
gation, and was set forth by him in a publication on contrasts which John Bull can sometimes so comthe subject.

placently institute between his integrity and the One very important point in the final execution imputed rapacious dishonesty of Jonathan. He of a connection by railroad between the Pacific and speaks highly of the natural fertility of California: the Mississippi valley, will be the selection of the deplores its very neglected condition, even in its termini; and though Lieut Maury has admirably most favored spots, and the indolence and entire balanced the considerations on this head, yet a few want of enterprise of the inhabitants; and extestimonies may be added from a work which claims, “what a splendid country, whether we reshould be one of authority on the subject. gard its internal resources, or its commercial caSir George Simpson, "Governor-in-chief of the pabilities, to be thrown away on its present posHudson Bay Company's Territories," in his "Over-sessors!" land Journey round the World," visited all the ports It would, therefore, be a blessing for them to of Upper California, as well as that at the mouth yield either to England or the United States; and of the Columbia river. His description of the last doubtless they would "hugely" (as said my uncle greatly strengthens the objections to any scheme Toby.) prefer to come under the rational and wellwhich would cause reliance to be placed upon it as secured freedom of England! The British or a place of convenience or safety for ships or steam-Americans must have it; and though the latter have ers. Steamers might the more easily surmount "the advantage in an unscrupulous choice of weathe obstacles and escape the dangers; but they pons," yet the former must not give it up as hopewould not be near as safe there as ships in the more less; for they could make a claim to it so honestly, Southern ports; and it would be idle to establish a by assuming a part of the debts due by Mexico to great resort to any port which would not accom- British subjects; and besides that, were even then modate every species of the swift messengers of "entitled to colonize a considerable portion of the Upper Province," under the treaty of 1790.


Sir George Simpson says of this Columbia Harbor, "There being now a favorable breeze from the northeast, as well as smooth water, we prepared to escape from the prison which had held us in durance vile for seventeen days.

Speaking thus, as it were, for his own nation, Sir Governor-in-chief's testimony is entitled to some weight. He decidedly gives the preference to the harbors of San Diego and San Francisco,We were the extreme ports. He does not speak near so faall, even the most experienced among us, anxious-vorably of that of Monterey, as Lieut. Maury's ly excited at the prospect of encountering a spot al-authorities do; and expresses surprise that Monteready preeminent, among congenial terrors of much rey should be the capital of the country. older fame, for destruction of property and loss of life,—its unenviable trophies consisting of three ships wrecked and several others damaged;-to say nothing of boats swamped with all their crews." This, it is true, was in the middle of December; bat the same author says, that his detention by no means exceeded the average delay, and that vessels often lie there during the winter from three to seven weeks. The difficulty of ingress is greater than that of egress, because vessels have then to wait in the open ocean for a favorable conjunction of fair wind and smooth water. Indeed, the obstructions at the mouth of this too celebrated river retarded its discovery.

The discovery and naming of San Francisco, "one of the finest harbors in the world,” may be interesting.

Vizcaino, still carrying out that career of northern exploration set on foot by Cortes, discovered, in 1603, St. Diego and Monterey. But colonization was not extended to this portion of the country, till about 1767, when the then Viceroy of Mexico proposed to the Franciscans, who had succeeded the expelled Jesuits, the spiritual invasion of the Upper California. Accordingly, missions were planned for both Diego and Monterey; but the voyage along the coast proving highly disastrous, the missionaries undertook the rest of the distance by From this dangerous "prison," Sir George re- land. Missing Monterey, or failing to recognize joiced to make his escape to the fine harbor of San its location, they passed on to the "miniature MedFrancisco, which he could not behold without cov- iterranean" on its north. Before starting on their eting it for his own country. He, like all Eng- expedition, they had divided their new field of labor lishmen, discovers a strong feeling of one-sided among the saints highest in the Calendar of their nationality,—often mistaken for patriotism;-and order; but in this division omitted the honored St. like too many of them, utters those stereotyped Francis himself. When this omission was pointed prejudices against the United States: at the same out, the ready chief of the conclave replied, "let time, foreseeing the vast power and influence of him first prove his title to such a distinction by Russia, he diplomatically extends to her the assu- showing us a good port." "Having thus put their rance of his distinguished consideration. Whilst patron to his mettle," the way worn priests were predicting that California must fall into the hands rejoiced to acknowledge his guidance to the magof the English race, and proposing that England nificent inlet before them; and they called it by his should get it, or take it, he makes one of those name.



It was not solely the connection of your contribator with Astronomy, nor the fact that his "great circle route" is an astronomical idea, that induced me to associate "Stars and Steamers;" but he has recently favored us with interesting communications on that subject also. Besides, ocean steamers brought to mind Dr. Lardner; and he again recalled Le Verriere and the Stars, as I shall proceed to show you.

"On proceeding along the strait," says Sir | sors, may yet be taken from your sanctum by steam George Simpson, one of the most attractive and borne on the same strong, swift pinions to the scenes imaginable gradually opens on the mari- distant shores of the Celestial Empire.* ner's view, a sheet of water of about thirty miles in length by about twelve in breadth, sheltered from every wind by an amphitheatre of green hills, while an intermediate belt of open plain, varying from two to six miles in depth, is dotted by the habitations of civilized men." "On emerging from the strait, which is about three miles long, we saw on our left a deep bay, known as Whaler's harbor." "On our right, just opposite, stretched the pretty little bay of Yerba Buena, whose shores are doubtless destined under better auspices to be the site of a flourishing town." Both these bays were occupied by ships, though most of the whalers, who once gave name to one of them, have now gone to the Sandwich Islands. Doubtless they would be prevailed upon to return by inducements less strong than those enumerated by Lieut. Maury.

Le Verriere, though so highly honored at home and abroad, has had to fight some defensive battles to secure his well-earned laurels. Not only have assaults been made upon them in England, but some ignoble disparagers in our own country have sought to tarnish them, by denying, I believe, that the planet Neptune is the planet whose existence was predicted by the French astronomer. Because, perThe harbor of Monterey, though represented as chance, his calculations of the planet's "elements” "infinitely inferior to that of San Francisco," may were not so exact as their telescopic observations, still be very commodious; so that the decision be- they are disposed to attribute the discovery of Neptween them, and San Diego also, may properly tune to "a happy accident." With them the more depend upon the means employed to reach the Pa-liberal and generous "Superintendent of the National Observatory" has no sympathy, and has recently published a letter of vindication from Le Verriere himself.

cific coast.

Launching out from either of them, the peculiarities of the " great circle route" will be very striking, but may not be fully appreciated from the brief description given in the Messenger, unless it be actually followed by the reader upon a globe.

Monterey is about N. Lat. 3649. Changhai, in China, is near Lat. 319. One would naturally suppose, then, that the direct route between them lay a little to the south west; and would lie near the Sandwich Islands, which are about Lat. 23°; and far to the south of the Fox Islands, which are about Lat. 50°. Yet strange to say, the great circle route from Monterey, or San Francisco, to Changhai, reaches very nearly as far north as the Fox Islands; thus,-instead of going nearly along the parallel westward,-taking a direction north of the highest terminus, nearly thirteen degrees of Latitude! Until I actually made the experiment on a globe, I felt inclined to think that there was some mistake in regard to the Fox Islands being

near the route.

Even before the discovery of Uranus, by Herschel, in 1781, perturbations, or disturbances,for which no known cause existed,-affecting the motions of Jupiter and Saturn, had been saga. ciously referred to the influence of some undis covered body beyond them. Now that the discovery of such a body had satisfactorily accounted for those perturbations, it was found that it was itself subject to similar disturbances, that could not be accounted for by the mutual attractions of the orbs already known. With these effects accurately ascertained, M. Le Verriere, a young French mathematician and astronomer connected with the Academy of Sciences, at Paris, undertook to find out an adequate cause, which he did not doubt was another planet beyond the orbit of Uranus.

Having with much patient thought and labor calculated the "elements,"-the size, position, distance, &c.—of a body such as would produce the observed effects, he announced his results in the summer of 1846, and informed the star-gazers whither to direct their "astronomic tubes."

When one thinks of the results of such stupendous schemes, as nearly every day now brings forth to develop the destiny of our great country, it is calculated to make him repine at the fate which Accordingly, on the 23rd of September, M. may prevent his witnessing and enjoying their re- Galle, of Berlin, had the honor of hailing this alization. Richmond, herself, may be one termi- child of scientific prophecy. Of course, great disnus of this Atlantic and Pacific route. She is only tinction was at once conferred on both prophet and a little north of Memphis and Monterey; and the observer; and M. Salvandy, the French minister too long neglected south western link in the great of public instruction, recommended them both to westward chain is the great work for the energies The great circle measure, I suppose, will apply to land and resources of the noble State of which she is

as well as water; and in that case, I must confess that the

the metropolis and the ornament. And, my dear route from Richmond to Monterey would pass north of St. Mr. Editor, you, or some of your worthy succes-Louis, in Missouri.

the king as worthy of the Legion of Honor. As ready achieved? The field is not yet exhausted; might have been expected, England was not silent and there is room for all. Space contains our sun on so memorable an occasion; but with a spirit and his planets and the fixed stars with their sysmore politic than commendable, laid claim substan- tems also,-all in harmony; and I would so exalt tially to the honors awarded both to MM. Galle the conception of Scientific and Literary Fame, and Le Verriere. Englishmen always go perti- that, instead of its being necessary to rob, or even naciously for their own country and countrymen; lower one to reward another, it may be shared, and it is not without good outward effect upon their without being diminished, by all who have won it enterprise and national spirit. The honor of al- in all ages of the world. most every important invention and discovery is grasped after, in whole or part, by that great naton. I have already alluded to the different tone with which Sir George Simpson speaks of our Republic and the Autocracy of Russia; yet he has to give his countrymen a gentle reproof for (car-contained in his published "Lectures on Science rying out their long-settled principles in) not doing to Russia the justice to which he thinks she is entitled. It does not, however, seem to have occurred to him, that the same habituated sentiment may do to others even more injustice than he admits it has done towards England's great northern rival.

But there is one of England's sons, who though an LL. D. for his scientific attainments and productions, is not entitled to any part of the honor sought to be divided with France. Once I had a high respect for Doctor Lardner; but there are some things

and Art," which shake confidence in his real scientific knowledge. as much as his scandalous elopement with Mrs. Heavisides did that in his moral character.

The part he took some years ago in respect of ocean steam navigation diminished, perhaps rather unjustly, his reputation in England for enterprise Through Sir David Brewster, and other organs, and practical science. He had committed himself England asserts that Mr. Adams, of the University in favor of a line of communication by steam with of Cambridge, preceded Le Verriere more than this country, starting from the west of Ireland, as a year, and calculated even more accurately the the only point sufficiently near to our shores, for elements of the new planet; and had he only pub- steamers to carry the requisite supply of fuel withlished them instead of placing them in the hands out sacrificing their accommodations for freight and of Mr. Airy, the Astronomer royal, his would have passengers. Some of his more daring countrymen been the signal honor awarded to the Frenchman. were in favor of starting the line from the west of And further, Mr. Airy, from his faith in Mr. England. In the discussion which ensued, Dr. Adams' computations and inferences, recommend- Lardner was inaccurately reported to have declared a systematic search of the Heavens for the half-ed the latter scheme as impracticable as a voyage expected stranger; and Mr. Challis, professor of to the moon, In an essay on the subject in his Astronomy, at Cambridge, actually caught it twice," Lectures," is a friendly, but not altogether conbut not knowing it let it go. What a pity! They clusive defence of the views then maintained by wished to add the confirmation of actual discovery him,-in which, among other things, it is argued, to the deductions of Mr. Adams, and seem to have that he could never have made any such declarashrunk from the risk of a failure; but the young tion as that above ascribed to him, because steamFrenchman, confident in the seer-peering power of ers had previously traversed the broad Atlantic. mathematics, boldly uttered his prophecy, assured of its fulfilment.

It is, however, by no means certain that because an interesting matter in science is known to its But after all, it appears by their own shewing, votaries, it is therefore known to Doctor Lardner; that the loss of this coveted honor by England was and I was greatly surprised to find him, in the imbut the same misfortune, which befel the French portant matter following, so far behind that noble in losing the credit of discovering Uranus. The science of which he has long been regarded so French astronomer, Lemonnier, had hailed that prominent a teacher. planet no less than eleven times before its recognition by Sir William Herschel.



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Doctor Lardner is a fluent and quite an interesting speaker; he had a splendid apparatus for illustrating his lectures; and he deserves credit for having diffused so much scientific information; but he actually enters into a grave argument to prove that Uranus was the extreme limit of the Solar System!

There may be much truth in what the English and perhaps it is natural that the French should display no little irritation at these facts being set before the public," (it may be, not in the most conciliatory tone,) but both sides should remember, that if men of science cannot afford to be "The existence," says he, (vol. i, p. 255,) "of most largely generous, whence may we look for body such as Herschel would have been regarded, such an example? And would it not be infinitely before its discovery, just as chimerical as another better for every nation to seek new undivided and planet would now be considered revolving beyond indivisible honors, than to sow the seeds of irrita- it. We have, however, direct proofs of a cogent tion by claiming a disputable division of those al character in favor of the position, that Herschel


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(Uranus) is the last and most remote member of across that mighty gulf,—as here, and where Merthe Solar System."

cury nestles near the Sun,-the laws of gravitation are constantly and unerringly obeyed;—a silent but impressive proclamation this, to intelligent piety, of the cardinal doctrine of Scripture,-with which indeed the remoter regions of the universe are oracular,--that there is one God and Father of all, who is above all and in all.'"

Now, the existence of Herschel was strongly suspected before its discovery, from the observed perturbations of Saturn and Jupiter, of which he seems to have been ignorant. The "direct proofs" alluded to are drawn from the presumed fact, that there were no observable perturbations either in Uranus, or in the comparatively light and volatile Yet the Sun's attraction rapidly diminishes,comets that visit our system and which ought soon as the square of the distance from him; and it to disclose all neighboring attractions. This was might be computed, I suppose, at what distance his in the spring of 1846; and probably at the moment power would be insufficient to maintain the motions that he was penning his most conclusive argument, of a planet. But on the other hand, the size of Le Verriere and Adams, Galle and Challis, Bes- the planet and of its orbit and the time of revolu sel and Herschel, and perhaps many others were in tion, &c., may possibly be adapted to the least depursuit of the new planet, Neptune, or profoundly gree of attraction; and who can say but that the thinking over the long-known perturbations which suns of other systems may ultimately come to aid infallibly indicated his existence. These pertur- the feebleness of our own, and by the composition bations were the subject of discussion and corres- and resolution of their attractions, urge a far-farpondence, as far back as the summer and fall of far-distant planet on its way round our centre? 1842, between Bessel and Sir John Herschel. I am inclined to think, therefore, that Neptune The latter, on retiring from the chair of the British is not our frontier orb; though the still augmenting Association, a fortnight before the discovery of distance of every new-found world multiplies the Mr. Galle, (Sept. 23rd, 1846,) referred to the dis-obstacles in the way of its discovery. The discovery of the new Asteroid, Astrea, which had sig-tance from the sun,-by the usual progression,-of nalised that year, and continued, “it (the year) has a planet outlying Neptune would be over 6,000 mildone more; it has given us the probable prospect of the discovery of another. We see it as Columbus saw America from the shores of Spain. Its movements have been felt trembling along the far-reaching line of our analysis, with a certainty hardly inferior to that of ocular demonstration." Is it not cheering to witness the honorable proIt is true, that the way had by this time been well gress that Astronomy is making among us? We paved for the majestic approach of the new planet, have several well-furnished and well-plied obserbut the data for such conclusions were not col-vatories,-National, Collegiate and Municipal; and lected in a day, or a year. Yet just about the time our astronomers are in correspondence with the that Doctor Lardner was endeavoring by means most distinguished of Europe. The National Obof logical arguments," as Galileo said of his op-servatory, through Lieutenants Gillies and Magry, ponents, "to charm" all new 'planets out of the has presented its first fruits to the scientific worldsky," Le Verriere, (Adams, too,) was prepared con- which, especially those of the present superintenfidently to predict the existence of one near four dent, have been pronounced by competent judges, thousand millions of miles from the sun. such as Arago, no unworthy offering. If he could be induced therefor to retire from his present honorable position and scientific connexions, I knew no one who would so well adorn the presidential chair of our venerable William & Mary. He would infuse new life into her; and raise her to more than pristine eminence.

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lions of miles. Yet perturbations affecting him may in turn reveal the existence of another bright planet beyond; and Astronomy, now rendered prophetic, be persuaded of its presence there, though never disclosed even by the aid of the telescope.

What both public and private institutions have

This planet, Neptune, or Le Verriere, is the third orb in size in our system, being about 50,000 miles in diameter. His bulk is 250 times that of the earth; though, not being of so dense a material, his mass, or quantity of matter, is only 38 times that of the earth-that of Jupiter being 338 times, and that of Saturn 95 times. His mean distance from the sun is 3,200 millions of done for the scientific reputation of our country, miles: consequently a lineal extent of 1,400 millions of miles has been added to the space occupied by the Solar family; and if the whole orbit of Jupiter were stretched into a line, it would not reach from Neptune to the sun.

It may naturally be asked, "is this the last?" The depths of space are doubtless full of shining orbs; and it might be unphilosophical, as yet at least, to limit the power of the Sun's attraction. Sir David Brewster says of Neptune, "Yet there

bespeaks the most liberal encouragement of congress, within their constitutional authority. I hope that they will speedily furnish the National Obser vatory with every instrument and appliance that may enable it to become a leader and an explorer in

* So far from this being said in disparagement of any of her present faculty,-for all of whom, and especially the present incumbent of her presidential office, I enterta high respect and good will, it has reference only to a sew organization, provided one should take place.




The reader will recollect that Mary Hunter, in the interview described in the last chapter, gave Carabas Car a letter which she characterized as that of a base person. This judgment which her refined sense had reached was a very just one. The letter was anonymous. Carabas read it in such privacy as his uproarious guests permitted him to steal. It was as follows: "Dear Miss:

the unoccupied realms of scientific enquiry. Some, I know, look to the Smithsonian Institute to supply almost every deficiency in our literary and scientific foundations. But whilst I wish that Institation the highest success and usefulness, it produces a feeling of deep humiliation to reflect that the private munificence of an individual, a stranger to our soil, should not only exceed, but be a substitute for the contributions of a great, wealthy and enlightened nation, to those things which constitute the basis of the most enduring national fame and monuments of the most elevated national pride. Literature and Science, represented chiefly by Arago, Lamartine and Victor Hugo, occupy a conspicuous position in the recent remarkable revolution in France. If they be men of wisdom as well as of letters, they have a rare opportunity of blessing France. Warned by past excesses, the prudent can but indulge apprehensions as to the result. There is too much of the old leaven of infidelity still at work amongst the literary classes; and the example set in Paris is likely to spread till Russia, Austria, and perchance England, alarmed for their own stability, will again put forth their armed in-worth a cent in a short time, and to put you on terposition. Here, letters and liberty may be associated under a well-founded republic; and in a few more years, an Arago among us may be our minister of the marine; and our Lamartines prove worthy successors in high public employments of our Pauldings, and Irvings, and Bancrofts.

April 13, 1848.


B. B. M.

With amber light, the East is all a glow,
Night slowly gathers up her train far spread,
And westward hies, by soft-paced Vesperus led,
While herald clouds the bright'ning orient strow.
O'er the misty mountain's waiting rim,-lo!
The Day god lifts his calm, majestic head
And all is light! The last bold star hath fled,
And gladness wakes in all the earth below.
Sing, sing ye happy birds, from vale and hill,
Ye breezes murmur with a wilder thrill,
Ye fountains, gurgling from the darksome earth,
Smile in his rays and dance with freer mirth,
Open ye flow'rets, and though silent aye,
Shed your sweet incense to the rising day.

Virginia, 1848,

C. C. L.

It is with feelings not to be described that I take up my pen to write you these few lines to let you know that a good friend is watching over you and always ready with best advice and more if necessary, and to let you know that your best chance, which is your most prudent course, is to turn Mr. Carabas Car off, who is going fast and will not be

your guard against said Mr. Car, who besides is a gambler, and losing a fortune every night to such fellows as it would be a disgrace for a gentleman to have anything to do with in the way of dealing. Also I would wish to let you know that he is unprincipled as respects killing his fellow men, which is against the laws of Moses, and to be punished when found out by the laws of the commonwealth (which is certainly right, for how are we to be safe if men are to be allowed to shoot their fellow-men) and to be punished according to how they do it, some going to the gallows and some to the penitentiary, which in the opinion of subscriber is worse than the gallows, at least subscriber thinks so, and that Mr. Car ought to be sent (which other respectable persons agree in opinion with subscriber) and that he ought to be sent, which may happen. In the way of carrying out what subscriber says, it was only the other day that Mr. Car, after betting such a sum as was a foolish disgrace, twenty thousand dollars to ten thousand, when he could have got ten thousand to twenty with Colonel Bull of Tennessee, and losing the same, shot a poor innocent individual of a large family that might have been thrown orphans and widows on the cold charity of the world (which makes the blood run cold to think of) in a manner that it was a miracle he did not kill him, which is owing to his disgraceful and dangerous and bloody-minded disposition, which God preserve subscriber from, who, however, is not afraid to let his name be known, if you, dear Miss, are disposed to do the prudent thing, and not kick (?) a respectable person in whom subscriber is interested for the sake of ruining yourself and posterity (no offence) by marrying a man who is a gambler, a fool, as to his money, and guilty of man

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