
castle. Whereupon we began our march about noon, and the next day, about the break thereof, we came to that river, where we soon discovered the Highlanders by their fires. Sir Thomas immediately, on sight of it, issued his orders for our fording the river, and failing upon them as soon after as possible. Both were accordingly Highlandperformed, and with so good order, secrecy, and success, that Cannon and Balfour, their commanders, were obliged to make their escape naked.

They were about one thousand in number, of which were killed about three hundred; we pursued them, till they got up Cromdale-hill, where we lost them in a fog. And, indeed, so high is that hill, that they who perfectly knew it, assured me, that it never is without a little dark fog hanging over it. And to me, at that instant of time, they seemed rather to be people received up into clouds, than flying from an enemy.

Near this there was an old castle, called Lethendy, into which about fifty of them

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made their retreat, most of them gentlemen, resolving there to defend themselves to the last. Sir Thomas sent a messenger to them, with an offer of mercy, if they would surrender: but they refused the proferred quarter, and fired upon our men, killing two of our grenadiers, and wounding another. During my quarters at the Grave, having learnt to throw a grenado, I took three or four in a bag, and crept down by the side of a ditch or dyke, to an old thatched house near the castle, imagining, on my mounting the same, I might be near enough to throw them, so as to do execution. I found all things answer my expectation; and the castle wanting a cover, I threw in a grenado, which put the enemy immediately into confusion. The second had not so good success, falling short; and the third burst as soon as it was well out of my hand, though without damage to myself. But throwing the fourth in at a window, it so increased the confusion, which the first had put them into, that they

immediately called out to me, upon their parole of safety, to come to them.

Accordingly I went up to the door, which they had barricaded, and made up with great stones; when they told me, they were ready to surrender, upon condition of obtaining mercy. I returned to Sir Thomas, and telling him what I had done, and the consequence of it, and the message they had desired me to deliver, (a great many of the Highland gentlemen, not of this party, being with him,) Sir Thomas, in a high voice, and broad Scotch, best to be heard and understood, ordered me back to tell them, "He would cut them all to pieces, for their murder of two of his grenadiers, after his proffer of quarter."


I was returning full of these melancholy tidings, when Sir Thomas, advancing after me a little distance from the rest of the company; Hark ye, Sir," says he, "I believe there may be among them some of our old acquaintance, (for we had served together in the service of the States in

Flanders,) therefore, tell them, they shall have good quarter." I very willingly carried back a message so much changed to my mind; and, upon delivering of it, without the least hesitation, they threw down the barricado, opened the door, and out came one Brody, who, as he then told me, had had a piece of his nose taken off by one of my grenadoes. I carried him to Sir Thomas, who, confirming my message, they all came out, and surrendered themselves prisoners. This happened on May-day, in the morning; for which reason we returned to Inverness with our prisoners, and boughs in our hats; and the Highlanders never held up their heads so high after this defeat.

Upon this success, Sir Thomas wrote to court, giving a full account of the whole action. In which, being pleased to make mention of my behaviour, with some particularities, I had soon after a commission ordered me for a company in the regiment under the command of Brigadier Tiffin.

My commission being made out, signed, and sent to me, I repaired immediately to Portsmouth, where the regiment lay in garrison. A few days after I had been there, Admiral Russel arrived with the fleet, and anchored at St Helen's, where he remained about a week. On the 18th of May, the whole fleet set sail; and it being my turn the same day to mount the main guard, I was going the rounds very early, when I heard great shooting at sea. I went directly to acquaint the governor, and told him my sentiments, that the two contending fleets were actually engaged, which indeed proved true; for that very night a pinnace, which came from our fleet, brought news that Admiral Russel had engaged the French Admiral Turvile; and, after a long and sharp dispute, was making after them to their own coasts.

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The next day, towards evening, several other expresses arrived, one after another, all agreeing in the defeat of the French fleet, and in the particulars of the burning

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