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Literary work from 1832 to 1847; "Moll Pitcher "; the New
England Magazine; its editors and contributors; list of
Whittier's contributions, and to the Democratic Review;
the "Supernaturalism of New England"; writings in the
North Star, Boston Pearl, New York Mirror, Emanci-
pator, Liberator, Haverhill Gazette; "Lays of Home"
more "Voices of Freedom"; "Cassandra Southwick "
"Memories"; suggestions of an early love; "My
Summer with Dr. Singletary"; Whittier's identification
with the Merrimac River; description of the river's course


The National Era established in 1847; Whittier as assistant
editor; more than eighty of his poems in it between 1847
and 1859; "Uncle Tom's Cabin" appears in the National
Era in 1850; " Barclay of Ury"; "Ichabod"; scattering
of his poems; prose work in the Era; "Old Portraits";
Literary Recreations"; " Margaret Smith's Journal"


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John Brown; his settling in Kansas; his warfare with the pro-
slavery raiders from Missouri; the fight at Ossawatomie;
description and character; his twenty men in Kansas;
he gets possession of the armoury at Harper's Ferry, in
October, 1850, but cannot hold it; his band slain or taken
prisoners; himself a prisoner ;Whittier's expression of
sympathy checked by his principles condemning armed
action; letter to Mrs. Child; lines on John Brown's
action on his way to the gallows; the poet's attitude


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