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ere superfluous to expatiate on the merits, at s a source of amusement, of Boswell's LIFE HNSON. Whatever doubts may have existed The prudence or the propriety of the original ation-however naturally private confidence armed, or individual vanity offended, the voices icism and complaint were soon drowned in the 1 applause. And no wonder-the work comwithin itself the four most entertaining classes ting-biography, memoirs, familiar letters, and ssemblage of literary anecdotes which the French aught us to distinguish by the termination Ana. was originally received with an eagerness relished with a zest which undoubtedly were ened by the curiosity which the unexpected cation of the words and deeds of so many ns still living could not but excite. But this ve has gradually become weaker, and may now aid to be extinct; yet we do not find that the larity of the work, though somewhat changed uality, is really diminished; and as the interval

h seperates us from the actual time and seene



increases, so appear to increase the interest a light which we feel at being introduced, as it into that distinguished society of which Dr. Jo formed the centre, and of which his biograp the historian.

But though every year thus adds someth the interest and instruction which this work a something is, on the other hand, deducted fro amusement which it gives, by the gradual obs that time throws over the persons and inc of private life: many circumstances known the world when Mr. Boswell wrote are alread scure to the best informed, and wholly forgott the rest of mankind 1.

For instance, when he relates (vol. i. p. that a "great personage" called the English D of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries "Gia we guess that George III. was the great person but all the editor's inquiries (and some of His jesty's illustrious family have condescended to p these inquiries to extend even to them) have to ascertain to what person or on what occ that happy expression was used..

Again: When Mr. Boswell's capricious del induced him to suppress names and to substitute descriptions as "an eminent friend," "a young

1 " Dr. Johnson talked with approbation of an intended edition of th tator, with notes. He observed that all works which describe mann quire notes in sixty or seventy years or less." Post, v. ii. p. 200. And Swift wrote to Pope on the subject of the Dunciad, "I could wish the to be very large in what relates to the persons concerned; for I have lo served, that twenty miles from London nobody understands hints, initial or town facts or passages, and in a few years not even those who live in Lo Lett. 16, July, 1728.-ED.

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