
high art as to have induced some thoughtful men to pronounce the whole thing one of the cants of the age, the study of the beautiful, both in nature and the productions of human genius, must have a tendency to refine and elevate the mind. THE LIBRARY MANUAL. By J. HERBERT SLATER. London: L. Upcott Gill This is a Manual on the interesting subject of Bibliography, and consists of two sections the theoretical and the practical. It is a guide to a formation of a library of rare and standard books. In the first section there is a treatment on books generally, and in the second on books and their Manual. It is a most valuable Manual for the hands not only of all literary men and all lovers of books, but all who aspire to the honour of authorship.

OUR CHILDREN'S CONCERT; A BOOK OF ANTHEMS, SONGS, AND CHORUSES ARRANGED FOR CHILDREN. London: W. Mack, Paternoster Square. We hope that this little book may be the first of many like it. We have no doubt it will contribute to many a pleasant evening. The melodies are, for the most part, bright and pleasing, while their arrangement leaves nothing to be desired. One or two of the anthems will require some determined practice before they are thoroughly mastered, but this will only add to the pleasure they will give when learnt. Amongst the lighter pieces we notice as specially good a March entitled "To the Tap of the Drum," set to a famous and stirring air in "William Tell."

THE CHILDREN'S HANDEL. London: Angener and Co., Regent Street.

This book contains short pieces for the Pianoforte-thirty for Piano Solo, six for Duet. They are selected and arranged without octaves, fingered and revised by Herr Pauer. It contains a careful biographic sketch of the illustrious composer. We need scarely say that the musical compositions are of the choicest kind.

THE MOTHER'S TREASURY; containing Hints and Helps for the Household. London: The Book Society, 28, Paternoster Row.

This volume for 1882 ought to have had an earlier notice from our pen, and would have done so but for the crowd of books out of which we have to select some for priority of review. Now that we have opportunity we should like emphatically to recommend this well printed, well illustrated, well written, and altogether well edited serial. To thousands of mothers of all classes of homes this Treasury would be a little treasure; for it not only puts into the hand very much in the way of narrative, of poem, of music, and of maxim that would be of direct use to them in talking to and training their children, but provides at least much in the way of counsel, cheer, hints, and examples, and even inspiration for mothers themselves. If any book could satisfy the now familiar advertisement, "Wanted, a Mother's Help," we have no hesitation in saying this would be the


PRIMITIVE METHODIST QUARTERLY REVIEW. London: Ralph Fenwick, Sutton Street, E.


We are glad to see this excellent Quarterly Review holding on its way. number contains articles on Frederick Douglas, the great negro orator, the Transcendental in New England, Ralph Waldo Emerson, &c., &c. They are well written. "The Symposium" seems to us a very valuable part of the work, which altogether reflects great credit on the earnest and useful body of which it is the


London: George Stoneman.

Here is an Annual for Children, containing stories, pictures, poems, puzzles, &c.
It will bear favourable comparison with some of the best of its kind, and bears in
it the promise of long life and usefulness, and such we heartily wish it.

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The Perfect Non-Alcoholized Wine for the Holy Communion.


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ANALYSIS of "VINO SACRO" by Professor ATTFIELD, F.R.S., Ph.D. F.J.C., F.C.S., &c., &c.

"I have carefully analysed this Wine. Unlike most of the wines of the Spanish Par sula, it contains no added alcohol, while it has sufficient to stamp it as a true grapes

of natural strength-viz., 10 per cent. It possesses an extremely pleasant, fruity, vine odour and flavour, and a rich natural colour. Its proportions of fruit acid, saline stances, and grape juice solids generally are exactly what they should be in a natural vis The proportion of saccharine matter is appropriate in a wine intended chiefly for Altar January 1st, 1883. (Signed,) "JOHN ATTFIELD UNSOLICITED TESTIMONY.

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"MUTHILL, PERTHSHIRE, 20th October, 188 GENTLEMEN,-I have much pleasure in bearing testimony to the excellence of 'VINO SACRO' as an Altar Wine. It is sweet, but not thick and syrupy as Tent of is. I have just tested some from a bottle opened more than a month ago, and it is n in the least acid. I thought it desirable to send a sample to a Chemist for analysis, received the following most satisfactory report:-'Sound and good; no deleterious gredient. Foreign colouring matter absent its colour is natural. Quantity of saccharin matter small; no trace of the usual materials used in making cheap wine. Percentage of alcohol about 12.

You and

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The Homilist, though taking a fresh start, will run on the old lines, and under the same catholic skies, freighted, as for the past quarter of a century, not with heavy timber, but with seeds and saplings, not with manufactured metal, but with virgin ore.

The Homilist will only have space on its pages for condensed and suggestive thinkings. For though we are enabled to reckon on the valued help of some of the ripest Scholars and Leader of Religious Thought of our times, we shall prize all articles just as their pith and point may serve our readers. Ever our aim, cherished earnestly if humbly, will be the storage of spiritual and intellectual force,-such a storage of force as shall, under God, contribute to the light and life and progress of souls. Redland, Bristol. URIJAH R. THOMAS,

All contributions, which if in accordance with the preceding note, will be thankfully welcomed, to be forwarded to the Editor, as above.

The JUNE number will contain continuation of series by Rev. Dr. DAVID THOMAS; PETER RUTHERFORD; and A. F. FORREST; and also Articles by Revs. J. RHYS EVANS; T. BROUGHTON KNIGHT; Canon PERCIVAL; H. ARNOLD THOMAS, M.A.; ALEXANDER WILSON, B.A.; CORNELIUS WITHERBY, M. A.; and the EDITOR,

The Editor will, following the example and wish of the Founder, endeavour to meet the circumstances of Ministers of very limited incomes, by a reduction in the price of The Homilist, if application is made to him. Volume I. of the current (Eclectic) series is now ready. Price 7s. 6d., cloth, red edges.

All correspondence on ordinary business or advertisements, and all Books for review, to be addressed to the Publisher.

Advertisements or Bills for insertion in The Homilist should be sent, not later than the middle of the Month, to Mr. C. WILKES, Advertising Agent, 60, Old Bailey, Lordon, E.C., or to the Publisher, Mr. W. MACK, 4, Paternoster Square, London; or 38, Park Street, Bristol.

Applications for the last series of The Homilist, either in numbers or volumes, to be made to A. THOMAS, 104, Upper Tulse Hill, London.

Dr. THOMAS will, as in past years, be glad to welcome at his house, 104, Upper Tulse Hill, London, on Thursday, May 10th, from 4 to 7, any Readers of The Homilist who may be in London on that day.

This Library will comprise a re-print of all the productions of Dr. DAVID THOMAS which have appeared in the Homilist and elsewhere. The work on PSALMS will appear in three volumes, the FIRST and SECOND of which have just been issued by Dickenson, Farringdon Street.

THE MINISTERS' SEASIDE HOME, THE GRANGE, MORTHOE, NORTH DEVON, receives Ministers and their Wives (not children) of all denominations, on a scale of charges according to their incomes, the special aim being to provide rest, or recreation after illness, for Ministers of limited incomes. All applications to be addressed to the Founder and Warden, Rev. URIJAH R. THOMAS, Redland, Bristol.

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