
This was evidently rather a serious love quarrel; and the Quixotic idea presented itself to the mind of the attaché, that a third person might possibly effect a reconciliation between these two good-looking people; however, the approach of his carriage drove all his chivalry away and recollecting that the important despatches he was conveying were not to be delayed, he stepped into his calèche, trusting that the love feud would subside, as those things usually do.

As the carriage proceeded, Leverton again overtook the Tchernomoski,-as the Cossacks of the Euxine are sometimes called,-who, mounted on his beautiful courser, and habited in the picturesque costume of his tribe, was a most striking figure, even to one fresh from St. Petersburg, at that time the very depot for fancy dresses. His vest was of embroidered blue cloth, his breast was covered with gold chains, and a silken sash, bound round his waist, sustained pistols of curious workmanship;

while from the powder flask, which hung from one of the chains, a variety of coins and trinkets were suspended. A Turkish sabre hung from his side, in a sheath richly embossed with gold. His boots were of yellow leather; and a cap of fine black Tahtarian wool, costly only from its material, was the plainest part of this theatrical costume. He was evidently equipped for war; and, as Leverton guessed, formed one of the band which each village was to furnish for the expedition against the Circassians-an expedition which the despatches of the attaché were, however, designed to delay, if not entirely set aside.

The Cossack scarcely noticed the carriage, though for some little time they pursued the same route. He seemed absorbed in deep and passionate reflections, betrayed by his worn, yet expressive countenance, which, with the excessive beauty of his features, was now completely shewn, from his having taken the heavy Tahtarian cap from his head. Leverton then

perceived that distinctive mark of the Tchernomoski, the braided lock. This singular characteristic grows from the crown of the head, and passes behind the right ear. It is worn openly by the Cossack peasant, but is partly concealed by those of a higher grade, by the clustering curls of their dark hair, though all wear it with a sort of religious veneration. In times past, a Tchernomoski would rather have parted with life itself, than with this badge of the tribe to which they belong, and which distinguishes the Cossack of the Black Sea from every other in the Russian empire.

The quiescent mood in which the young chief had for some time ridden, now suddenly forsook him, and vehemently spurring the beautiful creature which bore him, he set off at full speed, appearing to occupy himself in a series of warlike exercises. Leverton was in intent observation of him, and so must have been the driver, who clumsily enough managed to overturn the carriage in a grip in the road,

which his wandering vision had not perceived. This put all Greeks and Cossacks at once out of the attaché's thoughts; and with a broken wheel and sprained wrist he re-entered Mechastovskoy, just two hours after he had left it.

The dirty hut where the horses had previously rested, proved the only hostelry in the village, and it was too late to seek a private residence-the usual resource of travellers in these remote districts; but fatigue, and an aching limb, cured him of much superfinery, and after sending off a Cossack courier with the despatches, which it was necessary should reach Taganrog, without the delay which the broken carriage would occasion, and solacing his arm with a fomentation of warm water, Leverton sought repose in the only room which could be allotted him. However, a night's rest on the dirty sheep-skins offered for a bed, produced no brilliant results, and he awoke feverish and unrefreshed.

Sending to the carriage for his medicine


chest, he administered to himself a saline draught, and was not a little amused by the astonishment which a savage-looking female, half hostess, half cantonnière, exhibited at the magical effervescence produced by the admixProbably a rumour of the wonders of this compound, or the scientific appearance of the medicine chest, spread in the village; for about an hour afterwards, a man was introduced into Leverton's room, who, coming from the commandant of the small fort attached to the village, begged his assistance, and that of his medicine chest, to alleviate the condition of a captive Circassian, who there lay dying.

On his

Leverton obeyed the summons. passage to the fort, he learnt that the sufferer for whom his services were required, had been taken prisoner some days before, in a desperate encounter with a band of brave Cossacks. It appeared that there was much anxiety to preserve this person's life; for, being a chief of high rank, he was so far a commendable offering

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