
glorious truths, he had never fully examined and | compared; the objections which have been raised to them, he had never heard, and, of course, was unprepared to answer. The plausible and bewitching, but withal most unphilosophical and inconsistent criterion of truth was proposed, reason, the reason of weak, and ignorant, and fallible, and depraved man. It looked like a mark of intellectual greatness, no doubt, to test the revelation by this high authority. He was not asked, observe, to give up his belief in the Bible. This might have frightened him away from the temple of reason. But holding this belief, he was to bring every page of the Sacred Record to the ordeal of human reason. Whatever was above the comprehension of man,—above the comprehension of him, who could not tell you how this soul and this body were united, who could not explain to you the simplest process of nature, was to be mangled, maimed and destroyed. In this way, one by one of the articles of our faith was abandoned; the Supreme Divinity of the Saviour,-the atonement he made on the cross,-every thing that gives peculiarity and value to the Gospel, was gradually vielded. He retains professedly the Bible as the Word of God, after having blotted from its pages truths the most valuable; he is landed in what has been called the frozen zone of Christianity, that cold and cheerless region where no sun shines, where he has a being stript of all moral glory for his God,—a mere man for his Saviour, an imperfect, and sinful life as the foundation of his hope.


II. Principle and practice are inseparably united. What corrupts the fountain will taint the stream. What injures the tree will deteriorate

the fruit.

Look to the history of the ancient heathen. What is the moral aspect of that city, where Paul of old saw an altar erected to the " Unknown God?" Athens, the seat of learning and science, was also the abode of debauchery and wickedness. Sin of every kind was rioting in its streets, and the heart of the Christian apostle saddened at the sight of its magnificent temples, and gorgeous palaces. Such also was the case with imperial Rome the queen of cities. Read the first chapter of the epistle to the Romans, and you there find the moral character of its citizens drawn in colours fitted to make us blush for humanity. And what was the cause of this? It was, because they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, that God gave them up to a reprobate mind. Look to the present state of the heathen world, where darkness yet reigns with midnight power, where the people are yet in utter ignorance of the truth of Revelation. And what is there presented to our view? There we behold men degraded almost to a level with the brutes; the sense of right and wrong seems almost extinguished; every thing that is base and abominable practised without shame or fear. Their very religious rites show, that while they believe there is a God, they think him such an one as themselves. Notwithstanding all the ex

ertions which have been made in modern times to teach them the knowledge of God, all that has yet been done seems only to have rendered the darkness visible.

These are facts which are known to all, and which most certainly give us a very appalling view of the evils arising from ignorance of religion. And what is true of nations, is equally true of individuals. The men who are most frequently found guilty of enormous and aggravated guilt, are generally those who are grossly ignorant of divine truth. The calendar of crime in this country is found generally to be filled with those who have been in early life ill instructed in religion, and have been allowed to grow up in ignorance of God's Holy Word. How often has it happened, that those who have brought themselves to an untimely end, and have been compelled to expiate their crimes on the scaffold, have been men who were not even able to read, and whose knowledge, therefore, of divine things must have been limited and imperfect?

And not only is it consistent with fact, that ignorance is the cause, or at least the concomitant of much iniquity, but it is farther true, that it has led to the most mistaken views of duty. With minds ill informed in the will of God, many have confounded right and wrong, and done, through ignorance and error, what was directly contrary to duty. that Saul persecuted the Church of Christ, and It was in ignorance employed all the influence of high talent, and impassioned eloquence, and glowing zeal, to crush that Church of whose cause, when enlightened by God, he became the most powerful and prevailing advocate. Since his day many have fallen into similar errors. the Word, how many confound sin and duty,— In ignorance of virtue and vice. When, therefore, we consider all these things; when we think of the evils which have resulted from ignorance of religion to communities and individuals, the evils, direct and indirect, which have flowed from ignorance of God and Christ, and holiness,—we may see how it is that people may be destroyed for lack of knowledge.

III. It is said by the wise man, "that in much knowledge there is much grief, and he that increaseth in knowledge increaseth in sorrow." There is indeed a knowledge which has this tendency and effect; a knowledge which creates wants, without affording the means of supplying them; a knowledge which creates desires, without affording the means of gratifying them. But this is knowledge secular and profane. There is nothing in the knowledge of religion but what is fitted to impart peace and comfort to the soul. And we cannot imagine anything so much fitted to aggravate sorrow and distress, as ignorance of the only foundation of consolation.

Many are the ills, the sorrows, and the cares of the sinful children of men. Different, indeed, are the forms in which affliction visits their habi tations. But where is the happy home which

sorrow never saddens, which adversity never darkens? In this vale of tears-this world of shadows-we seek in vain for such a dwelling. And when misfortune enters, and proclaims that man is born unto trouble, where is consolation and support to be found?

To those on whom poverty has laid its withering hand, or whom disease has stretched on the bed of languishing, or whose dwelling the angel of death has visited, would it impart consolation to be told to bear with stoical apathy their misfortunes, or to listen to declamations on the uselessness of grief, or to be asked to look forward to the land of silence and oblivion? Many are the consolations which can be given, apart from religion,—and miserable comforters are they all.

In religion alone there is what can soothe and support the soul in the day of trouble and of darkness. It teaches men that every trial, whether personal, domestic, or worldly, comes from Him who ruleth over all; that it is designed in great mercy to bring men to himself; that it is part of that mysterious, but divine discipline, by which they are fitted for glory; and that when all their trials shall have come to a close, they will enter into that happy land where neither sorrow, nor suffering, nor death, nor sin, ever enter.

Look to that house in the day of misfortune, where religion is unknown, and where its inmates are the votaries of infidelity and superstition. If their calamity be poverty, then the hard hand of penury is doubly severe; if their misfortune be disease, it is submitted to with repining; and pain gathers intensity from fretfulness; death is looked forward to with terror; the grave is looked to not only as the sepulchre of vitality, but of hope.

"Mr Werry began by asking, why he wished to turn Turk. He said, for a very plain reason that he could not live by his own religion-He had been on board many years, and suffered ill-treatment. This he said in a faint and skulking manner, standing so that Mr Werry could only just see him, and entirely avoiding my view. Mr Werry said, that he was there on the part of the English Consul, whose son he was, to offer him safe passage to England; and, if he had been bribed, that he would see to his being set in a fair way of business, or something to that effect. The man answered, No: I shall remain where I am. I have made up my mind.' Mr Werry said, Remember, that what you are going to do now cannot be undone, and that it is a disgrace to a man to change his religion. The man made no reply, except to mutter something, that he saw no importance in the question of religion. Then turning to me, Mr Werry said, You see he is resolved: what more can we do?'

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"I then asked the man how long he had taken to think about it. He said he had been now two days thinking of it. 'And don't you know, that, in changing your religion, you are denying your only Saviour the Lord that bought you?' He just looked at me, but gave me no answer. You said that you change in order that you may live better; but what will you do in the day of judgment?' He said something which seemed to me to imply that he did not take my meaning; probably not having looked for such kind of puestions. I therefore said, 'When Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, comes to judge the world, what will you do, without answering. You see,' said Mr Werry, that who have denied him?' He hung back behind the Turks, he is lost." It seemed to me, from the manner of the company, that they were now going to bring him forward to go through the form; and Mr Werry, by his manner, gave him up as a lost man. He was himself indeed, as he afterwards said to me, inwardly depressed at the sight of such a victim. I said, however, to the man My friend,'-for he would hardly face me, but slunk back, so that I was obliged to lean forward a little since you seem bent on this bad act, yet remember, hereafter, that Peter denied his Master three times; yet afterwards he repented, and Christ forgave him; and it would be better for you thus to repent.' I had THE following interesting account is extracted from no time to say more, for they put him forward, and he Jowett's Christian Researches in the Mediterranean." willingly stepped up on the raised floor where we sat, "I had heard, late yesterday evening, that an Eng- and stood before the Moolah: though, I am persuaded, lishman is going to turn Turk. I thought, yet not not without some uncomfortable sensations, for he was without shuddering, that I should like to be present at very much indisposed to speak to us very white in the the scene, and that it might be turned to some good face and, once or twice, his legs trembled, as I perpurpose. I obtained, therefore, what information Iceived from his loose trowsers; whether from a troucould on the subject; and noted down some questions which I should like to ask the man. This morning I inquired whether I might witness the ceremony; and, happily found no objection. Mr John Werry and myself, therefore, preceded by the English Dragoman or Laterpreter, and by the Head Janissary or Turkish Guard in the service of the English Consul, went to witness a scene of this nature.



bled conscience, or only from the impressiveness of the
seene, I cannot divine. Thus he stood before the Priest,
who went over a form of words in Arabic, two words
at a time, so that the man might repeat them after him.
I did not under-
They might be about five sentences.
stand them; but they ended with the usual declaration,
That there is but one God, and Mahomet is the Pro-

We entered the apartments of the Mayor; his De-phet of God. The man was then immediately taken

fnty received us, in a very shabby room. Pipes and coffee were served very little conversation. The Deputy had a pair of long scissars in his hand, with which be was cutting little square pieces of paper, called Tesseras; on which he had written Orders or Patents, and which he signed with a small signet. Presently a stout man came in, attended by servants, bearing a present in a basket. The man was a Tunisine, and was come to raise troops for Algiers. Never did I Bee so stout a man; he seemed built like a tower.

"The man was soon brought in, and stood at the far end of the room, in the midst of a group of Turks. There were sixteen Turks in the room, and the Russian Dragoman was also present,

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out of the room."

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF CHRISTIAN FREDERICK SWARTZ. CHRISTIAN FREDERICK SWARTZ was born at Sonnenburg, a small town in Prussia, on the 26th of October 1726. His parents appear to have occupied a respectable station in life. His mother, who was a woman eminent for her piety, died during his infancy, and the education of her son seems to have been a subject which occupied much of her attention upon her death bed. As the prayerful Hannah dedicated the infant Samuel to the God who had given him, saying, "As long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord," so did the pious

mother of Swartz, with her dying breath, dedicate her infant son to the Holy Ministry, and obtained a promise from her husband and her attendant pastor, that he should be trained up in remembrance of this sacred destination. When we think of the forty-eight years of eminent uninterrupted usefulness in the vineyard of Christ, which that devoted child afterwards went through, shall we not be convinced that the fervent effectual prayer of a righteous mother availeth much? At the age of eight years, young Swartz was sent to the principal grammar school at Sonnenberg, "where" says Dr Pearson, he received very good impressions from the moral and religious instructions of its rector, Mr Holme." At a very early age Swartz used frequently to retire from his companions and pour out his heart before God, and it is unnecessary to say, that he found this practice highly beneficial. Accordingly he mentioned in after life, that when conscious of having acted wrong, he could never regain tranquillity of mind, until he had earnestly implored the forgiveness of God. During his stay at this school, he partook, for the first time, of the holy communion; but although at the time considerably affected, these serious impressions were speedily effaced. Before entering the university, he was sent to an academy at the town of Custrin, where, by associating with thoughtless companions, his affections were still more estranged from God. At the age of twenty, Swartz, still undecided in religion, entered the university of Halle, when Professors Baumgarten, Michaelis, Knapp, and Freylinghausen were in the meridian of their glory. But the pernicious influence of a brilliant literary theology was graciously neutralized by the sacred and sanctifying atmosphere of the orphan house in which he boarded, where he was chosen to assist in the evening assemblies for prayer, and where he enjoyed intercourse with the pious Professor Francke, the zealous supporter of Missions. Here he met with the amiable Schultz, and under his care undertook to assist in correcting the printing of the Tamul Bible, having studied the language simply for this end. Little did he think, when first he sat down to its knotty characters, that it would one day be familiar to him as his mother-tongue that for nearly half a century to come it was to be the medium through which he would beseech idolaters to believe in Jesus. Thus was the mind of the young student directed to the far distant scene of his holy and happy labours; so that he writes, soon after his arrival in India, " It is a sweet comfort to my heart that I am enabled to say, it s Thou, oh my God, who hast conducted me to these parts; I have not run hither of my own accord, but would rather have declined the call, if thy unseen hand Lad not retained me."

At the time when Swartz was studying at the university, Professor Francke was employed in procuring missionaries to be sent to India. Swartz determined to offer himself for this arduous enterprise; could he only gain his father's consent. Without delay he set out for his native place, and there made known his thoughts to his parent, who, after three days' consider ation signified his consent, and giving him a blessing, bade him depart in God's name; charging him, at the same time, to forget his native country, and his father's house, and to go, and win many souls to Christ. All was now preparation for his departure, and although an advantageous offer was made to him of entering upon the ministry at home, his mind was so set upon proceeding to India, that he refused to accept of it. On the 6th of September 1749, he was ordained to the sacred ministry at Copenhagen. It being intended that he should proceed to India by way of England, on the 8th of December, he, in company with two other missionaries, arrived in London, where they remained six weeks. The directors of the East India Company Laving, at the request of the Society for Promoting

Christian Knowledge, kindly granted them a free passage out, they proceeded to Deal, where they embarked in the ship Lynn, Captain Egerton. On the 12th of March 1750 they set sail, and arrived in India about the middle of the July following.


We shall now proceed, as briefly as possible, rapidly to sketch the labours of this great and good man. On his arrival at Tranquebar, in Southern India, he laboured in the Danish Mission there for fifteen years. His first endeavour was to make himself master of the language, and in this he was indefatigable. seven in the morning," says he, "we begin, and practise Tamul almost the whole forenoon. Three days in the week Mr Maderuss comes to us at ten, and gives us a lesson in Portuguese. From two to three we again read Tamul. Afterwards, every one remains above till five. From five to six, I and dear brother Auttemann practise speaking Tamul. We perceive that God helps us on from day to day. In the morning and evening we excite each other by joint prayer and reading the Word of God." In consequence of this diligence he preached in Tamul four months after his arrival in India; and in a few months after, entered upon more regular labours. These included a catechetical hour in the Malabar school, "with the youngest lambs"-almost daily excursions into the villages, speaking with Christians and heathens and preparations for baptism with native converts, most of whom he afterwards baptized. Catechising the Portuguese school, and preaching in Portuguese, were also parts of his regular labours. During his first years he read through the Mythological books of the Malabars, which gave him great power in arresting the attention of the natives. His extra labours consisted in a pedestrian tour as far north as Cuddalore, and south to Negapatam, preaching, administering the sacrament, distributing books and tracts," and rejoicing at the evident proofs afforded by many, of a cordial reception of the Word of God." He also made a five months' visit to Ceylon. From Point Pedro to Point de Galle, the northern to the southern extremity of the Island, he preached to Danes, Idolators, and Mahommedans-visited hospitals admonished clergymen advised governors and, after due preparations, administered the Lord's Supper five times.

Trichinopoly was the next scene of the labours of Swartz, during twelve years, under the auspices of the English Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge." Here his income was £48 a-year. A room in an old Gentoo building was his lodging, just large enough to hold himself and his bed. A dish of rice and vegetables, dressed after the manner of the natives, was his ordinary food. A piece of dimity, dyed black, his annual supply of clothing. He preached incessantly to the natives, both in the town and villages round, and was not long without a congregation of converted Hindoos. From these he chose four or five catechists, whom he contrived to maintain. He daily instructed them how to preach Jesus to their benighted brethren in a winning manner. On their return in the evening they related their labours, their difficulties, and their success. English garrison had no chaplain-Swartz cared for their souls-gradually made himself master of the languagefirst read the English service, and sermons from evangelical English divines,-then preached himself, and with wonderful power persuaded whole garrisons, so that they soon subscribed money enough to build him a church. He also held a prayer meeting with the most pious of the soldiers, which God did not leave without a blessing.


During his residence at this place, while he was one day reading an English tract, on the fifteenth chapter of St. Luke, under a shady tree, an old Hindoo, who had often entreated him not to trouble him with his Christian tenets, approached him, in company with several others, and begged to know what he was read


ing. Mr Swartz told him that it was a narrative of the truly paternal conduct of God towards us, and of our refusal to render due obedience to his kind and gentle government; thus abusing his mercies, and bringing upon ourselves distress and misery. Notwithstanding this, there was, he said, a way opened by which we might return to our justly offended Maker, and become partakers of his grace and benediction. The old man being pleased with this parable, Swartz proceeded to relate to him that of the sower, telling him why the seed did not every where bring forth good fruit. He comprehended this also perfectly, and asked whether God is not omnipresent. "Yes," he replied, he sees every thing that passes on earth, whether it be good or evil; but his omnipresence is formidable to the wicked." The Hindoo said, "In my heart, inwardly, I worship God.""If that is the case," rejoined Mr Swartz, "your outward conduct must prove the reverence which you profess to entertain in your heart towards the Almighty. What would you think of a man, who reproached and even struck you, while he pretended that he had cordial love for you in his heart?" The Hindoo confessed that he could not value such love. "Neither," he concluded, can God accept the Lomage which you profess to feel inwardly for him, while in your words and conduct you deny and dishonour him." Swartz visited Tanjore almost every year, sometimes three and even four times, visited the Christians, attended the schools, and was introduced to the Rajah Tuljajee. Early and late, covered over with dust, he preached to the natives, who in great numbers surrounded him. Repentance, Faith, Reconciliation with God, through Jesus Christ, were his themes. He frequently expounded the parables, till he was quite exhausted. The people commended his doctrine, and often said, "Oh, that the King would embrace it! all would then forsake heathenism." At the request of the Rajah, he learned the Mahratta language, to which Le owed much of his subsequent influence at Court.


Swartz had been 27 years in India, and was 52 years of age when he removed his residence to Tanjore, a place of more importance, being the seat of the native government. This formed his head-quarters for the last 20 years of his life. It was on his removal thither that he undertook a confidential embassage from the Madras Government to Hyder Ali. All the way to Seringapatam, and even in the palace of the fierce Sultan of Mysore, he preached Jesus to high and low, as long as his strength would allow, none presuming to hinder him. The only remuneration which he would accept for this expedition, was a salary to his successor at Trichinopoly, and bricks and lime for his church at Tanjore. His ordinary labours he thus describes :" I preach from 8 to 10 to the English-from 10 to 12 to the Malabars from 4 to 5 to the Portuguese. At 7 in the evening we have prayer and then I say, 'Blessed Jesus, I have sowed-give thou the increase."" An occurrence, which happened about this time, is related by Christian David, who was afterwards ordained by Heber, and who, then a boy, waited on Swartz. It is admirably characteristic of his primitive godliness." They Lad been travelling all day, and arriving at a small village at sunset, the good man sat down under a tree, and conversed with the natives who came round him, whilst his house-keeper was cooking their evening meal. When the rice and curry were spread on the plantain leaf, Swartz stood up to ask a blessing on the food they were going to share, and to thank God for watching over them through the dangers of the day, and providing so richly for their repose and comfort. His heart was full of gratitude, and expressed itself in the natural eloquence of prayer and praise. The poor boy for some time repressed his impatience, but his hunger at last overpowered his respect for his master, and he ventured to expostulate with him, and remind him that the curry would be

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cold. He describes very touchingly the earnestness and solemnity of the reproof he received. "What!' said the pious Missionary, shall our gracious God watch over us through the heat and burden of the day, and shall we devour the food which he provides for us at night, with hands which we have never raised in prayer, and lips which have never praised him?"

The following is an extract from a letter addressed by Swartz to his friends at Vellore, immediately after his recovery from illness :-" If the mind be sound, all is well; the rest we shall quit when we enter into the grave. That will cure all our bodily indispositions. On this subject I meditate frequently. And, O! may God grant me grace to do it more effectually, that I may number my (perhaps very few) days. Eternity is an awful subject, which should be continually in our mind. "I know, I feel it, that I have no righteousness of my own, whereon I would dare to depend for eternal happiness. If God should enter with me into judgment, what would become of me? But blessed, for ever blessed, be the adorable mercy of God, which has provided a sure expedient for guilty man. The atonement of Jesus is the foundation of my hope, peace, love and happiness. Though I am covered all over with sin, the blood of Jesus cleanseth me from all mine iniquities, and sets my heart at rest. Though I am a corrupted creature, the Spirit of Jesus enlighteneth, cheereth, and strengtheneth us to hate and abominate all sin, and to renounce the lusts of the world and the flesh. Though the day of judgment is approaching, the love of God comforts us so far as to have boldness to appear before our Judge; not as if we were innocent creatures, but because we are pardoned, washed, and cleansed in the blood of Christ.


"O my dear friends, an interest in the atonement of Jesus, and a participation in the graces of his Spirit; these constitute a Christian, these cheer and strengthen the heart, these glorify God, and prepare for heaven.

"Let us daily, therefore, come before God through the blessed Jesus; but let us, at the same time, not neglect the second point, viz., our sanctification. Our time is short. Within some days, I have sojourned in this country thirty-four years. The end of my journey is, even according to the course of nature, near. May I not flag! May my last days be the best! But as long as we live together upon earth, let us admonish and stir up one another."

The three years' desolation of the country, during the Carnatic war, greatly increased the beneficent labours of Swartz. Many were compelled by famine to join his congregation-he both supplied their temporal wants, and fed them with the bread of life. For 17 months he ministered to the bodily necessities of a considerable number. Often 800 poor people assembled. Instead of giving money, he prepared food and distributed it, many having no cooking utensils. When peace was restored, we find Swartz travelling through the south of India, with the help of the Madras and native governments, establishing English provincial schools; and next year confirming the Tinnevelly Mission, which at this day is putting forth the buds of promise. He was still able to go through his ordinary work among heathens and Christians. "Meanwhile," (says he) "I feel the approaches of age; but as long as I live, and have any strength left, I shall gladly take my share in the work."

In a letter written in his 69th year, he thus expresses himself:-" Though I am now in the 69th year of my age, I am still able to perform the ordinary functions of my office. Of sickness I know little or nothing. How long I am to say so, my Creator and Preserver knows. My only comfort is the redemption made by Jesus Christ. He is, and shall be, my wisdom. By him I have received the salutary knowledge which leads me to the favour of God. He is my righteousness. By his atonement I have pardon of my sins,

"As this, perhaps, may be my last letter to you, I cannot but entreat you to follow St. Paul, that excellent pattern of true goodness. By doing so, you will easily withstand and overcome the temptations of a vain world; you will live and die in peace; and, at last, be received into glory.

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purest evangelism, warming him with the beams of his reconciled countenance, till he sent his branches far and wide along the rich coast of Coromandel-over the well-watered plains of Tanjore-and amid the cinnamon groves of spicy Ceylon. His faithful Catechists, the chief of his spiritual family, became, like the bended twigs of the banyan, themselves taking deep root, and growing up around the venerable parent tree, to unite in forming a pillared shade," where many an idolatrous Hindoo, wearied with the vain search for peace from his miserable idols, sat down to hear the glad tidings of salvation by grace.


being clothed in his righteousness, my sins will not appear in judgment against me they are blotted out by the atoning blood of Jesus. He is likewise my sanctification, In his holy life I best learn the whole will of God, and by his Spirit I shall daily be encouraged and strengthened to hate every sin, and to walk in the way of the commandments of God. He is, and I hope he will be, my redemption. By him I shall be delivered from all evil, and made eternally happy. "Let others glory in what they please: I will glory in Christ Jesus, the only and perfect author of all happiness. Should I presume to rely on my own virtue, I should despair. Though I heartily wish to obey God, There are many features in the character of Swartz and follow the example of my Saviour; though I will well worthy of our study. His singular disinterestedendeavour by the grace of God to subdue my inclina- ness in regard to money-his unbounded charity, comtion to sin-yet in all this there is, and ever must be, bined with the faculty of carefully husbanding, which imperfection; so that I dare not stand upon so rotten enabled him to leave between £8,000 and £10,000 a ground. But to win Christ, and to be found in him, to the Mission, "that the cause of Christ might be his in life and death, and even in the day of judgment, was heir," may well claim our attention. His peculiar openSt. Paul's wish; this has been the wish of all genuineness of mind gave him amazing power over Hindoos and Christians; this shall be mine as long as I breathe. Europeans of all sects, made way for him to the heart This was not a peculiarity in St. Paul's character. No; of the Rajah, commanded the reverence of the despotic he admonishes all to follow him in this point. This Hyder Ali himself, and obtained for him an ascendancy close adherence to Christ will not make us indolent in with political governors of all principles, which no other the pursuit of holiness. It will rather impel, strengthen Missionary ever possessed. His powers of speaking to and cheer us in the work of true and Christian holi- the heart of outwitting metaphysical Brahmins—of ness. St. Paul wished to be made like unto the death convincing supercilious Mahommedans of winning the of Jesus, which is the summit of true holiness. attention and affection of children are amply testified by the multitudes whom he drew over to confess the superior excellence of Christianity, and the goodly company of upwards of six thousand, whom he was instrumental in turning to the open profession of the Gospel. The romantic features of his character were few and simple; as when before leaving Ceylon, he travelled to Point Pedro, for the purpose of seeing, and preaching under the very tree under which the celebrated Buldæus first preached to the natives. But if we were asked to point out the leading trait, which, above any other, gave a peculiar colouring to Swartz's whole history, we would point to his pervading cheerfulness. He seemed to preserve the equal mind in arduous circumstances without an effort. Light-heartedness, without a shade of levity-unbroken tranquillity, without a tendency to slothfulness-distinguish him from almost every other Missionary. He lived careful for nothing-and the peace of God fortified his heart and mind. He died as he had lived. "We sung the hymn, Christ is my life,' says Gerické, "when he began to sing with us-spoke very humbly of himself, and extolled his Redeemer-and wished to be dissolved, and to be with Christ. 'Had it pleased him,' he said, to spare me a little longer, I should have been glad. I should then have been able to speak yet a word to the sick and poor, but His will be done. May He but in mercy receive me into thy hands I commend my spirit-thou hast redeemed me, O God of truth.' After this, the native assistants sung the last verse of the hymn O head so full of bruises'-he joining with them. He then rested a little. After which, he expressed a desire to be raised up, unexpectedly opened his lips and expired in the arms of the faithful native fellow-labourers of this place."

"We have known one another a long time on earth. May we know one another in a blessed eternity, where sin and sorrow never shall disturb us! Watch and pray, that you may be counted worthy to stand before the Son of man your Redeemer."

During his last year, when he was 72 years of age, having been 48 years in India, he pursued his usual labours and studies with great fervour. He preached every Sunday in English and Tamul by turns, and on Wednesdays lectured in Portuguese and in German to the soldiers of the 51st regiment. He explained the New Testament at morning and evening prayers, and dedicated an hour every day to the instruction of the Malabar children in the truths of Christianity. He took particular delight in visiting the members of his congregation, telling them plainly whatever was blameable in their conduct, and animating them by every powerful argument to walk worthy of their profession. He listened to the accounts given by the Catechists of their conversations with men of all creeds and characters and directed them to a wise and faithful discharge of their office. But his strength was visibly on the decline, and he frequently spoke of his departure, to which he looked forward with joy.

What mind can turn away from such a picture as this, without remembering that it is written,

The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree;
He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon;
He shall still bring forth fruit in old age;
He shall be fat and flourishing.

Or, if the excursive fancy may change the simile to a tree more suitable to the clime, it might compare him to the fig-tree

"Such as at this day to Indians known In Malabar or Deccan, spreads her armsBranching so broad and long, that in the ground The bended twigs take root, and daughters grow About the mother tree a pillared shade, High overarched, and echoing walks between." From a remote corner of Germany he came, unaided by birth or splendid talent, or by what the world calls riches an humble Missionary. God planted him in Southern India, watering his roots with the streams of

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We cannot refrain from quoting the following beautiful description of the funeral of this truly eminent man. It is written by Mr Kohlhoff, who was present at the mournful ceremony:-"His funeral was a most awful and very affecting sight. It was delayed a little beyond the appointed time, as Serfojee Rajah wished once more to look at him. The affliction which he suffered at the loss of the best of his friends, was very affecting. He shed a flood of tears over his body, and covered it with a gold cloth. We intended to sing a funeral hymn, whilst the body was conveyed to the chapel; but we were prevented from it by the bitter cries and lamentations of the multitudes of poor who had crowded into the

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