
Contanseau's Elementary French Works.


Madame de Staël, Notice.

Saint Pierre de Rome.

La Terre de Naples.

La Gloire de l'Italie.

J. de Maistre, Notice.

Une Nuit d'Eté à St. Pétersbourg.

Volney, Notice.

Les Ruines de Palmyre.

X. de Maistre, Notice.

La Mort d'un Ami.

Michaud, Notice.

Pierre l'Ermite prêchant la première Croisade.

Prise de Jérusalem par les Croisés. Bonaparte, Notice.

Proclamation à l'Armée.

Châteaubriand, Notice.

Le Meschacebé.
La Tempête.

Aspect de Jérusalem au 5e Siècle.
Aspect de Rome Ancienne.

Les Francs marchant au Combat.
La Mer et la Terre.
Cimetière de Campagne.

Ruines des Monuments Chrétiens.

Norvins, Notice.

Jeunesse de Napoléon. Bataille des Pyramides. Passage des Alpes par Bonaparte. Les derniers Jours de Napoléon. Jouy, Notice,

La Cour des Messageries à Paris.
Les Catacombes de Paris.
Madame Guizot, Notice.
La Vie et l'Argent.
Ségur, Notice.

Moscou avant son Incendie.
Incendie de Moscou.

Barante, Notice.

Démence de Charles VI. La Mennais, Notice. Les Deux Voisins.

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Lamartine, Notice.
Ruines du Parthénon.
Le Liban.

Portrait de Louis XVI.

Portrait de Marie-Antoinette. Abdication de Louis-Philippe.

Thierry, Notice.


Débarquement de l'Armée normande en Angleterre.

Bataille de Hastings.

Meurtre de Thomas Becket.
Robin Hood.

Salvandi, Notice.

Napoléon Bonaparte.

Mignet, Notice.

Prise de la Bastille.

Déchéance de la Royauté en France.
Thiers, Notice.

Les derniers Jours de Louis XVI.
Les Contrebandiers Espagnols.

Soulié, Notice.

Les Marchands de Nouveautés.
Les Quatre Henri.

Victor Hugo, Notice.

Paris au XVme Siècle.

Merrimée, Notice.

Siége de la Rochelle sous Charles IX. Vermond, Notice.

Le Provincial à Paris.

Gérando, Notice.
Voyage sur la Theïss.
Sue, Notice.

Une Métairie de la Sologne.
Une Vallée de Désolation.
Marmier, Notice.
Le Spitzberg.
Dumas, Notice.

Le Pont du Gard.
Auberge italienne.
Bataille de Montereau.

Napoléon et Lucien."

Souvenirs d'un Voyage à Messine.

Janin, Notice.


Le Mont-Cénis.

Gozlan, Notice.

Gautier, Notice.

Une Jonque chinoise à Londres.

Molière, Notice.

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"Le recueil que M. Léon Contanseau, professeur de littérature française au Collége Militaire d'Addiscombe, vient d'offrir au public, sous le titre de Prosateurs et Poètes français,' est, nous n'hésitons pas à le dire, ce qui a été publié de mieux. Le choix des morceaux, dont le plus grand nombre appartient à nos, auteurs modernes, est des plus heureux, et nous ne pouvons que recommander cet excellent volume à la jeunesse des écoles d'Angleterre."


"M. Contanseau's 'Prosateurs et Poètes français' is, in our opinion, the best and most attractive compilation that has ever made its appearance in this country." MORNING ADVERTISER.

** Ten more journals have given favourable reviews on this work.

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With Notes to assist in the Translation, and to exhibit a Comparison of French and English Idioms.

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Napoleon crossing the Great St. Bernard. Capture of Ghuznee.



Jeanne d'Arc, the Maid of Orleans.

Description of the Horse.

The Hunting of the Chamois.

Battle of the Pyramids.

On Glory and Ambition.

The Fountain of Vaucluse.

Remarks on the Utility of Languages.
Benjamin Franklin.

Letter of Lord Chesterfield to his Son.
St. Petersburg.

Dialogue between the King of Prussia and

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The Taking of Constantinople by the Cardinal Wolsey's Speech to Cromwell.


Ancient Customs of the Gauls.

Louis XIV. and his Age.



Battle of Sobraon.

Letter of Lord Chesterfield to his Son.

On Pride.

The Winter Evening.

Satan's Address to the Sun.

The Storm.

The Destruction of Sennacherib.

St. Agnes.

Ode- The Dying Christian to his Soul.




Compiled expressly for the use of Schools and Students graduating for the competitive and other examinations.

One Vol. 12mo. price 5s. bound.

Like the author's abridgment of French History, this work is principally intended for the use of schools; but it is more especially planned to facilitate the efforts of pupils graduating for competitive examination under the Oxford MiddleClass System. The author's object has been to comprise in a small volume of about 350 pages, a sufficiently copious history of French literature from its origin to the present time; including succinct notices of all the emiment prose writers, dramatists, and poets of France, with general remarks on their style and choice of subjects, and particulars of their influence on their own and succeeding times; and accompanied by illustrative extracts from their writings. A division is devoted to each century, from the 13th to A.D. 1860 of the 19th; and each division is introduced by a general summary. The critical and biographical narrative of which the body of the work consists, written in easy idiomatic French, is so arranged and presented, as to enable a student who has gone through it to answer readily any question involving a knowledge of its contents. The extracts have been selected with an equal view to their intrinsic excellence as specimens of the respective writers, and to the use of the volume as a reading-book in classes or by self teachers. The typographical arrangements adopted in Mr. Contanseau's Abrégé de l'Histoire de France, having been generally approved, are repeated in the present work; all the more important words in each paragraph of the narrative, such as author's names, dates, titles of works, &c., being uniformly given in a prominent type, which readily catches the eye when the book is used for reference, and is found serviceable, when time is an object, in impressing the student's memory.

London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO. Paternoster Row.


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