4 2X 696 1 Preface. N this new Edition of "The Beauties of Modern British Poetry" the Editor has made several improvements, which, he ventures to hope, may be found to increase the claims of the volume in public favour. While the chief feature by which the work is distinguished from other collections of Poetry-namely, the grouping together of pieces on the same subject by different poets— has been strictly retained, a few of them have been omitted, in order to leave room for others of higher merit; and a more systematic arrangement of the whole has been attempted. In this enlarged and improved form, it is now offered to the public at less than half the former price, so as to bring it within reach of all classes of readers. With regard to the merits of this selection, it is almost unnecessary to say anything. The pieces of which it is composed will speak for themselves; and the mere names of their authors are a sufficient guarantee for their excellence. The subjects treated |