
of polytheism upon all who differ from them, I now deny their exclufive right to this denomination: we alfo are Unitarians.

"But this is not all; for I do not mean to reft contented with a joint poffeffion of this title, I demand the entire refignation of it to us exclufively. Nothing lefs than the abfolute renunciation will fatisfy me. Shall they who concur with a Jew, "who crucified the Lord of Glory," and with the Muffulman, to whom the name of our Redeemer is an abomination, make pretenfions to the title of Chriftians? fhall they pretend that they worship the Father, and are therefore Unitarians? Our Lord himself fhall put them down, who fays, "He that hateth me, hateth my Father alfo." John xv. 23.'

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Surely Mr Burgh, of all men, has no right to complain of virulent obloquy. The abufe that he has thrown upon Mr. Lindfey, Mr. Temple, and Unitarians in general, and the difingenuous manner in which he has conducted his Inquiry, betray a mind filled with prejudice and partiality, are a difcredit to himfelf and to his caufe, and can be pleafing to none but the more bigotted and violent of those who hold the fame opinions with himself. Yet the univerfity of Oxford has thought proper to compliment him with an honorary degree. Of fo great account, in the estimation of that celebrated body, is a bind and furious zeal for eftablished tenets, as to compenfate for the want, not only of clear ideas, and juft reasoning, but also of ingenuity, candour, and charity. How prudent the advice of Bishop Hare to a young clergyman "Whatever therefore you do, be orthodox: orthodoxy will cover a multitude of fins, but a cloud of virtues cannot cover the want of the minutest particle of orthodoxy."



• Difficulties and Difcouragements, &c. Eighth Edit. p. 20.

ART. XI. Letters to the Rev. Thomas Randolph, D. D. Prefident of C. C. C. and Lady Margaret's Profeffor of Divinity in the Univer fity of Oxford. Containing a Defence of Remarks on the Layman's Scriptural Confutation. By A. Temple, M. A. With an Appendix, in which the Tendency and Merits of Dr. Burgh's

Publications are more particularly confidered. 8vo. 39. 6 d.

fewed. Cadell, &c.


HIS is a fenfible and judicious reply to Dr. Randolph's animadverfions upon Mr. Temple's Remarks, in which the Doctor is fairly convicted of mifreprefentation, and juftly reproved for the want of that candour and charity which equally become the Gentleman and the Chriftian.

In fuch an hacknied controverfy as that of the Trinity, it cannot be expected that much new matter should be advanced REV. Nov. 1779.



on either fide: old arguments will be continually revived, and old answers must be repeated. Mr. Temple has, accordingly, many extracts from former writers on the fubject, by whom the arguments alleged by Dr. Randolph have been particularly confidered and refuted; and he refers, on feveral occafions, to An Inquiry into the Opinions of the learned Chriftians, both ancient and modern, concerning the Generation of Jefus Chrift, by the Editor of Ben Mordecai's Letters; a writer whom our modern advocates for the doctrine of the Trinity appear loth to attack. That they have permitted his publications to remain fo long unanswered, is a proof that they feel the fuperiority of his abilities, and the ftrength of his argument. Our fentiments on the fubject of the Trinity are well known: and we fcruple not to affirm, that the more we read and reflect upon it, the more firmly we are convinced of the falsehood and abfurdity of the Athanafian doctrine. Mr. Temple has, in our opinion, undeniably proved that "the Supreme God, he who was before all things, beings, or perfons; and was himself the cause of every thing, being, or perfon, of which no one could exift, but as it pleafed him to give him exiftence, must be underived and selfexiftent; and confequently that Jefus Chrift, whofe attributes and effence, according to Dr. Randolph himself, are derived to him from the Father, cannot be the Supreme God." In his fourth Letter he has fhewn, in a mafterly manner, that upon the Athanafian fcheme it is not poffible to vindicate our Saviour from the charge of prevarication, when he declared, Mark xiii. 32, Of that day and hour knoweth no man (according to our tranflation; but in the original it is deis, none, no per-" fon) no, not the angels in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father; the Father only, Matth. xxiv. 36: and has pointed out, in particular, the weakness and infufficiency of Dr. Randolph's evafions on this fubject. The reader will find many critical remarks and ingenious reflections on paffages of fcripture, the fenfe in which the term Osos is applied to Chrift, John i. 1, and in which it is faid that all things were created by him, and for him (according to that which is termed the Arian hypothefis), the worship due to Chrift, and other important topics, fcattered throughout the work; which we think cannot but give fatisfaction, as far as relates to the inferiority of the Son to the Father, to every one who dares to think in oppofition to the creed of his nurfe, and the decifions of authority.

The Appendix contains fome juft and pointed obfervations on three paffages extracted from Dr. Burgh's Scriptural Confutation, and on the conduct of the University of Oxford in con

* See Dr. Burgh's Scriptural Confutation, p. 199.



ferring an honorary degree upon fuch a Writer. The paffages are the following:

Firft; "Reason is incapable of forming any idea of God: from whatever ultimate maxims Reafon may proceed with relation to scripture truth, she is debarred of any appeal to God himself, or to any imagination fhe may conceive herfelf able to entertain of him." Page 28.

• Secondly; "God (Dr. B. means the one living and true God) took manhood on him, in order to give a fenfible object of worship to mankind.-And to this object of fenfe worship may be preferred without the imputation of idolatry." Page 150.

Thirdly; "All that it (holy fcripture) contains, was as perfpicuous to those who firft perufed it after the rejection of the Papal yoke, as it can be to us now, or as it can be to our pofterity in the fiftieth generation." Page 220.

If it was thought neceflary, fays Mr. Temple, to compliment Dr. B. for any part of his performances, it can never be fufficiently lamented, that a mark of reprobation was not set on the above-cited paffages; and much is it to be wished, on account of the refpectable authority which, one would hope, has unwarily recommended them, that the most explicit deteftation of the doctrines they contain may no longer be delayed. They are not flight and trivial mistakes, but capital falfities, which though charity may pardon on account of the peculiar prejudices of the writer, yet it is every man's duty to expofe; be. cause they are fubverfive of every thing rational and valuable in religion; and he who maintains them, is endeavouring, however undefignedly, to blow up the very rock on which true Protestantism, and true Chriftianity, is founded.'

Mr. Temple has added fome general remarks on Dr. Burgh's last publication, of which we have given an account in the preceding Article; and has produced a number of paffages from the writers of the first three centuries, which are altoge: her irreconcilable with the Athanafian doctrine of the Trinity. It is obfervable, that fome of thefe paflages are the fame that Dr. Burgh, in his hafty zeal, had produced to prove that they were not Unitarians.

ART. XII. A Journal of the Life, Travels, and Labours in the Work of the Ministry of John Griffith. 8vo. 4 s. Phillips. 1779.


HIS honeft man was an itinerant preacher among the Quakers. He appears to be a ftaunch friend to his fect, and thoroughly to have imbibed the fpirit of George Fox. He will not bate an ace to the fleeple house; and would confider it as a fpecies of Anti-chriftian profanation to facrifice the diftinguishing prerogatives of THEE and THOU. The flesh (says our Journalist) warreth against the spirit. Its language is quite oppofite

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oppofite thereunto. The flesh fays, "there is little in drefs: religion doth not confift in apparel: there is little in language: there is little in paying tythes, &c. to the priefts: there is little in carrying guns in our fhips to defend ourselves in cafe we are attacked by an enemy."-To which I think it may be fafely added, that there is little or nothing in people who plead as above hinted, pretending to be of our fociety: for if they can eafily let fall the before-mentioned branches of our Chriftian teftimony, they will maintain the other no longer than they apprehend will fuit their temporal intereft. I have often wondered why fuch continue to profess with us at all.'

Mr. Griffith was born in Radnor fhire, in South Wales, in the year 1713. He was favoured, he fays, with the heartmelting vifitations of God's love, when he was about seven or eight years old but like the prophet Samuel, he did not know from whence his precious confolations came.' He proceeds to give an account of his awakenings, convictions, relapfes, horFors, recoveries, &c. &c. till he brings us to his converfionthe Lord, fays he, teaching my hands to war, and my fingers to fight under his banner, through whose bleffing and affiftance I found fome degree of victory over the beaft, viz. that part which hath its life in fleshly gratifications.' When Mr. Griffith had broke in his own Beaft, he thought he could not be better employed than to affift others in performing the fame kind office on theirs. As I remember, fays he, I was twenty-one years of age the very day I firft entered into this great and awful work of the miniftry, which was the 21ft of the fifth month, old ftile, 1734. A matter of fuch confequence undoubtedly deferved to be recorded in the most particular manner, to prevent debates in future times! We have heard that feven cities were together by the ears about the birth-place of Homer: and all this contention arofe from a deficiency in biography that cannot be charged to the account of Mr. Griffith.

His conflicts with the beaft, indeed, were not at an end, notwithstanding the Lord had committed to him the difpenfation of the gospel, with the incomes of peace and joy in the Holy Ghoft. Great, fays he, were my temptations, and various the combats I had for divers years after, with my foul's enemies. Oh! how hard I found it to keep from being defiled, more or lefs, with the polluting floods which were almost continually poured out of the great red dragon's mouth, in order to carry away my imagination into unlawful delights, from which I did not always wholly escape !'

.. But amidst the actings of fin he found the counter-actings of grace. It was frequently hot work; for he informs us, that he often found, that when the Judge of all hath been pleafed to arife, and to find him out with his fig-leaf covering


on (having very imprudently, by giving way to wrong things, in a great measure loft the garment of innocence), the furnace hath been made very hot, that fo his drofs might be done away.'

At length Mr. Griffith found his mind pretty ftrongly drawn, as he expreffeth himself, and much inclined to enter into a marriage ftate with a young woman, whose name was Rebekkah. We took each other, fays he, in marriage the 30th of the tenth month, 1737, at a large and folemn meeting, under the precious over-fhadowing of the power of divine love-I think to a larger degree than I had often, if ever felt before, which was no fmall confirmation of our being rightly joined together.'

Mr. Griffith proceeds to journalize it through upwards of 400 pages; in which we have an account of his perils by fea and land-perils amongst falfe brethren-perils of the flesh and perils of the fpirit. The poor man, in company with a few friends, were moved to visit their brethren and fifters in New England but after encountering the dangers of the Atlantic (for by the bye we ought to have remarked that the laft fcene of his labours was laid in America) he, with his companions, was taken by a privateer, and carried to France. Here he conversed with nuns, and difputed with friars. Some of their questions, fays he, were very enfnaring: however, I was enabled to answer them in fuch a manner as that they could take no advantage thereof, to bring me into trouble.' Cunning enough!

From France Mr. Griffith and his companions were carried to Spain, and ftaid at Sebaftian feveral weeks for the cartel fhip's failing. The Spaniards, fays he, are much more difagreeable to live amongst than the French. The men appeared to us, in a general way, poor, proud, and exceeding lazy; filled with high conceits of themfeives, both in a civil and a religious fenfe. They fauntered about, walking with their cloaks over their fhoulders, looking upon us with contempt, as we neither could bow to their pride, nor to their religion: nor could we look upon them in a favourable light when we observed what flaves they make of their wives, and of their women in general, who are employed in all or moft of the drudgery, even in rowing their boats. I have seen in their ferries, and other bufinefs on the water, to speak within compass, more than a hundred women thus employed; and scarcely is a man seen to touch an oar, unless he goes a fifhing; and then his wife or fome woman muft bring his cloak and fword to the water-fide against he comes on fhore, and carry the fish home on her head, while he walks in ftate to the town.'

After congratulating English women on their privileges, he thus graphically defcribes the ftate of religion in that country.

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