
the Lord have spoken it." Tyre is at present inhabited by a few wretched fishermen, who dry their nets on the top of the rock.

The prediction against Egypt came next*. It is declared that it shall be the basest of kingdoms, neither shall it exalt itself any more above the nations. Egypt was once renowned, but was subdued by the Persians, next by the Macedonians, then by the Saracens, and finally by the Turks, to whom it remains in the most abject servitude. For 2000 years it has been a base and tributary kingdom, and unable to exalt itself above the nations †.

I then read the prediction of the four kingdoms which were to arise; that in the days of these kingdoms shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed, and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces, and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. "Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces; .... and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the earth§."

* Ezek. xxix. 15.

+ See Appendix.

Dan. ii. 44.

§ Dan. ii. 34, 35.

I then introduced the Prophet's delineation of the Babylonian empire, which is represented under the character of a lion,-the Medes and Persians under that of a bear, the Macedonian under that of a leopard,—the Roman empire under the emblem of a beast, terrible and dreadful, with great iron teeth, and with ten horns; and a little horn which rose up among these horns. This little horn which had eyes, and a mouth which spake great things, and whose look was made stouter than his fellows, was to make war with the saints, and to prevail against them till the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given to the Saints of the Most High, and the time came that the Saints should possess the kingdom *.

In the 8th chapter, the empire of the Medes and Persians is introduced, under the emblem of a ram with two horns. It was usual for the kings of Persia to wear a diadem of gold, made like a ram's head. The Macedonian empire, under the character of a goat, is represented as destroying the ram. The Macedonians were originally called Ægeadæ, or the goat's people. The division of the empire into four principal monarchies is also predicted, when, it is said,

* Dan. vii. 22.

"the great horn was broken, and for it came up four notable ones, towards the four winds of heaven. These were the kingdoms of Egypt to the south, of Syria to the east, Thrace and Bythinia to the north, and Macedonia to the west. The Mahomedan heresy is predicted, in the 9th and three following verses, under the character of a little horn, who should come forth out of one of the four horns. That there might be no mistake as to the meaning of this emblematical language, it is expressly stated, "The ram which thou sawest, having two horns, are the kings of Media and Persia, and the rough goat is the king of Grecia; and the great horn that is between his eyes, is the first king. Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation*."

The little horn, which rose up among the ten horns, from the beast representing the Roman empire, is predicted as plucking up three of the horns, or the ten kingdoms in which the Roman empire was to be divided. Now it appears from history, that the kingdom of the Heruli, that of the Ostrogoths, and that of the Lombards, were successively eradicated by the little horn repre

* Dan. viii. 22.

senting the papal power, which in this way became a temporal as well as a spiritual power. The horn which was to have a mouth speaking great things, aptly represents the Roman papal power; the title of His Holiness, another God on earth, his claim to infallibility,-his dispensing with God's laws to forgive sins,-to give admission to heaven, and to relieve from purgatory, are specimens of the great things which this mouth has spoken. In A. D. 606, by a decree of Phocas, emperor of Constantinople, the bishop of Rome was constituted universal bishop, and supreme head of the church. In the very same year, the Mahomedan delusion commenced, which was predicted in the 22nd and following verses of the 8th chapter. Daniel states, "that this opposition to the Prince of princes will commence when the transgressors are come to the full." St. Paul says that the delusion of the man of sin shall be sent as a punishment because men believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. By the Prophet and the Apostle, the same period is assigned for the rise of the two powers. St. John also assigns to each of them the same duration, and speaks of the time of their end as

the same.

The little horn, and the two-horned beast, represent the same ecclesiastical power—the one at its rise, the other at its height. Hence Daniel, who describes fully the little horn, makes no mention of the two-horned beast; while John*, who describes the two-horned beast, styling him a false prophet, makes no mention of the little horn.

It is predicted that the little horn which rose out of the four horns of the Grecian monarchy was to magnify himself, to take away the daily sacrifice, and cast down the place of his sanctuary, and cast the truth to the ground. It is declared that the sanctuary shall be trodden under foot 2300 days; that is, the duration of the vision from the time the prophet saw it till the end of this Antichristian or Mahomedan power. It is 2373 years since Daniel wrote. The Septuagint read 2400 days. In Revelations it is stated that the holy city was to be trodden under foot fortytwo months, or 1260 days. Daniel says, from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, shall be 1290 days. The 1260 days of John and the 1290 of Daniel form a part of the 2300 days; and these were all to terminate at one time, Dan. viii. 11.

*Rev. xiii. 11-17.

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