dence of Christianity, in calling it 'useless': not conclusive it certainly is, but useless it as certainly is not. The Word and the Works of God. A Course of Addresses to Young Men. By Maurice Lothian, F.R.S.E. Second and Revised Edition. Edinburgh: Johnstone, Hunter and Co. 1878. It is a good sign that a second edition should be called for of such a book as this. These Addresses were delivered to a class 'of young men whose ages varied from fifteen to fiveand-twenty years old and upward,' and are intended principally for scholars who have left Sunday-school. The book, though not of high literary pretensions, is very useful for the purpose for which it is designed. Remarkable Cases of Conversion. By J. R. Philips. London: S. W. Partridge. These 'records of experiences showing the power of faith, will prove valuable to all workers for God. The anecdotes are, for the most part, fresh and striking, calculated to arrest the careless, strengthen the faith of the tempted and guide the enquirer to Christ. a large a New Coins from Old Gold; or, Homely Hints from Holy Writ. By Thomas Champness. London: Hodder and Stoughton. These brief addresses will have a charm for all classes of readers. Mr. Champness has the rare power of putting a large amount of wisdom into terse, pithy sentences, which take firm hold on the memory. The tone of the papers varies considerably. Some are tender and admonitory, others racy and rousing; all are original and forceful. The 'get up' of the volume is admirable. It is one of the most tasteful books of the season. Bible Teachings for the Young for Every Day in the Year, with Daily Galendar and Birthday Register. By T. S. Henderson. London: Hamilton, Adams and Co. - This book is offered as a daily help to the little ones of Christ's flock. The execution is as good as the design. The texts are carefully selected, and the commenting is evidently the work of one who understands the temptations and religious difficulties of children. The style is winning and sympathetic, and the matter suggestive, appropriate and practical. These short counsels will be valued by all earnest, intelligent children. The volume is attractively bound and well illus trated. The Christian Mirror; and other Sermons. By the Rev. James Martin, B.A., late of Nottingham and Melbourne, author of 'The Origin and History of the New Testament. London: Hodder and Stoughton. No one who reads these Sermons will say they are dry. There is a symmetrical, and sometimes elaborate, outline, the promise of which is well redeemed by the filling up. The language is choice, the sentences rhythmical, and there is sustained throughout a fine tone of composition very agreeable to the reader, and often eloquence of a high order, though never rising into sublimity, and a strength of thought that compensates for the absence of the adornment of a vivid fancy. Illustration, in the shape of simile, is rare, but there is no tameness. Mr. Martin's sermons are distinguished by careful exegesis. Any difficulty the text may present is boldly grappled with, and the results of the Preacher's thought are fearlessly presented. With some of his conclusions, however, it is hard to agree. In the sermon on Cain and Abel; or, The First Sacrifice, he discards the generally received opinion that God Himself taught Adam and his children the meaning and purpose of sacrifices. But whether is the more improbable, that man, who had until this time been a recipient of God's goodness, only now woke up to the feeling that he would do well to make some return for that goodness, and went about the work ignorantly, with the result recorded in the Bible, or that, in so important a matter as Bible, portant a sacrificing, g, God gave instruction on a truth which man could not evolve from his own reasoning? Does it not require great faith toreceive such teaching as the following: 'This was, in fact, man's first lesson in sacrifice. They were both trying their hands at something entirely new. The impulse was right, and, like every right impulse, came from God. But God did not lay down the law. He let each try in his own way, and waited till afterward to show them which is best. Abel chose the right way, and God showed that it was right. Cain's first attempt was not so good, and God took no notice. This was not to discourage, but to let him see that Abel had found the true way to draw near. Had he learned the lesson of " doing well," he would have been accepted too.' Again, in his sermon on The Sacrifice of Isaac, he asserts that Abraham was mistaken in his interpretation of the Divine command: 'It was an obscure command, no doubt; but it was not a command to slay or burn. It wanted interpreting; but, in its strictest sense, it was simply a command to give Isaac entirely up to God.... The natural tendency of the human heart is to believe that God Doubtless, God never intended that Isaac should be slain, or that this command should be a precedent for, or justification of, offering human sacrifices where no such command was given; but Mr. Martin loses ight of the fact that God, Who gave Isaac's life by a miracle, had a right to demand that life back again by sacrifice, if it would in any way advance His glory. The test to Abraham's faith would not have been so severe, if the wording of the command had left room for hope that Isaac might be offered to God in some other way than by being slain and burnt like other sacrifices. And surely if Abraham had been mistaken in his interpretation, some hint to that effect would have been given in the subsequent narrative! With the lessons embodied in the west of the sermon we thoroughly agree; but they do not depend upon the faulty exegesis referred to. We need not call attention in detail to many of the other sermons contained in this wolume. That on St. Peter and the Keys enf the Kingdom, is a masterly exposition of a much controverted passage; while that on Ditine Jealousy the Measure of Divine Grace, is an original, but none the less satisfactory, explanation of a text, the usual interpretation of which is anything but satisfactory. The sermon on Completeness is Christ; or, Ritualism and Spiritism Judged by St. Paul, is very cogent and powerful, and deserves a wide circulation in the present day. We have pleasure in commending to our readers this volume of sermons as a worthy memorial of an able Minister of the Gospel. It is impossible to peruse them without a feeling of regret that the hand that penned them is still in death, and the mind that produced them removed to another sphere of service. The book is 'got up' with the usual care and taste of the publishers. The Homiletic Quarterly. Vol. II. London: Richard D. Dickinson. 1878.The four numbers of this magazine for the past year make a goodly volume of five hundred and sixty-four pages. Its Table of Contents occupies four pages: ita Index of Scriptures illustrated nearly three. Hence it will be judged that the bill of fare is sufficiently varied. The volume contains an exposition of the Book of Obadiah; instalments of commentaries, on different plans, on Indges, Esther, Hebrews and James; a large number of expository articles and a still larger of 'Sermonic Outlines'; a Clerical Symposium,' and several chapters on Biblical science; besides a considerable quantity of other matter. A few of the Sermonic Outlines' barely reach the level of respectable mediocrity, and one or two of the expositions manifest scarcely more than average ability; but the bulk of the articles attain a high standard of excellence, especially the more solid articles. Dr. Duns' able 'Science Studies,' and Dr. Bruce's thoughtful Parabolic Teaching of Christ' are real gains to theological literature. Altogether, the Homiletic Quarterly would be a helpful addition to a Minister's library. Zion's Harfe. Gesangbuch für die deutschen Wesleyan ischen Methodisten (Hymn-Book of the German Wesleyan Methodists). Cannstatt: Wesleyan yan BookRoom. Weare glad that our German brethren are provided with this excellent collection of sacred songs. Wehavehere many fine specimens of of German Germany hymn-writing, ancient of some of the noblest hymns in our own Collection. There are also several accurately rendered translations of English and Amer ican favourites. The tunes are tasteful and appropriate : the correctness of their harmony is guaranteed gua by the leading Professor in the Stuttgart Conservatory of Music. The History of the Tea-Cup; with a Descriptive Account of the Potter's Art. By the Rev. G. R Wedgwood. London: Wesleyan Conference Office. A large amount of valuable information relative to the growth and preparation of tea and the various processes employed in the manufacture of the tea-cup, is compressed into this little volume. The illustrations, which are good and frequent, greatly help the descriptions. No intelligent reader can fail to be interested by the perusal of this attractive gift-book. The Cliftons, and their Play-hours. By Mrs. Cosslett.-Ned's Motto; or, Little by Little. London: Wesleyan Conference Office. The Cliftons, is a thoroughly sensible story, very original and lively. It contains no very alarming adventures or impossible incidents, but the every-day life of a family of intelligent children is portrayed in a most interesting style. The religious difficulties and mistakes of 'Fleda' are very touching and true to life. Ned's Motto, is an excellent boy's tale, full of interesting incident, combined most happily with sterling practical lessons. It on the subject, but by the simple, straightforward, yet graphic and glowing recital of deeply interesting and heart-stirring facts, that must make the reader's heart glow with the same enthusiasm that kindles the writer's pen. There are lively descriptions and humorous touches in the book, as well as most pathetic appeals and narrations. reference to her decease, interment and family concerns; and nearly three weeks before she died she went through all particulars with great calmness; then, having expressed her wishes, dismissed earthly affairs from her mind, and never at any subsequent time alluded to them. She as sured her friends that she was going to be 'for ever with the Lord.' To one friend she said, 'I have had a sight of the crown that is laid up for me.' For about five weeks she took little but cold water. Frequently in pain, and at times suffering severely, she was often in prayer, asking for Jesus to come and help her, and take her to Himself. On April 18th, in distressing pain, she said to her husband, 'It is hard work.' He replied, 'Yes, it is; but Jesus will help you'; to which she immediately responded, 'My Jesus to know, And feel His blood flow, 'Tis life everlasting, 'tis hea ven below.' Maternal affection gushed forth in prayer: 'Bless my family! Watch my family!' Her last utterances, about two hours before her departure, were in response to the question put to her by her husband, 'Do you feel yourself safe in the arms of Jesus?' 'Yes,' was the distinct reply; and shortly afterwards, on one of her sons saying, 'You will soon be at home, mother,' she replied, without hesitation, 'Yes.' Without a struggle or a groan she gently breathed, until, on the evening of May 1st, 1876, she fell asleep in Jesus, in the sixty-seventh year of her age. 'The dead are like the stars by day, Withdrawn from mortal eye; Yet holding, unperceived, their way In heaven's unclouded sky. * * * is just the book for a Sunday-school library. Glimpses of India and of Mission-Life. By Mrs. Hutcheon. London: Wesleyan Conference Office.-This beautiful and seasonable volume pleads for the Mission cause most eloquently, not by laboured harangues OBITUARY. MRS. JUBB, whose maiden name was Sarah Orange, was born in 1809, at Wombwell, in Yorkshire. Her parents were accustomed to attend the services of the Established Church, but occasionally worshipped amongst the Methodists. Governed themselves by strictly moral principles, their children were trained to honesty, truthfulness and industry; but their spiritual teaching was grievously defective. Sarah, as she advanced to womanhood, gave decided preference to the Wesleyan-Methodists, and when about seventeen years of age was brought to the experimental 'knowledge of the truth,' under the instrumentality of the late Edward Brooke, Esq. Her religious principles became fixed, and she held on her way, waxing stronger and stronger. Her whole deportment, from the time she became an avowed believer, was characterized by regard for the Scriptures, love of the means of grace and devotional reading. In 1837 she became the wife of the Rev. Martin Jubb, and for nearly thirtynine years was a follower of holy and godly matrons. She was naturally of a cheerful disposition; and though not qualified to shine in office or in company, yet in domestic life she was a model of order and neatness, and was bright to her husband, family and friends. No one could surpass her in household management. She never ate the bread of idleness. She looked well to the ways of her household. Her children arise up and call her blessed. Though not of robust constitution, her love of activity enabled her to go through a great amount of domestic toil. In September, 1875, failure in health was manifest; but no one thought the weakness to be premonitory of ap proaching dissolution. On November 8th, in the Wesleyan Chapel, Keelby, she was seized with faintness, and lost consciousness for a while. Conveyed home, she became gradually worse, until it was evident that the disease would be fatal. All means employed to arrest its progress were vain. She felt that the end was inevitable. She made arrangements with 'For death its sacred seal hath set On bright and bygone hours; Seem more than ever ours! MARTIN JUBB. HAZELL, WATSON, AND VINEY, PRINTERS, LONDON AND AYLESBURY, |