
intellect, and soul; it causes the land to mourn, and hell to enlarge itself and rejoice. Surely then it is time that we make a united effort by moral, legal, and religious suasion to drive it into the deep dark shades of annihilation, from whence it can come forth no more to afflict the world, curse man, nor grieve Heaven!



It in

HOME is a very comprehensive term. cludes our bodies, our habitations, our heaven. They ought each to be pleasant, precious, and sweet considerations to us. Our present home consists of the bodily house we live in, and which is so fearfully and wonderfully made. Every pain, as well as every pleasure, should tend to increase our love for it. We ought to love it; God made man in his own perfect and glorious image, and his dear Son honoured the body by making it his temporary dwellingplace. We ought to love it, for notwithstanding the scars of sin, yet we can still see beautiful traces of its pristine glory, and earnests of its future glory when "it shall be fashioned like unto Christ's glorious body!" We ought to love it, for our eternal destinies-of joy or woe, will depend upon the deeds done while in it! We ought to love it, because it will again become our home, after our association with heavenly

intelligences, when there is a a new earth."

a new heaven and

"Brief life is here our portion,

Brief sorrow, short-lived care;
The life that knows no ending,
The tearless life is there."

The All-wise Proprietor has enjoined upon us the necessity of keeping this physical home clean, pure, undefiled, and healthful. "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? if any man defile the temple of God, him will God destroy."

There are also our habitations which we call homes. A home does not merely consist in a commodious, magnificent, and pleasantly situated mansion; nor in its graceful, superb, and fashionable furniture which adorns it; nor in the abundance of luxurious fruits and flowers which surround it,-but in the contentment, peace, goodwill, and love of its occupants. It can only be a real and sweet home, inasmuch as it resembles heaven. Heaven is governed by love, served in love, and filled with love. There are no jarring strings in the golden harps! There are no discordant notes in the song of Moses and the Lamb! All is concord, all is harmony! Essential purity supremely reigns!

"To have sweet homes we must have obedience!
To have sweet homes we must have prayer!
To have sweet homes we must have praise!
To have sweet homes we must have our Bethels!
To have sweet homes we must have a consecrated band!

""Tis said that ever round our path the unseen angels


That give us blissful dreams by night, and guard our steps by day

But there's an angel in the house, meek, watchful and sincere

That whispers words of hope to us when none beside

are near:

It is the one, the chosen one, that's link'd to us for life, The angel of the happy home, is a faithful loving wife."

There is also our heavenly home. That is inconceivably and unspeakably a sweet home. No sickness there! No misunderstandings there! No absent members there! No poverty there! No want of ventilation there! No lack of pure water there! No lack of nice becoming clothing there! No lack of luscious life-fruits there! The universal Father is there! The Comforter is there! The glorious Redeemer is there! The Patriarchs, Prophets, and Apostles are there! Our fathers and mothers that were in the flesh are there! But

best of all we too may get there, and live with them in that sweet home for ever and for ever. We shall walk with God in light.


GOD is good.

years of trials and ence have caused


Precious truth! Thirty-six blessings in my own experifull and faithful endorse


ment of that trite and true saying. My birth and birthright-my position and providences

my mental and moral endowments-my convictions and conversion-my aspirations and assurances-my happy heart and honest hope, all joyfully respond, Amen,-God is good! My life, my liberty, and my love-my desires and destiny-my present crosses and prospective crown, all echo God is good! My senses, my sickness, my sorrows, and my scriptures, are another fourfold testimony that God is good! His word, the unspeakable gift of his only begotten Son-his exhaustless grace--and the promised exceeding eternal weight of glory, testify that God is good! His precious promises-his full and free pardon-his ever watchful providence his inconceivable peace, as produced by his Holy Spirit, and his promised palms of glory, should convince all that God is good!

But are all so convinced? Alas! alas!

the almost universal worship of other gods gives the answer. Mammon, Bacchus, and Venus are the honoured triune god. The measure of affection is known by the immense wealth which is expended for their support. If the fearful amount of treasure which is constantly sacrificed to these vicious idols were spent in humanizing institutions, and evangelical efforts, God's universal reign would be materially facilitated.

We profess to mourn over ancient idolatry, yet we cherish idolatry. We condemn in so many words the Dagon of the Philistines, and the golden calf which was set up by Aaron in

Horeb, but in actions we follow their unrighteous course. I doubt whether or not if we had the power commensurate with our desires, we should not use the alchemy which would change our altars, our sanctuaries, and our bibles into gold. How often are rich knaves idolized while honest worth in tattered garments passes by unnoticed! The murmurers over the golden pot of ointment, used by grateful affectionate Mary in anointing the Saviour's feet, are not all dead, neither are they all converted

"I know a poor and honest man,

Who strives to live on the Christian plan;
But poor he is, and poor will be;
A scorned and hated thing is he :
Abroad, he leadeth a leper's life;
At home he meeteth a starving wife :-
The struggle against a fearful odds,
Who will not worship the people's gods;
Dimes and dollars, dollars and dimes,
An empty pocket's the worst of crimes."

Mr. Faulker, in his nomination speech at Nottingham, took out of his pocket a sovereign and characteristically said

"This, this is the god we adore,

Our faithful, unchangeable friend."

What was done openly by that fanatical candidate is done secretly by thousands in both Church and State. The god of this world is blinding the great majority, and leading them to the chambers of death by the golden thread. Ministers and members of Christian churches

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