
survived, to be communicated to the commandant of the squadron: until his answer should be received firing ceased, and we continued to Occupy the battery. The terms of capitulation being confirmed by the commandant, Mahe, the soldiers grounded their arms, and the place was surrendered. We were in formed, that the enemy's force consisted of four schooners, which had been fitted out at Cayenne, and supplied with soldiers for the purpose of attacking Goree; that they had touched at Senegal, where they had been furnished with additional boats, pilots, a reinforcement of soldiers, and another schooner, and where they had been joined by the ship, which happening to call at Senegal, was put in requisition for this expedition: the squadron altogether carried upwards of 60 guns, and 600 men, about 240 of whom had been landed; the whole under the command of monsieur Mahe, lieutenant de vaisseau, the commodore's pendant having been hoisted only while coming in, by the captain of the ship, who had held that rank in the navy during the late war. On the evening of the action we had 54 white men, including officers; and although the serjeantmajor was the only one who was not able to come upon the batteries, when it is considered that several of the men, worn out by disease, and disabled by accidents, were incapable of making any great exer, tions; that, uncertain where an attack might be made in the night, it was necessary to divide our force very much to occupy the different posts-I hope and trust it will appear to our king and to our country, that the garrison I had the honour to command did not submit without discharging its duty like British soldiers.

Captain Lloyd, who has already on several occasions been mentioned as a deserving officer, both here and at Sierra Leone, continues to merit very great praise. Dr. Hed. dle having proposed some time back to do military duty, I gladly accepted his offer, and he has given me great assistance: his wound, which was at first thought to be mortal, having taken a favourable turn, I am now happy to think he will recover; and I earnestly wish to recommend him to your lordship's notice, as distinguished by his conduct on this occasion; and also by his attention to his medical duties since we came to Africa.

I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed) JOHN FRASER.

Right hon. lord Hobart, &c.'

Our loss consists of 1 drummer, 8

rank and file, killed; 2 officers, 8 rank and file, wounded.-Total 19.

Of the enemy, according to the most correct accounts I can procure, 3 officers and 40 men killed, or since dead; 2 officers and upwards of 30 men wounded.Total 75.


Goree, Africa, Jan. 18, 1804. The French being in possession of the hill, the squadron being ready to land more troops, a considerable number of men being killed and wounded on both sides, and further resistance offering only the prospect of occasioning an unnecessary effusion of blood, the following terms of capitulation were agreed to:

Art. I. The island of Goree, with its dependencies, shall be delivered up to the French government as it (D2)

now stands.

11. The

II. The British garrison having laid down their arms in the north battery, which they continue to occupy, shall be furnished, without delay, with a sufficient vessel as a cartel, to carry them to Great Britain; colonel Fraser giving his parole of honour for himself, his officers, and soldiers, not to serve during the present war against the French republic or its allies, until regularly exchanged.

III. The officers and soldiers shall preserve their baggage and effects, which shall be embarked with them.

IV. The inhabitants shall retain possession of their properties; without prejudice, however, to any orders to the contrary which may hereafter be given by general Blanchot, commandant and admini-. strator general of Senegal and its dependencies.

Agreed upon and executed in two copies, to be exchanged between us, the day and ycar already



JOHN FRASER, col. Áfrican corps.
MAHE, lieutenant de vaisseau, and
commanding the division.
My lord,

On the 18th of January, in the evening, the British soldiers were embarked on board the French squadron, until a cartel should be made ready for them. On the 238, the officers and soldiers went on board a sloop, which was sent as a cartel to Senegal, where a larger vessel was preparing to carry them to England. I am sorry to add, that notwithstanding the articles of capitulation, the inhabi

tants, officers, and even soldiers, have been shamefully pillaged.

I have the honour to be, &c.


List of the French squadron.-Division from Cayenne, having on board troops from the 8th demibrigade, and from the Cayenne volunteers.-Schooner La Vigie, M. Mahe, lieutenant de vaisseau, commandant, 2 guns, 14 swivels, and 90 men; schooner La Renommée, citizen Renaud, 14 guns and 87 men; schooner Les Amis, citizen Baudrier, 14 guns and 85 men; schooner L'Oiseau, 10 guns and 80 men.-From Senegal, with a detachment of the 46th brigade, La Rosalie, Ducraneau, ensign de vaisseau, 2 guns and 30 men.-From Rochelle, the ship L'Oncle Thomas, Papin, cidevant capitaine de vaisseau, 20 guns and 230 men.

Downing-street, April 27.
A dispatch, of which the following
is a copy, was this day received
by the right hon. lord Hobart,
one of his majesty's principal se-
cretaries of state, from captain
Dickson, commanding his ma-
jesty's ship Inconstant:

His majesty's ship Inconstant, Goree,
Africa, 15th March, 1804.
My lord,

I beg leave to acquaint your lordship with the recapture of the island of Goree; and I have the honour to inclose you the articles of capitulation*.

I have appointed captain William Murray, the senior officer of the African corps, commandant of Goree, until his majesty's pleasure is known; and, as I had not any

The substance of the articles of capitulation, agreed on between lieutenant Pickford and citizen Montmayeur, French resident commandant of the island, was, that the French should march out with the honours of war; that the French troops should have their baggage, armis, &c. and private property; and the whole to be sent to Senegal. directions

directions relative to the cargo of the Eagle storeship, I took the liberty to open the letter addressed to captain Fraser, from your lordship, and have given it to captain Murray, and ordered him to follow, as close as possible, the directions contained therein.

The very ample supply of stores and provisions this vessel appears to have brought out, and the great strength of the garrison at present, enable me to assure your lordship of its perfect security.

Mr. Charles Pickford, my first lieutenant, an intelligent and deserving officer, and whom I beg leave to recommend to your lordship, will have the honour of presenting this letter. He will be able to inform you very fully of every particular relative to Goree, and its dependencies.

I hope the arrangement I have made will meet your lordship's approbation. I have the honour to be, &c.


Admiralty-office, April 24, 1804. Copy of a letter from captain Edward Sterling Dickson, commander of his majesty's ship the Inconstant, to William Marsden, esq. dated at Goree, March 15. Sir,

I have the honour to acquaint you, for the information of my lords commissioners of the admiralty, of the arrival of his majesty's ship under my command, and the vessels named in the margin*, off Goree, on the morning of the 7th of March; but conceiving it possible that it might be in the possession of the enemy, although English colours were hoisted on the citadel, and sentinels clothed in red placed on the different batteries, I

brought-to with the convoy, and directed Mr. Charles Pickford, my first lieutenant, to proceed on shore in the cutter, and, if he found it in the hands of the English, to make the signal I established for that purpose. At sun-set, not any signal having been made, nor the appearance of the boat, I came to anchor with the convoy a little out of gun-shot; and deening it highly necessary to gain some information with respect to the situation of the garrison, I ordered, at ten o'clock p. m. three boats, manned and armed, under the direction of Mr. Runciman, midshipman, to proceed into the harbour, and cut out any of the vessels he could find; which he did in a gallant manner, by bringing out a ship under a heavy fire from the batteries, which sunk

our cutter and wounded one man.

From her I learned, that the French had been in possession of Goree since the 18th of January, and that they had three hundred white and black troops in the garrison.

On the 8th instant, at day-light, I weighed and stood to the westward of the island, to prevent any succours being thrown in by sea from Senegal; and on the evening of the same day, being determined to attack it, having ordered scalingladders to be made for that purpose, at nine p. m. anchored, and ordered all the boats of the convoy to be sent on board the Inconstant; and after embarking as many troops as they could possibly stow, I found they would not carry a sufficient number to promise success: I therefore postponed the attack until the arrival of one of our convoy, which was in sight, standing into the bay, as her three boats could carry from thirty to forty more men. At day-light in

Eagle storeship, Hamilton, Venus, Jenny.



the morning of the 9th instant, we were agreeably surprised by seeing the English colours hoisted over the French; and shortly after I received information from lieutenant Pickford, that the garrison had capitulated with him. I instantly stood into the harbour with the convoy, anchored, and disembarked the troops. Conceiving it of importance that his majesty's ministers should be made acquainted as soon as possible with the recapture of this island, I have purchased a small brig, and sent my first lieutenant, Mr. Charles Pickford, an intelligent and deserving officer, to England, who will have the honour to present my dispatches; and I beg leave to recommend him in the strongest manner to their lordships' favour.

I have appointed captain William Murray, senior officer of the troops, to be commandant of Goree, till his majesty's pleasure is known, and Mr. William Arnold, master's mate, to be lieutenant of the Inconstant, vice Pickford; and I hope it will meet their lordships'approbation. The moment I can get a sufficient supply of water and provisions landed, and put the island into a proper state of defence, I shall proceed and put their lordships' orders into execution. I cannot conclude, my letter without assuring their lordships, that the greatest cordiality existed between the officers, seamen, and soldiers; and had an attack been found necessary, from the handsome manner they volunteered their services, I am persuaded they would have done honour to their country. Inclosed are the articles of capitula tion, and the account of the ordnance and military stores found in the garrison. I have the honour to be, E. S. DICKSON.




Extract of a letter from an officer of his majesty's ship Carysfort, dated off Oporto, April 2, 1804. "His majesty's ships Apollo and Carysfort sailed from Cork the 26th ult. with a convoy of 67 sail for the West Indies; to which destination the former ship was directed to escort them, and the lat ter to a certain latitude.

"A gale of wind took place on the night we left Cork, and conti nued during the ensuing day; the convoy was, however, kept snug and collected, and proceeded with a most promising appearance of a pleasant passage, until the very night of the unforeseen and utter. ly unexpected disaster; a disaster, whose occurrences can only be ascribed to the setting of a current to the eastward, which carried the convoy into the longitude of Oporto, when, by their reckoning (taking that of nine in ten ships composing it), they were more than one hundred miles to the westward thereof; trusting to which reckoning, a course was steered by the Apollo (the commodore), and the majority of the convoy, calculated to clear Cape St. Vincent; but between one and three this morning, melancholy to relate the Apollo, and five-or-six-and-twenty of the convoy went on shore on and near Cape Mondego. Whether all the ships are lost, and their crews have perished, I cannot inform you; but I trust the Almighty will have rescued from the waves, and restored to their families and friends, the greater part, if not the whole, of the valuable lives, so unexpect edly, I believe I may say unprece dentedly, shipwrecked.


"The Carysfort having split her main and fore top-sails about midnight, in a most violent squall, and the wind soon after heading her three or four points, wore, in order to get her head off shore, about two o'clock in the morning; but, observing that the commodore and body of the convoy were out of sight, she again stood towards the shore till about six o'clock; when, perceiving several scattered ships under a press of sail, with their heads to the northward, she again wore off shore, and about nine o'clock hailed one of the convoy, which with difficulty had cleared the land, and reported seeing one or two sail on shore. At eleven o'clock, the Clarendon, of Bris tol, reported her having seen 26 sail on shore (mostly dismasted), among which she feared was the commodore, the last certain sight of whom she had was about three in the morning, then burning false fires, blue lights, and firing guns in the direction the ships (at daylight) were seen on shore. She herself very nearly escaped shipwreck, having been actually among the breakers, when she most providentially wore. The wind still continuing dead on shore, strong apprehensions were entertained, that, as it blew very hard, several ships which escaped in the night must have been driven on shore in the course of the day by carrying all possible sail they however held their course, and, towards evening, the wind most providentially shifted to the northward; which enabled the Carysfort to collect 38 sail, wherewith she is now proceeding to their place of destination.

"I shall forbear making any comments on this most lamentable event, further than that nothing could exceed the zeal and attention 8

of captains Dixon and Fanshaw, in keeping their convoy together: and the promptitude and celerity wherewith captain Fanshaw collected the scattered ships which were saved, and proceeded with them towards the places of their destination, merits unqualified approbation; and will, I am persuaded, receive from the owners and underwriters their most cordial and justly-due thanks."

10. Monday a court martial was held on board the Illustrious, in the Downs, on the Armourer belonging to the Leda frigate, for having thrust a red hot iron into the left side of a seaman belonging to the same ship, which pierced his heart, and occasioned his death in about five minutes after he had received his wound. The armourer is condemned to be hanged at such time, and on board such ship, as the lords of the admiralty may



Admiralty-office, May 22.

Copy of a letter from the right ho

nourable lord Keith, K. B. admiral of the blue, &c. to Wil. 'liam Marsden, esq. dated at Ramsgate, the 20th instant.


I herewith transmit, for the information of their lordships, a letter which I have this day received from commodore sir Sidney Smith, acquainting me that the enemy's flotilla at Flushing had been pushing out from that port on the 16th instant to form a junction with that at Ostend; and that the greatest part of them had succeeded in reaching the latter place, notwithstanding the vigorous measures that were used by the commodore and his squadron to resist their progress; a circumstance which is to be imputed only to the numerous (D 4)


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