



FOR APRIL, 1832.



It is a pleasing exercise of the mind to contemplate pure and undefiled religion even in theory. She is possessed of such beauty and loveliness, and adorned with so many attractive qualities, that when seen and known she compels her enemies to admire, and awakens new emotions of esteem in the hearts of her friends. Her countenance beams forth benignity and love; her every look indicates serenity and peace; her language is heavenly wisdom; and her every action righteousness. Clothed with humility she vaunteth not herself, assumes no forbidding airs, but is easy to be entreated, and full of good fruits. Her heart is the seat of compassion; and her hand is open and ready to relieve distress in all its various forms. She wipes the tear from the eye of sorrow; takes away the fear that hath torment; inspires with hope the desponding mind, by directing it to the atoning blood and perfect righteousness of the Saviour; endues with patience under affliction; and even in death, like a guardian angel, points and leads the way to the fountain of life, and of pure, uninterrupted, and endless joy.

Though we do not behold religion embodied as perfect as the ideal conception we can form of it; yet, in many instances, we see it exemplified in a high degree of power and excellence. Through the connexion of the renewed mind with YOL, X.

the body it is constantly affected and influenced by bodily wants, appetites, and passions, and by circumstances and surrounding objects. Hence the holy principles of religion meet with a counteracting force; and "the law in the members wars against the law of the mind," and shades and obscures at seasons the beauties of holiness. But whatever imperfections may attend the subject of true religion, he is distinguished from what he was in his unrenewed state, and from what others are while the servants of sin, by his views, his feelings, his spirit, and practice. He hungers and thirsts after righteousness, and earnestly desires the spirit of grace, to work in him a complete conformity to the will of God. He sees all moral excellence combined in the Saviour; and it is his ardent desire and prayer that he may, by divine grace, be blessed with a growing resemblance of him.

In the experience and lives of many worthy ministers and private Christians recorded in your pages, we have indubitable evidence of the truth of the above statement. Their deep repentance, humility, and self-denial; their watchfulness, spiritual-mindedness, and fervent devotion; their compassion, active benevolence, and readiness to every good work; their meekness and patience under oppo. sition and trials; their steady perseverance;

their love to the Saviour and his cause; their zeal in his service, and their unceasing prayers for the enlargement of his kingdom and the salvation of sinners, manifest the power of grace on the heart, and exhibit striking traits of the character of their Redeemer and Lord. We are encompassed with a cloud of witnesses to the power of divine grace; and the influence of their example cannot fail to excite the desire of imitation, and induce some to become followers of such as are now inheriting the promised blessings.

In the following narrative of the experience and leading events and circumstances of the life of the late Rev. W. Lees, the writer has been favoured with the particulars recorded by his own hand, and evidently written to remind himself of his responsibility and obligation to the God of all grace. He was the son of William and Mary Lees, of Bugsworth, in the parish of Glossop, in the county of Derby, and was born on the 20th of August, 1785. His parents removing to Tintwistle, he became, while young, an attendant on the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Hudson, dissenting minister of that place. He grew up in stature, but remained in total spiritual darkness, discovering only the inherent depravity of the heart. Having an ear for music he was induced to learn to sing, and this became his chief object of pursuit and pleasure. His delight in music brought him regularly to the house of God; and in this way a habit of regularly attending the worship of God was formed

As early as his thirteenth year he was the subject of deep convictions and alarming fears. These, he observes, were excited by reading the following lines of Dr. Watts:

Thou lovely chief of all my joys!
Thou sovereign of my heart!
How could I bear to hear thy voice

Pronounce the sound, Depart!"

So vivid was the impression made on his mind, that he fancied himself summoned to the bar of God, and thought he heard his Judge pronounce the sentence, "Depart, ye cursed, into everlasting fire," &c. The fears and terrors produced on this occasion were of short duration, and he gradually relapsed into his former state of indifference and sin. But, through divine grace, by his regular attendance on the ministry of the gospel his mind was gradually enlightened and his heart changed; so that instead of finding plea

sure in sin, and in the society and pursuits of his sinful associates, he found only the wormwood of remorse and the gall of conscious guilt. Some portion of the divine word came with power to his mind: such as, "A companion of fools shall be destroyed;" and, "Come out from among them," &c., and awakened again his solicitude.

In the above state he continued for some years, sinning and repenting, without any clear and consistent views either of his own totally lost condition, or of the free grace of God in the salvation of sinners. Engaging to instruct a friend in reading and writing, a lesson was usually selected from the Scriptures; and while reading Luke xix. 40," If these should hold their peace, the very stones would cry out," he was most deeply impressed with a sense of the hardness of his own heart, and thought the very stones might cry out against him. He quotes the following lines as expressive of what he felt:

"The rocks could rend, the earth could quake;
The seas could roar, the mountains shake;
Of feeling all things show some sign
But this unfeeling heart of mine."

He had not hitherto disclosed the state of his mind to any wise and experienced disciple; but, in the merciful providence of God, he became acquainted with a decidedly pious person, who, when he knew the state he was in, encouraged and directed him to flee, by penitence and prayer, to the Saviour, as the only ground of hope to a sinner; urging the subject by the danger of delay, and by the gracious invitations and promises of the gospel. He now sought to the Lord, and made fervent supplications for mercy. He approached the throne of grace as a criminal, and cast himself on the free love of God in the gift of his Son, and on the merit of the Son for pardon, acceptance, and life, encouraged by the assurance, "that him that cometh he will in no wise cast out." He now found peace, and the service of God became his delight. He knew the joyful sound of the gospelwalked in the light of God's countenance, in his name rejoiced all the day, and in his righteousness was exalted.

But this happy frame of mind was suc, ceeded by fears lest he should be deceiving himself, which he dreaded more than any other thing. What induced this change in his views of his state, and awakened his suspicions, was, "that he

could not ascertain the precise period of bis conversion to God." On this account he was afraid his profession was only formal, the result of human persuasion, and not the effect of divine grace on his heart. Perplexed and distressed on this subject, he, like Bunyan, desired that a miracle might be wrought to prove to his own satisfaction that he was a child of God. Conversing with a Christian friend, he stated what were his fears and desires. This friend argued and proved from the Scriptures that his desire was very improper; that we are to ascertain our conversion and our adoption by our spirit and our conduct. "By their fruits ye shall know them." Convinced of his error, and judging of his spiritual state by this criterion, his fears were removed, and his peace and comfort were restored. He observes, that he could rejoice in hope that there was mercy even for him; and that it was his great concern to cleave to the Lord, and to surrender himself to him, as his prophet to teach, his priest to atone, and his king to rule over him.

From his evident piety, and constant attendance on the means of grace-his spirit of prayer, and delight in religious conversation, and in the society of the followers of Christ-he was encouraged to propose himself, with two other persons, as desiring to unite with the church at Tintwistle. This he did with great seriousness and deliberation, and with much prayer; and he regarded churchcommunion not only as a duty, but a privilege. Having tasted that the Lord is gracious, and finding him his joy and treasure, he strove to walk not only in all the commands, but in all the ordinances, of the Lord blameless. The account he gave to the church of his experience being satisfactory, he was readily admitted, and walked with them in the fellowship of the gospel.

As there was something particular and heart-searching in the method of admitting persons as members of this church adopted by the worthy pastor, it may be useful to transcribe the questions which were proposed to the candidate, and to which he was expected to give explicit answers. They were the following:

"1. Do you solemnly profess your repentance towards God, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? 2. Have you a sight and

se se of the evil nature of sin?

3. Are you

en ouraged to return to God by the expressions of his mercy in Christ to returning sinners? 4. Is it the steady purpose of your

heart to forsake every sin? 5. Are you resolved, through grace, to labour after new obedience? And for the trial of your faith allow me to ask,-1. Do you heartily approve of God's way of saving sinners through faith in Christ? 2. Do you cast yourself on Christ for salvation? 3. Is Christ precious to you ? 4. Do you as sincerely desire that your soul may be sanctified as that your sins may be pardoned?

"As you are now entering into churchfellowship with us,-1. Are you willing to enter into communion with us on the principle of mutual consent? 2. Do you resolve, through grace, to discharge the duties to which your church-membership will oblige you? 3. Will you guard against raising dissentions and harbouring an ill opinion of other members? 4. Will you endeavour to keep up your communion by attending the ordinances? 5. Will you pray for the pastor and for the people? 6. As God may build you up into a family, are you resolved that whatever others do, you and your house will serve the Lord? 7. As you know not what temptation may befal you, should your own case and the safety and honour of the church require the exercise of a holy discipline over you, will you bear it with submission and patience? 8. Should circumstances render it necessary for you to apply for dismission from the church, will you do it in love, that you may depart in peace?"

To the above questions very suitable answers were returned; and henceforward he walked with the church in Christian fellowship, adorning the doctrine of God his Saviour in all things. His scriptural knowledge and gift in prayer, deep seriousness and consistent deportment, induced the church to recommend him to the work of the ministry. Though he has left no account of his views in reference to the ministry, there can be no doubt but the work of the ministry was what he cordially desired, and that when friends advised and Providence led the way he gladly engaged in studies preparatory to public labour. It is probable that he entered the new institution at Windsor, near Manchester, and received instruction under the late excellent Mr. Roby, whose sound scriptural knowledge qualified him for the office, in the latter part of the year 1811. Here he remained for two years, when this institution was new-modified, and the theological department was given up. He was recommended to the college at Rotherham, and, being admitted, he arrived there Jan. 18, 1814, and pursued his studies with diligence and perseverance. Being, from his age and previous studies, a senior,he was frequently engaged

on the Sabbath in supplying for absent ministers, or preaching to destitute churches; and his labours in the gospel on these occasions were generally acceptable. Among the churches destitute of a pastor was the new and small one at Knottingley, near Pontefract, raised by the occasional labours of the minister of the latter place; and being then supplied by the students from the college at Rotherham, he came occasionally, and was induced to accept an invitation to settle among them. Here was a large population, but generally ignorant, and had scarcely even the form of religion among them-the Sabbath being spent either in idleness or intemperance.

Prior to his acceptance of the call from Knottingley, he had supplied and preached at Thirsk and Sutton-two interests raised by the blessing of God on the occasional labours of the Rev. Mr. Howel, of Knaresborough, and of the Rev. J. Jackson, of Green Hammerton, and the liberality of Mr. Squires, of Osgoodby, Mr. Jackson's relative. With him resided as housekeeper Miss Ann Pallister, the daughter of a respectable farmer at Sessay, near Easingwald, and who had been called by grace to the knowledge of the Saviour under a discourse delivered by Mr. Howel. The ministers supplying the above places were hospitably entertained by Mr. Squires; and his housekeeper rapidly grew in spiritual knowledge, zeal, and holiness. With her Mr. Lees formed an acquaintance; and their desire at this period was to devote their lives to missionary labours among the miserable and perishing heathen. Impediments to the accomplishment of their desire were found to exist which could not then be surmounted. Among other reasons this disappointment inclined him to listen to the invitation from Knottingley, and to regard it as the will of God that he should settle and exercise his ministry there.

Soon after his settlement at Knottingley he married Miss Pallister, and found in her a helpmeet for him in every sense. He gives this character of her:-" Her spirit and temper were most amiable; her piety eminent; and her liberality such as to do honour to her heart, and to bring glory to the Saviour and his cause." Commanding in her personal appearance, and animated by redeeming love, and deeply impressed with the value of immortal souls, she entered the cottages of the poor, and by every means in her power endeavoured to awaken their attention to

eternal realities. She thus became a use ful fellow-labourer in the gospel with her husband, and there is reason to hope contributed much to that measure of success with which his labours were blessed. But ere one year had elapsed she was brought to the verge of the grave by bringing forth a still-born son, but was in mercy raised up again, and appeared more humble, more pious, and zealous than ever. Her labours of love were not permitted to continue long. A widowed sister being confined, and expected to die, of a typhus fever, she hastened to render what assistance she could. Her sister recovered, but she caught the fever and soon finished her earthly course.

Those who have experienced similar bereavements can alone enter into the feelings of her husband. He remarks, "that his short union with her had been the means of deepening religious impressions, and of making the Redeemer more precious to his soul; and that during this period his happiness had been as great as he could expect on earth." She died Oct. 15, 1818, in the 38th year of her age. Religion only enabled him to sustain this loss.

"I felt," says he," that God is a sovereign; but was convinced that the Judge of all the earth will do right. The words addressed to Peter forcibly struck my mind,

What I do thou knowest not now, but shalt know hereafter;' and I was enabled to say, The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, and blessed be the name of the Lord.'" He adds, "Since then I have often found my heart ready to repine at this dispensation. Lord, forgive me, and help me to submit to all the disposals of thy providence!"

From the death of his beloved partner he never seemed at home at Knottingley; and, owing to the low state of the interest and other circumstances, he thought it his duty to remove, whenever Providence should open a door of usefulness in some other situation. Supplying the new chapel at Dagley Lane, near Huddersfield, in the autumn of 1819, his services were acceptable, and he received a unanimous call to take the pastoral charge, dated Oct. 10, 1819. After due deliberation and prayer he accepted the call, and commenced his public labours among them on the first Sabbath in January, 1820; and in this place he continued to discharge the duties of a faithful pastor until called to enter into the joy of his Lord.

He found among his people some wellinformed and pious, with whom he could

maintain holy fellowship, and whose steady attachment to him and to his ministry greatly encouraged him. He was readily joined in every plan of usefulness; and as he was not a hireling, but a true spiritual shepherd, he shunned no labour to benefit his people, and to awaken sinners and direct them to the Saviour. Hence

he visited his people and preached in the villages around constantly, thus making full proof of his ministry. He was instant in season and out of season, or at stated seasons, and at others, as opportunity occurred, in preaching the unsearchable riches of Christ.

In the course of Divine Providence he became acquainted with Miss Martha Wilson, the eldest daughter of the late Mr. T. Wilson, who had carried on a large cutlery business in Sheffield; and judging from what he saw and learned of her piety, age, and other circumstances, that she would be a desirable partner and helper in his situation, their acquaintance grew into personal attachment, and they were married, March 14, 1822. In her he again found one to soothe him in sorrow, nurse him in affliction, encourage him amidst his labours and trials; and to her he proved a kind, indulgent, and sympathising husband. Living in peace, and in the love and fear of God, they enjoyed as much domestic happiness, and even more, than falls to the lot of many of God's people.

For nearly ten years after his settlement at Dagley Lane he enjoyed a pretty good state of health, and his time was fully Occupied in preparation for his public services, in visiting his flock, occasional preaching, and attending the committee meetings and anniversaries of the various religious societies. These anniversaries were to him means of the purest pleasure and the most refined joy. He loved God's house and people; and to meet with his brethren in the ministry on these interesting occasions any sacrifice was cheerfully made. While praying for the success of the Redeemer's cause at home and abroad he seemed to be in his element; he appeared a humble but a powerful intercessor. With what pleasure did he listen to the many eloquent discourses delivered, and appeals made, in support of the cause of missions!-and he was ever ready to advocate them with all the ability he possessed.

While appearing healthful and vigorous he was subject to bilious attacks; and in the year 1811 suffered intensely by a

bilious and rheumatic affection in his face and head. He was wholly laid aside from his beloved work of preaching the blessed gospel, and was called to the exercise of the passive graces. But in the most violent paroxysms of pain he was enabled to submit, and displayed a high degree of Christian fortitude and patience. Various means were employed to relieve him, but without much success. He tra

velled into the south along with his brother-in-law, and from this derived so much benefit as to be able to resume his labours in public. There were evident proofs in his ministry how much he had been purified by the affliction which he had endured. He was more meek, humble, and heavenly-minded, and dwelt more on the glorious work of the Saviour as the foundation of hope. Now Jesus was exhibited in the fulness of his compassion, in the riches of his grace, in the power of his arm to save to the uttermost; and he urged his hearers to flee to him, to embrace him, to live to him by faith and obedience, that they might live with him in his kingdom and glory.

From his appearance his people and other friends indulged the hope that he would be spared for years to come, an example to men, and a burning and shining light in the church. But in the inscrutable purposes of God such hope proved to be groundless. His former complaint returned, and he was laid aside, having preached three times on July 24, which was the last Sabbath he engaged in public service, and in reference to his own state of mind he remarked, "This was a good day." He was confined to his room for nearly three weeks, and complained occasionally of a pain in his head. His conversation with his now sorrowing partner was very spiritual, dwelling much on the glories of heaven, and on the knowledge which it is highly probable the saints will have of each other in that blissful state. On the Thursday evening he engaged in his usual devotional exercise with his family; and a minister coming to his house, who was expected to preach for him the next Lord's-day, the conversation was very edifying. On the Friday he frequently referred to the heavenly state-this being the subject of his thoughts and desires, and most probably expecting soon to enter there and associate with the multitude before the throne. On the Saturday morning he preferred having his breakfast in bed. The brother minister engaged in prayer, he desiring

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