
$6035, 77.2 (2)

56635.90.5 (2)



Of the Zones, and the Celestial Appearances in

different Zones,
Page 544.

1. The Divifion of the Earth's Surface into the Zones
arifes from the proper Motion of the Sun. The
Definition of Zones.

2. The Sign from whence to collect in what Zone any
Place lies.

3. Thro' what places the Equator paffes, or what places
lie in the Equator; what Regions are in the Tor-
rid Zone; what in the Temperate Zones, what
in the Tropics, and what in the Frigid Zones.
4. In what places the Sun is vertical once a Year, in
what twice, and in what never.

5. In what Places the Sun does not rife, and fet, in

feveral Revolutions, or for several entire Days:

in what Places it does not fet on one Day in the

Year only, &c.

6. In what Places the Sun rifes and fets every Day.

7. A Place being given in the Torrid Zone, to find

thofe two Days of the Year wherein the Sun is

vertical to that Place,

8. A Place

8. A Place being given in the Frigid Zone, to find
the first Day of the Year wherein the Sun will not
fet to that Place; and what Days it will not fet:
again to find the first Day wherein the Sun will
not rife.

9. The Day of the Year being given, to exhibit all
thofe Places of the Earth where the Sun will be
vertical that Day at Noon.

10. The Day of the Year being given, to exhibit all
thofe Places of the Earth where the Sun does not
fet on that Day, as the first.

11. To compute the Breadth and Extent of the feveral

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