
whitest marble rising from the sea, and contrasting beautifully with the dark masses of the surrounding country. The mole, stretchings from the shore in the shape of a T, surmounted by a lighthouse, and bristling with cannon, forms with its southern1 arm a secure harbour, still further defended by the triple tiers" of the batteries on the mainland, and is justly an object of pride to Englishmen, as the scene of an action rarely equalled in the annals of naval warfares for boldness and daring, and where the result of Lord Exmouth's expedition, not glorious to the British fleet only," but to the cause of humanity in general, so fully▾ realised its object. Here, under these batteries, Christian slavery, which, to the disgrace of Christian Europe, had existed in the states of Barbary for nearly eleven centuries, received its death-blowa in August, 1816.


133. From the shore the buildings rise, terrace above terrace, to the summit of the city, where the Kasbah, the ancient palace and citadel of the Deys, forms the apex of the triangle. The monotony of the Moorish houses, flat-roofed & and glaring with whitewash, is somewhati broken by the new French buildings in the lower part of the town, by the domes and towers of the mosques, and by the graceful forms of the cypress and1 palm, a few of which, having escaped" destruction, still stand in the courts of the larger mansions, silentP witnesses of the events that have changed the dull repose of the harem


a s'élever de. former un gracieux contraste.nante. 8 qui s'étendre.h forme.- d'un phare. khérissé de. du sud.- men outre.- ." rangée.

Pavec raison.- - pour les Anglais.rarement d'exemple.- de la guerre.


° de.

dont on trouve tintrépidité.

glorieuse non-seulement pour la flotte anglaise.plètement.- à la honte.- de la Barbarie.. le coup de la mort.- b s'élever.

près de.djusqu'au.blancheur.

eet.- Moresques.

un peu.

m dont quelques-uns.-P silencieux.


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- partie basse. échapper à.

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subsister encore.

gardens into the lively bustle of a French barrackyard." Outside the walls, Fort de l'Empereur, situate on a higher point of the ridge, and commanding the Kasbah, rises to the south; the hills, gently sloping to2 the sea, are studded with country-houses and gardens; and in the extreme distanced are seen the lofty range of the lessers Atlas, whose highest summits, still capped withh snow, form an appropriate back-ground to the scene.


134. Half a mile beyond the Kasbah the road passes under the walls of1 Fort l'Empereur, a* memorable spot on m two occasions in the history of Algiers. Where the fort now stands, Charles V. established his camp and batteries in his a disastrous attempt made upon the city in 1541. The expedition was undertaken in the month of October, much too late in the year for naval operations in the Mediterranean; and it wass to the elements that the defeat of the Spanish" army was owing, and not to the strength of the enemy, who, notwithstanding the high tone assumed by Muley-Hassan, the governor, were unprepared to resist the force brought against them. The troops were landed, and the siege was progressing favourably, when, on the evening of the second day, a terrific storm arose, and continuing alls

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jardin du harem.- par.

dehors des. dominer.






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qui s'incliner doucement

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- parsemer de.- b maisons de campagne. et de. d dans le lointain.- e on apercevoir.- fchaîne. du petit. toujours couvrir de. fond.- A un demi.i du.m dans.- "A l'endroit où.- • être situé aujourd'hui.- -Pet ses.- — la.- - tentative qu'il faire.- в се être.- t u que.- espagnole. ▾ non à


élevé. que prendre.- n'être point préparer.- bà résister à diriger.- débarquer.-'s'élever un orage épouvantable.

-être enbonne voie. -8 toute la.

night, ragingh with the utmost fury, the fleet was dispersed, many vessels driven from their anchorage were cast on shore and totally lost, and it wasi with the greatest difficulty that the remnant of the fleet, after losing a hundred and* fifty-five vessels and eight thousand men, succeeded1 in making Capem Matifou.



135. Nor on shore did the army suffer less: exposed without shelter to the dreadful storm, drenched with rain, numbed with P cold, and their ammunition damaged, they were not abler to withstands the attack of the Algerines, who, well protected within their walls from the weather," and animated with▾ the belief that the tempest was an especial interposition in their behalf, sallied in* the morning from the city, headed by Muley-Hassan, a man of the most daring courage, possessed* of great abilities, and bred up in the hardy school of the two Barbarossas.c The Spanish army suffered dreadfully; and a retreat being the only means of preserving the troops, now destitute of everything, they moved the following dayb towards Cape Matifou, which was reachedi after enduring a terrible march of four days, constantly harassed by the victorious enemy, and undergoing the extremes of hunger and fatigue.

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136. Some of the guns abandoned by Charles V. on this occasion have a remarkable history. Originally French, they were captured by the Imperial army from Francis I., at the battle of Pavia :P forming part of the artillery train of Charles V. in

h sévir.

ce être.- après avoir perdu.1 parvenir. mà gagner le Cap.- - L'armée de terre n'avoir pas moins à souffrir.- - tremper par. Pengourdir par.- a ses.relle ne pouvoir.- - résister à.- - Algériens.

mauvais temps.

V par. xen.

a élever.- bà la dure école.

e alors.- ftout. ' qu'elle atteindre.


met de la.

4 faire partie.

" contre le

- conduire.. Barberousse.

z talents.

a moyen.

— elle se diriger.1 lendemain.harceler.' les dernières extrémités de - sur François-P Pavie.


Africa, they were taken by the Algerines. Mounted on the Kasbah, they have served to defend Algiers against the various European squadronst that have attacked the city, and were finally recaptured" by the French in 1830, after an interval of three hundred and* five years.

After this signal defeat of the Spanish army, Muley-Hassan, perceiving that the position which Charles had taken up on the heights commanding * the Kasbah and the city would, in the event of any future attack, be again occupied by the enemy, ordered a fort to be built on the spot, and called,a in commemoration of his victory, Sultan Calassy, or the Fort of the Emperor.

137. Strengthened by the successive Deys, more, however, for the purpose of overawing their own subjects, always ripe ford revolt, than to guard against foreign invasion, it grew by degrees into* a place of considerable strength, and, in 1830, consisted of a tower, surmounted by an ENCEINTE, nearly square, with a bastion ath each angle; the fort was well supplied with artillery and ammunition; its garrison was composed of two thousand three hundred picked men, under the command of the Khasnadj (the minister of financem); and, excited by the exhortations of the Mufti, they swore to defend it to the last against the enemies of their country and of their religion..

138. The French army having effected a landing P on* the 14th of June, unopposed, except by some skirmishers at the promontory of Sidi Ferruch, twelve miles to the westward of Algiers, where they

en Afrique. servir à.- escadres.- " reprendre. en. qui dominer.- serait encore, dans le cas d'une nouvelle attaque. faire construire un fort.

- l'ap

peler. bdans le dessein. - tenir en respect.- d prêts à la.. il devenir.peu à peu.- -8 consister en.- hà. bien pourvoir de.

hommes d'élite.sous les ordres.

m des finances.- — jurer de.jusqu'à la dernière extrémité.- - son débarquement.- --sans opposition.excepté de la part de.

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had formed a strong entrenched camp, fought and gained, after a severe contest," the battle of Stavelli, with the loss of upwards of 500 killed and wounded. On* the 29th the heights of Boudjarah were taken possession of, and Fort l'Empereur regularly invested. The siege was admirably carried on by General La Hitte. On* the 4th of July the fire of the French batteries opened with such effect, that in the course of a few minutes, in despite of the courage and daring efforts of the garrison, the guns on the wallse were dismounted, the interior had become a heap of ruins from the fire of the mortars, and a breach, almost practicable, had been made in the northern faceh of the west bastion.



139. Under these circumstances, the remnant of the garrison, fearfully reduced in numbers, resolved upon abandoning the fort, and retreating1 into the city, leaving only a fewm men, who, preferring rather n to perish on the spot they had sworn to defend than to fly before their Christian enemies, had determined top fire the magazine. Accordingly, abouts noon, the French batteries still continuing their fire, and the troops waiting impatiently the moment whent the breach might be reported" practicable, a terrific explosion took place the fort had been blown up ;* and, when the cloudy of smoke and dust had cleared off, the western face of the work was nought but aa heap of shapelessb ruins, an immense breach. Negotiations were immediately commenced, which soon ended in the almost unconditional surrender of the


"retranché.livrer."lutte acharnée.- -'une perte de plus de 500 hommes.diriger.




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b informes.
terminer bientôt par.


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