
with remarkable precision. In the first place, there is not a vestige in Scotland of the earlier kind of square keep, such as might have been raised in the days of the Conqueror, or of William Rufus, with its semicircular arches and dogtoothed decorations. The pointed architecture, and the Edwardian baronial, had come into use ere any of the fortresses of which we possess remains were erected. Hence, the oldest of the Scottish castles were evidently built by Edward to secure his conquest. They may be enumerated as those of Caerlaverock, Bothwell, Dirleton, Kildrummie, and Lochindorb. These names at once excite recollections of the war of independence, when these castles were taken and retaken, and were surrounded by the most interesting and enduring associations of that majestic conflict.

The architectural progeny which this style of building left in Scotland, is very different from its growth into the bastioned fortifications of other countries. The Scottish laird, or chief, when he made his house a fortress, as he had imminent necessity for doing, could not afford to erect the great flanking towers of the Normans; but he stuck little turrets on the corners of his block-house, which served his purpose admirably; and there are no better flanked fortresses, considered with a view to the form of attack to which they were subjected, than our peelhouses.

system, it appears, is now on trial. The charge against it is, that every addition made to it in the way of protecting works, only renders a fort the more certain of ultimate capture, since these protecting works are themselves easily taken. It is said that they save the main work from a general escalade, which is never likely to be attempted, but facilitate a deliberate siege, which is the proper method of taking fortified places. It is said that in fortification we must, as in other matters of war, recur to the first principle, that the best way to protect ourselves is to kill our enemy. Of old, the main defences of a vessel were to protect the deck by castles stem and stern from a boarding enemy; now, the arrangement is directed to the destruction of the enemy before he can board. Our old knights in armor were a sort of moving fortresses made more for protection than destruction. In Italy, the steel incasement was brought to such perfection, that at the battle of Tornoue, under Charles VIII., we are told by Father Daniel that a number of Italian knights were overthrown, but could not be killed until the country people brought huge stones and sledge hammers, and broke their shells, like those of so many lobsters. It sounds like an odd accompaniment of civilization that she should make the external form of warfare more destructive and less defensive--but so it is; and a reform in fortifications is proposed, which, by the abandonment of the flanking system, and something like a restoration of the primitive form, is to make the fort more terrible to the invader, as a means of making it a more

On the other hand, in the Continental castles of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, as Heidelberg, Perronne, and Plessis la Tour, as the old representations give it, we see the flanking system extending itself later-effective defence. ally, until it forms something between the Norman keep and the modern fortress. It was on Plessis that Philip de Comines moralizes, as a large prison into which the great King Louis had virtually immured himself, becoming, by his own exertions for the enlargement of his power, and his protection from secret enemies, nothing better than the hapless immured prisoner, whose lot he forced upon so many others.

The one great leading step which modern fortification took, beyond the mere flanking system, is the discovery of the glacis for covering the stone-work, and protecting it from the attacks of cannon. The whole

We profess not to enter on so great a question. Mere theories we have herein offered to our reader; and as they are given in all innocence and good-humor, all we pray is, that he will not, if they differ from his own, condemn us to some dire mysterious fate. Let him, if we displease him, simply content himself with the old established remedy, and mutter to himself, "Pooh! humbug!" And we, on our part, engage that we shall live in all charity with all men who accept not our theory; and will by no means endeavor to prove that they are sensual, lewd, dishonorable people, deserving of some dire punishment.



From Tait's Magazine.


IN the compass of 278 pages, foolsavo, Mr. Wilks has given us an of the life, and an epitome of the ons, of this extraordinary man. DedThomas Carlyle, and to the Rev. aurice, it will be supposed that the writes from a friendly, though not ed, stand-point. He is a discrimidmirer, not a blind follower of his We find it difficult to understand how be a common disciple of Carlyle, and Irving. For perhaps it would ult to name three teachers, the and tendencies of whose minds ry. But Mr. Wilks is catholic in ng, and catholic in his sympathies; has brought to his present task a ng reverence, and an honest wisdom, may without scruple praise. A whatever his school, could not unIrving; and should not do his life. s does understand; and, though he much to be written and said, what ne, he has done well. The aim of does not appear to be very high; gh the tone of its author is occabove the manner and the matter of both in matter and in manner the the author's credit. refore thank Mr. Wilks for reviving De world should not forget. He the Church, whether to new r to new zeal, augments the moral and stimulates the moral energies ole community. Not in the estabf new sects, nor in the mere susreligious agitation, does the value s reforms and religious revivals nsist. These may, and, in most rally will, be the accompaniments sequences of such a movement; o not comprehend its full virtue, ential glory. When the religious -eat nation, or of a great sect, be

Irving: an Ecclesiastical and Literary By Washington Wilks, author of "Å he Half-century," etc. London: Wiln, 69 Fleet-street.

comes stagnant; when its priests become unfaithful to the sanctities of their office, and its people sink into unhealthy lethargy; when corruptions in its discipline provoke no remonstrance, and death-like repose in its worship occasions no solicitude, a lion-hearted, God-fearing, man-loving, apostolic adventurer is a benefactor and a blessing-he repeats within limits the unlimited work of Christ-he redeems the people of God. There is Divine power in his strange, strong, unfettered, and undismayed humanity. His holy indignation, awakened by ostentatious abuses; his fervent prayers, inspired by dread of prevailing impiety, and by unwonted devotion to the Most High; his appeals, which august conventionalisms cannot silence, and his rebukes, which no sense of earthly interests can restrain; his prophetic glances, of which piety, poetry, and love (the three elemental attributes of one beautiful flame) are the illumination; his outbursts of deep lamentation; his grand and sacred scorn of all affectations, and unseemly, unnatural courtesies; his defiance of enthroned ecclesiastical potentates; his faith, warm as his heart, and solid as his instincts; his eloquence, which rolls with mysterious majesty, as though it were the echo of speeches addressed by God to the nations; his absorption in the infinite, eternal, and almighty wonders of that Gospel which is at once the theme of his ministry, the plea of his assumptions, and the law of his heart; the tenderness of his many tears, shed over the obstinacy of the wicked, and the cruelty of unfaithful friends; the yearnings of his broken soul; in short, the magic fervor of his whole address-these, as they are so many embodiments and utterances of a religiousness uncommon in his day, become the creative agents of new light and new life to all who come within the range of their influence. Words thus spoken are pregnant with sublime spiritual power. The man thus constituted wears the commanding dignity of a king, whilst he exercises the functions of a prophet. Among the saints he restores new sanctity. The minister of remorse, he


the gratitude of the Church of history, are abundantly d

Edward Irving was born of Annan--a place of some associations-on the 15th c His father was descended family; his mother was su come from the family of w ther was an illustrious memb were in comfortable circu though Edward was one o his education was not negl instructress was Margret and the reputed teacher, of t famous "Rights of Man," a Reason." The youth was g exuberant and healthy amu age-devoted to athletic s rambles on the shores, or waters of the beautiful Sol he attended, notwithstanding cess, to the severer occupatio where he especially distingui an arithmetician. The pro was fulfilled at the Universit to which seminary he was in He made such proficiency that, on the recommendatio Leslie, he was, as early as year, appointed teacher of m academy at Haddington. I taken the degree of "A. twelve months, he was prom torship of an academy at Ki here that he completed the quired of him by the Church a candidate for its ministry. versed in classics, modern ancient and modern standard he had studied natural philo more practical sciences to co pose. Thus equipped, he a to the office for which he ha solemnly prepared himself. wait. By his occasional s rendered himself rather notor lar, and, wherever he went, e curiosity of the few than th the many. Without conform lished conventionalities of th in the courses of his thinking his address, there was a wa ness, and a deep-seated origin rested attention, but failed to Growing weary of delay, and diligently and regularly emp he had made up his mind, twenty-seven, to devote himse

adventures. His intention was not to commit himself to the control and the protection of any existing religious corporation; but, with apostolic simplicity and apostolic faith, to go forth under the guidance of Providence alone," without purse or scrip"-thus leaving the sinister interests of life to the care of Him to whose glory his spiritual energies were to be so unreservedly and chivalrously consecrated. He was destined, however, to a less hazardous, though, perhaps, a not less troubled and laborious career. On Saturday afternoon he received a message inviting him to preach on the following day for Dr. Andrew Thompson, of Edinburgh; an intimation being given that Dr. Chalmers, who was at that time seeking an assistant minister, would be one of the congregation. A few days having passed without bringing him any communication, his old resolution came back to his heart with augmented force, and he actually packed up his books, despatched them to Annan, and proceeded on a farewell journey round the coast of Ayrshire. By a strange whim, he extended his ramble to Ireland: and when he arrived at Coleraine, he found a letter from his father awaiting him, in which was inclosed a communication from Dr. Chalmers, soliciting his immediate presence in Glasgow. The Doctor informed him that he wished him to become his assistant. Irving would only consent on the condition that the people should first hear him preach. He preached before them, and was forthwith installed in the office of assistant minister of St. John's, Glasgow. This engagement lasted only three years-time long enough for the earnest young man to discover that honesty, originality, and naturalness in the pulpit were not the best securities of public and official approbation. Again without satisfactory occupation, the mind of this brave servant of God resorts once more to its favorite dream of missionary enterprise-a dream which is again interrupted by an incident from which may be dated the origin of Mr. Irving's peculiar position and influence in the Christian Church. The Caledonian Church (of Scotland) in Cross-street, Hatton-garden, London, was at this period in a very dejected and low condition. An appeal was conveyed to Mr. Irving, through Dr. Chalmers (who through life remained his friend), that he would take the ruins under his care. He consented, and immediately removed to the metropolis, after having submitted to the rite of ordination in his native parish. He had

when he acquired a quite unprecedented popularity. Members of the Royal family, leading statesmen of all parties, noblemen of every grade, the representatives of the public press, might be regularly seen among the crowds who thronged to hear the wonderful preacher. At length, seat-holders were obliged to be admitted by a side door, and those who came from curiosity could only gain admission by ticket. The earnestness, originality, and true Christian boldness of the man, commanded, as they were entitled to, this eminence. Nor were the critics silent. From the Times newspaper to the smallest penny journal-from the Quarterly Reviews to the petty organs of denominational progress the journals of the day recorded his fame and canvassed his powers. This unrivalled notoriety neither betrayed his meekness, nor modified the practical fidelity which was, from the beginning, one of the most obvious characteristics of his ministry. He was not abashed by the presence of kings; nor did the powers and potentates of iniquity effect any restraint of his sacred denunciations. At the same time, he continued his independent pursuit of truth; and, when invited to preach a sermon on behalf of the London Missionary Society, he was not afraid to avow the belief on which he had himself been once ready to act, that those who went far and wide with the Gospel, should trust, as did the first missionaries, to the hospitality of those on whom they might call, for their support. The publication of this discourse brought upon him some bitter animadversions from those more immediately connected with the administration of the Society at whose request it had been delivered. This was the small beginning of strife. Before long, the preacher got involved in the meshes of prophetical interpretation. Like some good people in all ages, he wished to know the times and the seasons of coming events. In this fruitless work he soon got quite absorbed. He now, also, began to teach, respecting the sacraments, that they were more than appropriate ceremonies, they were sacred symbols: they were not mere barren signs, but operative and vital mysteries. For instance, he went so far as to say, "No man can take upon him to separate the effectual working of the Holy Spirit from baptism, without making void all the ordinances of the visible Church," &c. Notwithstanding his largeness of soul, and his generally very liberal notions on questions of civil and religious

to the theology of the Roman Catholic | the consternation of some, and the astonishChurch, Mr. Irving was a most determined ment of all. Prophecies were spoken; reand violent opponent of Catholic emancipa- bukes were administered; exhortations were tion. In the course of this contest, an applied by this agency. Thus the victim of amusing incident occurred, which we cannot honest heresy, was also suspected of wild forbear narrating :fanaticism; and on both grounds was treated with a harshness of discipline and a superciliousness of contempt that are sadly inconsistent with the spirit of true Christianity and yet more sadly consistent with the common practices of ecclesiastical bodies. Irving eloquently, and with true dignity of spirit defended himself, but without avail; and he had so long honored, on a pretence of having was first of all thrust out of the pulpit he violated the proper discipline of the Church by the encouragement with which he regarded the speaking in unknown tongues, and was afterwards cut off from the ecclesiastica body with which he had been associated throughout his life, on a charge of heresy. The outcast divine now proceeded to the fuller development of his opinions. The Apostolate was set up, and other modifications (elaborated and completed in the "Catholic and Apostolic Church") were intro duced. But the strange author of these changes was approaching his own fina change. He was sent on a mission to a new church in Edinburgh, early in the spring o 1834. He accomplished this undertaking The following summer he spent in London suffering, secluded, and gradually going towards his grave. Again he was sent on a visit of ecclesiastical purport to Scotland, and died on the way thither on Monday, Decem ber the 8th.

"When the Catholic Relief Bill had entered its final stage, Mr. Irving determined to address a remonstrance to the king against giving it the royal assent. The document is said to be a masterpiece of objurgatory composition. Accompanied by two of the heads of his congregation, its author presented himself, according to appointment, at the Home-office. They were ushered into an ante-chamber, in which were a number of such miscellaneous personages as are haunting the outer rooms of Downing-street. Having waited about ten minutes, Mr. Irving proposed to his elders that they should pray for grace in the eyes of the ruler, and for a blessing to accompany their petition. One can easily conceive the amazement of a company of place-hunters and officials on beholding the gaunt and almost grotesque figure of Edward Irving upon his knees, pouring out a fervid prayer for the king and country. When the deputation had risen, and were admitted to the presence of the gentleman commissioned by Mr. Secretary Peel to receive them, he would have taken the petition at once. But Mr. Irving, putting himself into one of those imposing attitudes which his limbs assumed as readily as his tongue moved itself to speak, begged the honorable gentleman to hear first a word of admonition. He then commenced reading and commenting on the petition, and addressed himself to the Secretary's heart and conscience with words and gestures that made him pale and tremble. At length, he released his unwilling auditor, on his giving an assurance that the memorial should certainly reach the throne."-Pp. 197, 198.

Soon after this, Mr. Irving published an opinion contrary to the orthodox doctrine that Jesus Christ was free from the taints of hereditary sin; maintaining that he was absolutely and truly human, and that he was only saved from actual iniquities by the triumphant supremacy of the Divinity, which dwelt within him. This finally resulted, after long and bitter conflicts, in the expulsion of this noble man from the church he had raised to such prosperity, and in his excommunication from the loved and well-served Church of his native land. Consentaneously with these proceedings the manifestation of supernatural gifts began to appear. Having heard that at Port Glasgow the strange phenomenon of "speaking with unknown tongues" had been realized, Mr. Irving despatched one of the elders of his church to make observation thercof. The report was favorable. Soon the same 66 gift" was received by members of his own church, to the amusement of many,

Such is a brief outline of the life of Ed ward Irving; and if it indicate nothing more it at least proves that he must have been man of power. Success in life is only th reward of some prominent virtue or virtue: or of some distinguishing endowment or er dowments. A man gets no permanent fam unless he be more or less unusually good ‹ great. Now, without doubt, Edward Irvin did what scarcely any other preacher modern times has done-he attracted th wise and the honorable of all classes: tl poor loved him as a friend, and trusted hi as an advocate; the learned respected hi for his erudition; the polite admired him f his refinement; the exalted in rank, powe and station were so fascinated by the charr of his eloquence, that they continuously su tained the severity and integrity of his cou sels and appeals ; critics left the usu spheres of their activity to test his excellenc the idle followed him to satiate their curic

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