
please. [Takes the Letter] Now, sir, if you part, I shall be very tender in what regards please to let me consult my books for a mi- the officers of the army. nute, I'll send this letter enclosed to you,

with the determination of the stars upon it, Enter SYLVIA, BULLOCK, Rose, Prisoners, to your lodgings. Constable, and Mob.

Capt. B. With all my heart. I must give Const. May it please your worships, we him-[Puts his Hands in his Pockets] Al- took them in the very act, re infecta, sir. gebra! I fancy, doctor, 'tis hard to calculate The gentleman indeed behaved himself like the place of your nativity? Here. [Gives him a gentleman; for he drew his sword and Money] And if I succeed, I'll build a watch- swore, and afterwards laid it down and said tower on the top of the highest mountain in nothing.

Wales, for the study of astrology and the Just. B. Give the gentleman his sword again. benefit of the Conundrums. [Exit. Wait you without. [Exeunt Constable and Watch] I'm sorry, sir, [To Sylvia] to know Re-enter CAPTAIN PLUME and WORTHY. a gentleman upon such terms, that the occaWor. O doctor! that letter's worth a mil-sion of our meeting should prevent the satislion. Let me see it-and now I have it, I'm faction of an acquaintance.

afraid to open it.

Syl. Sir, you need make no apology for Capt. P. Pho! let me see it. [Opens the your warrant, no more than I shall do for Letter] If she be a jilt-damn her, she is my behaviour; my innocence is upon one! there's her name at the bottom on't.

Wor. By all my hopes, 'tis Lucy's hand.
Capt. P. Lucy's?

Wor. Certainly. 'Tis no more like Melinda's character than black is to white.

equal foot with your authority


Just. Scale. Innocence! Have you not seduced that young maid?

Syl. No, Mr. Goosecap, she seduced me.
Bul. So she did, I'll swear; for she propos-

Capt. B. Then 'tis certainly Lucy's contri-ed marriage first. vance to draw in Brazen for a husband. But are you sure 'tis not Melinda's hand?

Wor. You shall see. Where's the bit of paper I gave you just now that the devil wrote Melinda upon?

Serg. H. Here, sir.

Capt. P. Tis plain they are not the same. And is this the malicious name that was subscribed to the letter which made Mr. Balance send his daughter into the country?

Wor. The very same The other fragments I showed you just now I once intended for another use; but I think I have turned it now to a better advantage.

Just. B. What! then you are married, child?
[To Rose.

Rose. Yes, sir, to my sorrow.
Just. B. Who was witness?
Bul. That was I. I danced, threw the stock-
ing, and spoke jokes by their bedside, I'm sure.
Just. B. Who was the minister?

Bul. Minister! we are soldiers, and want no minister. They were married hy the articles of war.

Just. B. Hold thy prating, fool.-Your appearance, sir, [To Sylvia] promises some understanding; "pray what does this fellow mean?

Capt. P. But 'twas barbarous to conceal Syl. He means marriage, I think; but that, this so long, and to continue me so many you know, is so odd a thing, that hardly any hours in the prenicious heresy of believing two people under the sun agree in the cerethat angelic creature could change. Poor mony; some make it a convenience, and others Sylvia! make it a jest; but among soldiers 'tis most Wor. Rich Sylvia, you mean, and poor sacred, Our sword, you know, is our honour; captain; ha, ha, ha!-Come, come, friend, that we lay down; the hero jumps over it Melinda is true, and shall be mine; Sylvia is first, and the Amazon after: the drum beats a constant, and may be yours. ruff, and so to bed: that's all. The ceremony is concise.

Capt. P. No, she's above my hopes: but for her sake I'll recant my opinion of her sex. By some the sex is blam'd without design: Light, harmless censure, such as yours and mine,

Sallies of wit, and vapours of our wine:
Others the justice of the sex condemn,
And wanting merit to create esteem,
Would hide their own defects by cens'ring
But they, secure in their all-conqu❜ring charms,
Laugh at the vain efforts of false alarms.
He magnifies their conquests who complains,
For none would struggle, were they not in
chains. [Exeunt.


Just. Scale. I say 'tis not to be borne, Mr.

Bul. And the prettiest ceremony; so full of pastime and prodigality

Just. B. What are you a soldier? Bul. Ay, that I am. Will your worship lend me your cane, and I'll show you how I can exercise?

Just. B. Take it. [Strikes him over the Head] Pray, sir, what commission may you bear? [To Sylvia.

Syl. I'm called captain, sir, by all the coffee-men, drawers, and groom-porters in London; for I wear a red coat, a sword, a piquet in my head, and dice in my pocket. Just. Scale. Your name, pray, sir?

Syl. Pinch,

Just. B. And pray, sir, what brought you into Shropshire?

Syl. A pinch, sir: I know you country gentlemen want wit, and you know that we town gentlemen want money; and so

Just. B. I understand you, sir.-Here, con

Just. B. Lookye, Mr. Scale, for my own stable !

Re-enter Constable.

and behave yourself handsomely till Lent be Take this gentleman into custody till further over: here's my hand, I'll use you as a gentle


Rose. Pray, your worship, dont be uncivil to him, for he did me no hurt; he's the most harmless man in the world, for all he talks so. Just. Scale. Come, come, child, I'll take care of you.

Syl. What, gentlemen, rob me of my freedom and my wife at once? 'Tis the first time they ever went together.

man should be.

Wor. And if I don't use you as a gentlewoman should be, may this be my poison. [Kisses her Hand.

Enter a Servant.

Serv. Madam, the coach is at the door. [Exit. Mel. I am going to Mr. Balance's country Just. B. Harkye, constable. [Whispers him. house to see my cousin Sylvia: I've done her Const. It shall be done, sir. Come along, an injury, and can't be easy till I've ask'd sir. [Exeunt Constable, Bullock, and Sylvia. her pardon. Just. B. Come, Mr. Scale, we'll manage Wor. I dare not hope for the honour of the spark presently. [Exeunt. waiting on you.


Enter MELINDA and WORTHY. Mel. So far the prediction is right, 'tis ten exactly. [Aside] And pray, sir, how long have you been in this travelling humour?

Wor. 'Tis natural, madam, for us to avoid what disturbs our quiet.

Mel. Rather the love of change, which is more natural, may be the occasion of it.

Wor. To be sure, madam, there must be charms in variety, else neither you nor I should be so fond of it.

Mel. My coach is full; but if you'll be so gallant as to mount your own horse, and follow us, we shall be glad to be overtaken; and if you bring captain Plume with you we shan't have the worse reception. Wor. I'll endeavour it.

[Exit, leading Melinda.

SCENE III-A Court of Justice. JUSTICE BALANCE, JUSTICE SCALE, and JusTICE SCRUPLE discovered upon the Bench, with Constable, SERGEANT KITE, and Mob standing by. SERGEANT KITE, and Constable advance.

Serg. K. Pray who are those honourable gentlemen upon the bench?

Mel. You mistake, Mr. Worthy; I am not so fond of variety as to travel for't; nor do I think it prudence in you to run yourself into a certain expense and danger, in hopes Const. He in the middle is justice Balance, of precarious pleasures, which at best never he on the right is justice Scale, and he on answer expectation, as it is evident from the the left is justice Scruple; and I am Mr. Conexample of most travellers, that long more to stable: four very honest gentlemen. return to their own country than they did to go abroad.

Wor. What pleasures I may receive abroad are indeed uncertain; but this I am sure of, I shall meet with less cruelty among the most barbarous of nations than I have found at home.

Enter CAPTAIN PLUME. Just. B. Captain, you're welcome. Capt. P. Gentlemen, I thank you. Just. Ser. Come, honest captain, sit by me. [Captain Plume ascends, and sits upon the Bench] Now produce your prisonersHere, that fellow there, set him up. Mr. Constable, what have you to say against this

Mel. Come, sir, you and I have been jangling a great while I fancy if we made our accounts we should the sooner come to an man? agreement.

Const. I have nothing to say against him,

Just. B. No! what made you bring him hither?

Const. I don't know, an' please your worship. Just. Scale. Did not the contents of your warrant direct you what sort of men to take up? Const. I can't tell, an' please ye; I can't

Vor. Sure, madam, you won't dispute your an' please you. being in my debt-My fears, sighs, vows, promises, assiduities, anxieties, jealousies, have run on for a whole year without any payment. Mel. A year! oh, Mr. Worthy, what you owe to me is not to be paid under a seven year's servitude. How did you use me the year before! when, taking the advantage of read. my innocence and necessity, you would have Just. Scr. A very pretty constable, truly. made me your mistress, that is, your slave? I find we have no business here.

-Remember the wicked insinuations, artful Serg. K. May it please the worshipful bench, baits, deceitful arguments, cunning pretences; I desire to be heard in this case, as being the then your impudent behaviour, loose expres- counsel for the king. sions, familiar letters, rude visits: remember those, those, Mr. Worthy.

Just. B. Come, sergeant, you shall be heard, since nobody else will speak; we won't come Wor. I do remember, and am sorry I here for nothing. made no better use of 'em. [Aside] But you Serg. This man is but one man, the counmay remember, madam, thattry may spare him, and the army wants him; Mel. Sir, I'll remember nothing-'tis your besides, he's cut out by nature for a grenainterest that I should forget. You have been dier; he's five feet ten inches high: he shall barbarous to me, I have been cruel to you; box, wrestle, or dance the Cheshire round put that and that together, and let one bal-with any man in the country; he gets drunk ance the other. Now, if you will begin upon every Sabbath day, and he beats his wife. a new score, lay aside your adventuring airs, Wife. You lie, sirrah, you lie; an' please

your worship, he's the best-natured pains- Syl. Sir, I don't care a farthing for you taking'st man in the parish; witness my five nor your bench neither. poor children. Just. Scr. Lookye, gentlemen, that's enough; Just. Scr. A wife and five children! you he's a very impudent fellow, and fit for a constable, you rogue, how durst you impress soldier. a man that has a wife and five children? Just. Scale. Discharge him, discharge him! Just. B. Hold, gentlemen. Hearkye, friend, how do you maintain your wife and five children?

Capt. P. They live upon wildfowl and venison, sir; the husband keeps a gun, kills all the hares and partridges within miles round.

Just. Scale. A notorious rogue, I say, and very fit for a soldier.

Just. B. What think you, captain?

Capt. P. I think he is a very pretty fellow, and therefore fit to serve.

Syl. Me for a soldier! send your own lazy and lubberly sons at home; fellows that hazard five their necks every day in the pursuit of a fox, yet dare not peep abroad to look an enemy

Just. B. A gun! nay, if he be so good at in the face. gunning, he shall have enough on't.

Serg. K. Ay, ay, I'll take care of him, if you please. [Takes him down. Just. Scale. Here, you constable, the next. Set up that black-fac'd fellow, he has a gunpowder look what can you say against this man, constable?

Const. Nothing, but that he is a very ho

nest man.

Capt. P. Pray, gentlemen, let me have one honest man in my company for the novelty's sake.

Just. B. Pray, captain, read the articles of war; we'll see him listed immediately.

Capt. P. [Reads] Articles of war against mutiny and desertion, etc.

Syl. Hold, sir-Once, more, gentlemen, have a care what you do, for you shall severely smart for any violence you offer to me; and you, Mr. Balance, I speak to you particularly, you shall heartily repent it.

Capt. P. Lookye, young spark, say but one word more, and I'll build a horse for you as high as the ceiling, and make you ride the most tiresome journey that ever you made in your life.

Just. B. What are you, friend? Welsh C. A collier; I work in the coal-pits. Just. Scr. Lookye, gentlemen, this fellow Syl. You have made a fine speech, good has a trade, and the act of parliament here captain Huffcap! but you had better be quiet; expresses that we are to impress no man that I shall find a way to cool your courage. has any visible means of a livelihood. Capt. P. Pray, gentlemen, don't mind him, he's distracted.

Serg. K. May it please your worship, this man has no visible means of a livelihood, for he works under ground.

Capt. P. Well said, Kite; besides, the army wants miners.

Just. B. Right; and had we an order of government for't, we could raise you in this, and the neighbouring county of Stafford, five hundred colliers, that would run you under ground like moles, and do more service in a siege than all the miners in the army.

Just. Ser. Well, friend, what have you to say for yourself?

Welsh C. I'm married.

Serg. K. Lack-a-day! so am I.

Welsh C. Here's my wife, poor woman. Just. B. Are you married, good woman? Woman. I'm married in conscience. Just. Scale. Who married you, mistress? Woman. My husband. We agreed that I should call him husband, and that be should call me wife, to shun going for a soldier. Just. Ser. A very pretty couple! Pray, captain, will you take them both?

Capt. P. What say you, Mr. Kite? will you take care of the woman?

Serg. K. Yes, sir; she shall go with us to the sea-side, and there if she has a mind to drown herself, we'll take care that nobody shall binder her.

Just. B. Here, constable, bring in my man. [Exit Constable] Now, captain, I'll fit you with a man such as you never listed in your life.

Re-enter Constable, with SYLVIA.
Oh, my friend Pinch! I'm very glad to see yon,
Syl. Well, sir, and what then?
Just. Scale. What then! is that your re-
spect to the bench.

Syl. 'Tis false; I am descended of as good a family as any in your county; my father is as good a man as any upon your bench; and I am heir to two thousand pounds a year. Just. B. He's certainly mad. Pray, captain, read the articles of war.

Syl. Hold, once more. Pray, Mr. Balance, to you I speak; suppose I were your child, would you use me at this rate?

Just. B. No, faith; were you mine I would send you to Bedlam first, and into the army


Syl. But consider my father, sir; he's as good, as generous, as brave, as just a man as ever served his country; I'm his only child: perhaps the loss of me may break his heart.

Just. B. He's a very great fool if it does. Captain, if you don't list him this minute, I'll leave the court.

Capt. P. Kite, do you distribute the levy money to the men while I read,

Serg. K. Ay, sir. Silence, gentlemen. [Captain Plume reads the Articles of War.

Just, B. Very well; now, captain, let me beg the favour of you not to discharge this fellow upon any account whatsoever. Bring in the rest.

Const. There are no more, an't please your worship.

Just. B. No more! there were five two hours ago.

Syl. 'Tis true, sir; but this rogue of a constable let the rest escape for a bribe of eleven shillings a man, because he said the act allowed him but ten, so the odd shilling was clear gains.

All. Just. How?

Syl. Gentlemen, he offered to let me go


away for two guineas, but I had not so much about me: this is 'truth, and I'm ready to

swear it.

Serg. K. And I'll swear it; give me the book; 'tis for the good of the service.

Just. B. So that between you both Rose has been finely managed.

Capt. P. Upon my honour, sir, she had no harm from me.

Just. B. All's safe, I find. [Aside] Now, Welsh C. May it please your worship 1 captain, you must know that the young felgave him half-a-crown to say that I was an low's impudence in court was well grounded: honest man; but now, since that your wor- he said I should heartily repent his being listships have made me a rogue, I hope I shall ed; and so I do from my soul.

have my money again.

Capt. P. Ay! for what reason?

Jusl. B. 'Tis my opinion that this constable Just. B. Because he is no less than what be put into the captain's hands, and if his he said he was; born of as good a family as friends don't bring four good men for his any in the county, and he is heir to two thouransom by to-morrow night, captain, you sand pounds a year. shall carry him to Flanders.

Just. Scale. Just. Scru. Agreed, agreed. Capt. P. Mr. Kite, take the constable into custody.

Serg. K. Ay, ay, sir. Will you please to have your office taken from you, or will you handsomely lay down your staff, as your ters have done before you?


[To the Constable, who drops his Staff. Just. B. Come, gentlemen, here needs no great ceremony in adjourning this court. Captain, you shall dine with me.

Capt. P. I'm very glad to hear it; for I wanted but a man of that quality to make my company a perfect representative of the whole commons of England."

Just. B. Won't you discharge him?
Capt. P. Not under a hundred pounds sterling.
Just. B. You shall have it; for his father is
my intimate friend.

Capt. P. Then you shall have him for nothing.
Just. B. Nay, sir, you shall have your price.
Capl. P. Not a penny, sir; I value an ob-
ligation to you much above an hundred

Serg. K. Come, Mr. Militia Sergeant, I pounds. shall silence you now, I believe, without your taking the law of me.

Just. B. Perhaps, sir, you shan't repent your [Exeunt. generosity. Will you please to write his discharge in my pocket-book? [Gives his Book] SCENE IV. A Room in JUSTICE BALANCE'S In the mean time we'll send for the gentleman.-Who waits there?


Enter JUSTICE BALANCE and Steward.

Enter a Servant.

Stew. We did not miss her till the evening, Go to the captain's lodging, and inquire for sir; and then, searching for her in the cham- Mr. Wilful; tell him his captain wants him ber that was my young master's, we found here immediately. her clothes there; but the suit that your son left in the press when he went to London was gone.

Just B. You han't told that circumstance to any body?

Stew. To none but your worship. Just B. And be sure you don't. Go, and tell captain Plume that I beg to speak with him.

Stew. I shall.

Serv. Sir, the gentleman's below at the door, inquiring for the captain.

Capt. P. Bid him come up. [Exit Servant] Here's the discharge, sir.

Just. B. Sir, I thank you.-'Tis plain he had no hand in't. [Aside.


Syl. I think, captain, you might have used me better than to leave me yonder among [Exit. your swearing, drunken crew; and you, Mr. Just B. Was ever man so imposed upon? Justice, might have been so civil as to have I had her promise indeed that she would never invited me to dinner, for I have eaten with as dispose of herself without my consent. I have good a man as your worship. consented with a witness, given her away as Capt. P. Sir, you must charge our want of my act and deed; and this, I warrant, the respect upon our ignorance of your quality; captain thinks will pass. No, I shall never But now you are at liberty; I have discharged pardon him the villany, first of robbing me of my daughter, and then the mean opinion he must have of me to think that I could be so wretchedly imposed upon. Her extravagant go home to your father. passion might encourage her in the attempt, but the contrivance must be his. I'll know the truth presently.

Enter CAPTAIN PLUME. Pray, captain, what have you done with our young gentleman soldier?"

Capt. P. He's at my quarters, I suppose, with the rest of my men.

Just. B. Does he keep company with the common soldiers?

Capt. P. No, he's generally with me; but the young rogue fell in love with Rose, and has lain with her, I think, since she came to



Syl. Discharged me?

Just. B. Yes, sir; and you must once more

Syl. My father! then I am discovered.—Oh, sir! [Kneels] I expect no pardon.

Just. B. Pardon! no, no, child; your crime shall be your punishment. Here, captain, I deliver her over to the conjugal power for her chastisement. Since she will be a wife, be you a husband, a very husband. When she tells you of her love, upbraid her with her folly; be modishly ungrateful, because she has been unfashionably kind; and use her worse than you would any body else, because you can't use her so well as she deserves.

Capt. P. And are you Sylvia in good earnest? Syl. Earnest! I have gone too far to make it a jest, sir.

Capt. P. And do you give her to me in way. When my cousin is pleased to surrengood earnest? der, 'tis probable I shan't hold out much longer.

Just. B. If you please to take her, sir. Capt. P. Why then I have saved my legs and arms, and lost my liberty. Secure from wounds, I am prepared for the gout. Farewell subsistence, and welcome taxes.-Sir, my liberty and the hopes of being a general are much dearer to me than your two thousand pounds a year; but to your love, madam, I resign my freedom, and to your beauty my ambition; greater in obeying at your feet, than commanding at the head of an army.


Wor. I am sorry to hear, Mr. Balance, that your daughter is lost.

Just. B. So am not I, sir, since an honest gentleman has found her.


Mel. Pray, Mr. Balance, what's become of my cousin Sylvia?

Just. B. Your cousin Sylvia is talking yonder with your cousin Plume.

Mel. And Worthy.-How?



Capt. B. Gentlemen, I am yours.—Madam,
am not yours.
[To Melinda.

Mel. I'm glad on't, sir.

Capt. B. So am I.-You have got a pretty house here, Mr. Laconic.

Just. B. Tis time to right all mistakes-my name, sir, is Balance.

Capt. B. Balance! Sir, I am your most obedient-I know your whole generation - had not you an uncle that was governor of the Leeward Islands some years ago?

Just. B. Did you know him?

Capt. B. Intimately, sir-He played at billiards to a miracle. You had a brother too that was a captain of a fire-ship-poor Dick -he had the most engaging way with him of making punch-and then his cabin was so neat-but his poor boy Jack was the most comical bastard-Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! a pickled dog; I shall never forget him.

Capt. P. Have you got your recruits, my dear?

Capt. B. Not a stick, my dear!

Syl. Do you think it strange, cousin, that a woman should change? But I hope you'll ex- Capt. P. Probably I shall furnish you, my cuse a change that has proceeded from con- dear! instead of the twenty thousand pounds stancy. I altered my outside because I was you talk'd of, you shall have the twenty brave the same within, and only laid by the woman recruits that I have raised at the rate they to make sure of my man: that's my history. cost me. My commission I lay down, to be Mel. Your history is a little romantic, cou- taken up by some braver fellow, that has more sin; but since success has crowned your ad-merit and less good fortune-whilst I endeaventures, you will have the world on your vour, by the example of this worthy gentleside; and I shall be willing to go with the man, to serve my king and country at home. tide, provided you'll pardon an injury I of- With some regret I quit the active field, fered you in the letter to your father. Where glory full reward for life does yield; But the recruiting trade, with all its train Of endless plague, fatigue, and endless pain, I gladly quit, with my fair spouse to stay, And raise recruits the matrimonial way. [Exeunt.

Capt. P. That injury, madam, was done to me, and the reparation I expect shall be made to my friend: make Mr. Worthy happy, and I shall be satisfied.

Mel. A good example, sir, will go a great


DAVID GARRICK was born at Hereford and baptized Feb. 28, 1716. At the age of ten years he was put under the care of Mr. Hunter, master of the Grammar school of Lichfield, but made no great progress in Literature. He very early showed his attachment to dramatic entertainments; having in the year 1727 represented the character of Sergeant Kite in the Recruiting Officer, with great applause. From school he went to Lisbon to visit his uncle, but stayed only a short time there before he returned to England, on which he went again to Mr. Hunter; and in 1755 became the pupil of Dr. Johnson.

The progress he made under this able tutor was not such as the brilliancy of his parts might seem to promise; the vivacity of his character unfitted him for serious pursuits, and his attention to the drama prevailed over every other object. After a time Johnson grew tired of teaching; and Mr. Garrick being desirous of a more active life, it was agreed by both the pupil and his tutor to quit Lichfield and try their fortunes in the metropolis. They accordingly set out together on the ad of March 1756; and on the 9th of the same month Mr. Garrick was entered of Lincoln's Inn, it being intended that the law should be his profession.

His father died soon after, and was not survived by his mother. He then engaged in the wine-trade, in partnership with his brother Peter Garrick; but this connexion lasting for a short time he resolved to try his talents on the stage, and in the summer of 1741 went down to Ipswich, where he acted with great applause under the name of Lyddal. The part which he first performed was that of Aboun, in the Tragedy of Oroonoko. He made his first appearance at

the Theatre in Goodman's Fields the 19th of Oct. 1741, in the character of Richard the Third, his excellence dazzled and astonished every one; and the seeing a young man, in no more than his twenty-fourth year, and a novice to the stage, reaching at one single step to that height of perfection which maturity of years and long practical experience had not been able to bestow on the then capital performers on the English stage, was a phenomenon which could not but become the object of universal speculation and as universal admiration. The theatres towards the court-end of the town were on this occasion deserted, persons of all ranks flocking to Goodman's Fields where Mr. Garrick continued to act till the close of the season; in the ensuing winter he engaged himself to Mr. Fleetwood, then manager of Drury Lane playhouse, in which theatre he continued till the year 1745, in the winter of which he went over to Ireland, and continued there through the whole of that season, being joint manager with Mr. Sheridan in the direction and profits of the Theatre Royal in Smock Alley. From there he returned to England, and was engaged for the ses

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