
judicious Men may well be supposed to have given us the precife Senfe of the Article and the main Evidence that can be produced from Scripture in Support of it. Their Sentiments you have in the following Propofitions.

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Queft. Did all Mankind fall in that first Tranfgreffion?" namely, of our firft Pa


"Anfwer. The Covenant being made "with Adam, as a public Perfon, not for "himself only, but for his Pofterity, all "Mankind defcending from him by ordinary "Generation, finned in him, and fell with "him in that firft Tranfgreffion.

• Acts xvii. 26.

* Gen. ii. 16, 17. compared with Rom. v. 12-20. I Cor. xv. 21, 22.

"Q. Into what Eftate did the Fall bring "" Mankind?

"A. The Fall brought Mankind into an "Eftate of Sin and Misery *.

Rom. v. 12. iii. 23.

Q. What is Sin?

"A. Sin is any Want of Conformity unto "or Tranfgreffion of the Law of God, given "as a Rule to the reasonable Creature, 1 John "iii. 4. Gal. iii. 10, 12.

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« Q. Wherein confifteth the Sinfulness of "that Estate whereinto Man fell?


"A. The Sinfulness of that Eftate where"into Man fell, confifteth in the Guilt of "Adam's first Sin", the Want of that Righte"ousness wherein he was created, and the "Corruption of his Nature, whereby he is "utterly indifpofed, difabled, and made oppofite unto all that is fpiritually good, and


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wholly inclined to all Evil, and that continually, which is commonly called Original Sin, and from which do proceed all "actual Tranfgreffions".

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"Q. How is Original Sin conveyed from our firft Parents unto their Pofterity?

"A. Original Sin is conveyed from our "first Parents unto their Pofterity by natural "Generation, so as all that proceed from "them in that Way, are conceived and born " in Sin 2.

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Pfal. li. 5. Job. xiv. 4. xv. 14. John iii. 6.

"Q What Mifery did the Fall bring upon * Mankind?


"Ans. The Fall brought upon Mankind

the Lofs of Communion with God, his

Displeasure and Curfe, fo as we are by Na"ture Children of Wrath', bond Slaves to "Satan, and justly liable to all Punish"ments in this World, and that which is to " comed.

a Gen. iii. 8, 10, 24. ii. 26. d Gen. ii. 17. Mat. xxv. 41, 46.

b Eph. ii. 2, 3.

Lam. iii. 39.

Jude ver. 7.


* 2 Tim. Rom. vi. 23.

"Q. What are the Punishments of Sin in "this World?

"A. The Punishments of Sin in this "World, are either inward, as Blindness "of Mind, a reprobate Senfef, ftrong De "lufions, Hardness of Hearth, Horror of "Confcience, and vile Affections, or out"ward, as the Curfe of God upon the "Creatures for our Sakes', and all other "Evils that befal us in our Bodies, Names, "Eftates, Relations, and Employments", together with Death itself ".

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* 2 Thef. ii. II. Gen. iv. 13. Mat. i Gen. iii. 17.

Eph. iv. 18. ↑ Rom. i. 28.
i Ifai. xxxiii. 14.
k Rom. i. 26.

Rom. ii. 5.

xxvii. 4.

xxviii. 15. to the end. ■ Rom. vi. 21, 23.

m Deut.

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"Anf The Punishments of Sin in the "World to come, are everlasting Separa"tion from the comfortable Presence of "God, and moft grievous Torments in Soul and Body without Intermiffion in Hellfire for ever°.

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THESE Propofitions and Proofs we are now to examine. Before we begin, let me intreat you to keep a ftrict Eye upon your Bible as we go along. The Scriptures are the Rule of Faith. And it is my Business to point at the Light fhining there; and yours to open your Eyes, and judge whether you have a true View of it. And whilft we love the TRUTH, and honeftly endeavour, all our Days, to understand what God hath revealed, whether the Knowledge we gain be more or lefs, we difcharge the Duty of good Chriftians, nor can we be destitute of that Faith which is neceffary to a religious Life and the Divine Acceptance.

THE first Propofition before us is this;

PROP. The Covenant being made with Adam, as a public Perfon, nct for himself only, but for his Pofterity, all Mankind defcending from him by ordinary Generation, finned in

him, and fell with him in that first Tranf greffion.

SENSE. The Covenant here meant is God's promifing Life to Adam, upon Condition of perfect Obedience, and threatening Death in Cafe of Tranfgreffion: in which Covenant, it is fuppofed, his Pofterity were fo included, that when he finned by eating the forbidden Fruit, they both finned in him, and also became liable with him to the Penalty, or Suffering, which God hath threat


PROOF. Acts xvii. 26. And [God] hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; it follows, ver. 27. That they fhould feek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, &c.

God hath made of one blood, from one common Original, namely, from Adam, all nations of men; that is to fay, God hath made all the feveral Nations of the World of one Species, or Kind, endowed with the fame Faculties, to inhabit the Earth, and hath exercifed his Providence over them all in determining the times before appointed, (either the Seasons of the Year, or the various Difpenfations and Conditions they were to come



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