all such precepts wherever found, dispersed as they are throughout the sacred volume, are properly referred to the Decalogue itself. All the aphorisms and injunctions of the Gospel, are but explications of the great Moral Law of Nature; or an adaptation of the first principles of religious and social duty-namely, to love God above all things, and our neighbour as ourself, -to the spiritual and com gave p which i sentatio Son of whole v The polity, liar cha regulatio governm after the especial these La are not circums econom provide cradle fo and, for order's sake they may all be reduced under the several heads of duty prescribed in the Decalogue. The Ceremonial Law, relating to sacred persons, places, and rites, was calculated to surround the Tewish nation with an impenetrable barrier against he idolatry and polytheism of the people with whom hey would be most liable to have intercoursebeing the ritual of an outward profession of faith in he one true God, -the God of Abraham, of Isaac, nd of Jacob; it was also an economy of types and hadows, designed to point out and represent the ong-promised Messias. In both these points of iew the Ceremonial Law has ceased to have an orce: for the Mosaic covenant ended with the pe. hod for which it had been made, -the Old Testament ave place to the New, to the full establishment of -hich it was preparatory, and the figurative repreentations were all merged in the reality, when the on of God assumed our nature, and suffered for the hole world, in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. The Judicial Law, relating to matters of civil olity, had reference, in many respects, to the pecuar character and situation of the people for whose egulation it was enacted, under the immediate Overnment of God himself for a certain period; and ter the termination of this theocracy, still under an special superintendance of the Almighty. Many of nese Laws were of an arbitrary and local nature, and -e not applicable to other people under different rcumstances. In short, -the whole of the Mosaic conomy was constituted principally that it might rovide an asylum for the Church of God, and a adle for the Gospel. The Ceremonial and Judicial advent of Christ, however, ponty.w destroyed, and with it also these laws, which were peculiarly instituted for its support. But the Moral Law, or Decalogue, except in those parts of it which have a ceremonial character, is the eternal and immutable rule of wisdom and justice, even in God himself, obliging all rational creatures either to obey it, or to submit to the penalties of disobedience. §4. The term Decalogue, of Greek derivation, signifies Ten Words, or sentences, and is particularly assigned to the Ten Commandments given by divine authority, as the standard and rule of our duty towards God, and towards our neighbour-that is, all mankind. The Decalogue comprizes the fundamental articles of religious faith, as well as the principles of virtuous conduct; it is the compendium and epitome of the Moral Law, founded upon the belief and worship of the one true God, -the author of its terms, and the enforcer of its sanctions. It may, however, also be considered as partly of a mixt nature, not being entirely moral, but containing some matters ceremonial, and relating solely or chiefly to the Jews. Of this description are portions of the Second and Fifth Commandn.ents. It is consequently the pure part alone, which has no especial relation to the circumstances of the Jews, that is equally applicable to Jews and Christians. §5. With regard to Christians, the Decalogue not only possesses its full force, but it has acquired additional authority from its having been constantly declared by our blessed Lord the rule of those good works which are necessary to the attainment of salvation,-from more hensiv Moses Christ dom fi and Ju into th $6. The more cleany displayeu mus spaπικαι and compit hensive sense to His disciples, than it ever had been by Moses and the Prophets to the children of Israel. Christian liberty, therefore, consists in entire free. dom from the obligations of the Mosaic Ceremonial and Judicial Laws; -in qualified liberation from the exactions of the Moral Law: that is not liberation from its obligations, for the Decalogue is adopted into the Gospel ;-not total liberation from its penalties-for punishment is yet denounced against obstinate disobedience: but in freedom from the exaction of sinless obedience; and in freedom-on the condition of faith and repentance-from the fear of death, as either annihilation or eternal misery. § 6. The nature of the Decalogue being that of a brief and comprehensive summary, of which the spi. rit, and not the letter only, is the measure of obligation, it is necessary, in order to ensure such an interpretation as is consistent with the tenour of the revealed will of God, and with the light of reason which he has shed upon the conscience of mankind, to adhere to certain rules of acknowledged necessity and truth. These being previously laid down and assented to, will form a standard to which every general precept may be brought, in order to ascertain its bearing upon any particular question; and to deduce from such comparison the strongest motives for practical obedience. The principal and most important rules of interpretation are the following :-Precepts which are not limited in their application by God himself, are not to be limited by us; but must be received in their actions, or external compliance, but equally of in- thor sati dien sin i -T quir ways are whe сер whe rity whic flict ever or ca inter equi writt taini of n six 1 fello plied of al pers one stan ing |