
ported by several attendants, and the surgeons examining his wound. They saw also the man who had wounded him, in the hands of the officers of justice, who were about to lead him away to his trial Then said the surgeons, we have examined the wound; and we find, that the wounded man had, in his vital parts, a disease, which would soon have destroyed his life, had it not been opened. But this wound has opened the part, and will probably save his life.Then they followed the man who had inflicted the wound to the court of justice, and he was put upon his defence. He said he had indeed inflicted' the wound with the intention of killing the other; but since it appeared from the report of the surgeons that he had saved his life, he claimed not only an acquittal from the charge laid against him, but the reward promised to such as save the life of another. But the court decided, that he must be judged according to his intentions; and since these were criminal, he must suffer the punishment which the law annexed to his offence.

Then said the pilgrims, what means this?

In. This shows the folly of those who teach that utility constitutes virtue. The man who wounded his fellow, had murder in his heart. By the hand of Providence, however, his weapon was so directed, that he saved the life he intended to destroy. He real

ly accomplished good, while he intended evil. But the court justly decided, that though he had not accomplished the evil he intended, he was still criminal, and must be punished acccordingly. Judas also who betrayed his master, and those who condemned and crucified him, really accomplished good, while they intended evil. They accomplished the wise and benevolent purpose of our Lord the King, thus to provide an atonement for the sins of the world for which we all have occasion to rejoice and give thanks to the King, and to the Prince Immanuel, who consented thus to die.-But these wicked men intended evil and were justly condemned for it; and some of them, at least, if not all, felt and acknowledged it, and 'condemned themselves.And so it is in all cases. While wicked men intend evil by what they do, our Lord and King intends and accomplishes good by it all. So that, while we blame and condemn them for their wicked design in what they do, we have occasion to bless and praise our Lord the King for the good which he designs and thus accomplishes.


The following striking interposition of Providence, is said to have taken place during Mr. Baxter's residence at Coventry.-

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Several ministers ejected by the who is expected to preach at a

conventicle in this neighbourhood early to-morrow morning, you shall go with me, and I doubt not

act of uniformity, who resided in this city, united with Mr. Baxter in establishing a lecture in a private house, on a neighbouring we shall easily apprehend the common. The time of worship was generally a very early hour. Mr. Baxter left Coventry in the evening, intending to preach the lecture the following morning.The night being dark, he lost his way, and after wandering about a considerable time, he came to a gentleman's house, where he asked for direction. The servant informed his master, that a person of very respectable appearance, was at the door. The gentleman, thinking it would be unsafe for such a person to be wandering on the common at so late an hour, requested the servant to invite him in. Mr. Baxter readily ,accepted the kind proposal, and met with a very hospitable reception. His conversation was such as to give his host an exalted idea of his good sense and extensive information. The gentleman, wishing to know the quality of his guest, said after supper, "As most persons have some employment or profession in life, I have no doubt, sir, that you have yours." "Yes, sir, I am a man

[blocks in formation]

rogue." Mr. Baxter very pru-
dently assented to accompany him.
Accordingly, the next morning,
the gentleman took Mr. Baxter in
his carriage to the place where
the meeting was to be held. When
they arrived at the spot, they saw
a considerable number of people
hovering about; for seeing the
carriage of the justice, and sus-
pecting his intentions, they were
afraid to enter the house. The
justice observing this, said to Mr.
Baxter, "I am afraid they have
obtained information of my de-
sign, Baxter has probably been
apprized of it, and will not fulfil
his engagement; for you see the
people will not enter into the
I think if we extend our
ride a little farther, our departure
may encourage them to assemble,
and on our return we
may fulfil
our commission." When they re-
turned, they found their efforts
useless, for the people still appear-
ed unwilling to assemble. The
magistrate, thinking he should be
disappointed of the object he had
in view, observed to his compan-
ion, "That as the people were
very much disaffected to govern-
ment, he would be obliged to him
to address them on the subject of
loyalty and good behaviour."-
Mr. Baxter replied, "That per-
haps this would not be deemed


tended with christian holiness and
virtue, in your tempers and lives.
What a shocking absurdity is it
for any to pray for the divine as-
sistance, and success of the gos-
pel ministry, while they neither
heartily believe the doctrines, nor
obey the precepts of that very re-
ligion which their prayers seem
to befriend! what egregious tri-
fling, what solemn mockery, what
odious hypocrisy is this!
Dr. Tappan.


The first and chief motive which is to influence us to love God with all our hearts, is his infinite dignity and greatness, glo

sufficient: for as a religious service was the object for which they met together, they would not be satisfied with advice of that nature; but if the magistrate would begin with prayer, he would then endeavor to say something to them." The gentleman replied, putting his hand to his pocket, Indeed, sir, I have not got my prayer-book with me, or I would readily comply with your proposal. However, I am persuaded a person of your appearance and respectability, would be able to pray with them, as well as talk to them. I beg therefore, that you will be so good as to begin with prayer." This being agreed to, they alighted from the carriage and entered the house, and the people hesitating no longer, followed them.ry and excellency; or in one word, Mr. Baxter then commenced the has infinite amiableness. We are service by prayer, and prayed to love bim with all our hearts, with that seriousness and fervour because he is the Lonn; because for which he was so eminent. he is what he is, and just such a The magistrate standing by was Being as he is. On this account, soon melted into tears. The good primarily, and antecedent to all divine then preached in his ac- other considerations, ought he to customed, lively, and zealous man- appear infinitely amiable in our Der. When he had concluded, eyes. This is the first and chief he turnud to the magistrate, and reason and ground upon which his said, "Sir, I ́am the very Dick law is founded, I am the Lord.Baxter of whom you are in pur- This, therefore, ought to be the suit, I am at your disposal." The first and chief motive to influence justice however had felt so much us to obey. The, principal readuring the service, and saw things son which moves him to require in so different a light, that he laid us to love him, ought to be the aside entirely all his enmity to principal motive of our love. the non-conformists, and ever af- the fondamental reason of his reterward became their sincere quiring us to love him with all friend and advocate, and it is be- our hearts, is because be is what lieved also a decided christian. he is, and yet the bottom of our love be something else, then our love is not what his law requires, but a thing of quite another nature. Dr. Bellamy.



Your prayers for the success of the christian ministry must be, at


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