
time to squeak; and then Snap lugs him about, shaking him for his impudence for bothering me, and looks as delighted as if he had done it only for his own amusement. He's a very worthy young dog, is Snap; the only fault I have to find with him is that he is almost too fond of me. He gets so jealous if I take the least notice of my other two humble friends in the stable.

19. One of them Jim calls Curate. He's a black cat with a white breast and awfully thin. He eats flies and black beetles, and he'll die of consumption if he doesn't take care. I should be very sorry, for, though he isn't much company, he is so very respectful. When he comes to the stable-door he always gives a mew to ask if he may come in.

20. If Snap hears him, he rushes at him, and wants to worry him like a rat; but Curate spits and scratches, and as soon as he's got the chance, up he climbs to the top of the rack, and makes a bridge of his back, and swells out his tail, and growls at Snap.

21. But Snap hates Tilburina almost worse than he hates Curate. Tilly is a Tilly is a tabby pussy of the softer sex; she's as fat as butter. Tilly is almost too familiar for my taste, but then she is so very fond of me that I can scarcely feel offended. Her feelings get the better of her, and so I don't blame her, but her gender. Curate would as soon think

of jumping down Snap's throat as of jumping on my back; but that is Tilly's favorite place.

22. She leaps into the manger, and scrambles into the rack, and then down she comes on my haunches, and there she lies purring like a teakettle, if Snap doesn't happen to be in the way; but if he's there, she makes faces at him, and puts out her tongue at him, and then she washes herself with her tongue, as if she'd forgotten that there was such a being as Snap in existence; and poor Snap goes almost wild. Up he jumps, tumbling heels over head, and barking as if he'd bark his heart out, but Tilly takes no notice. She's safe, she knows, and so she goes on licking herself in a quiet way that must be provoking to Snap.

23. I wish that my friends could agree better, but it's natural they should all want to be first favorites with me. I'm a handsome, high-bred horse, I know, with Godolphin Arab blood in me, though Jim does laugh at my long head and my podgy barrel, and says he's as much of an Arab as I am-and so I must take the consequences.


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What is a mack-
Of "groomin'."

Questions. What is meant by vanity? erel sky"? Give the meaning of "sisses." Why is there an apostrophe at the end of groomin'? What is a gig? What is a four-wheeler? What is meant by "a swell horse"? By a "swell turn-out"? What is "the splashboard"? What is meant by "a wonderful whip"? By grumpy"? Write the meaning of sha'n't. What is a manger? What are a horse's haunches?

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Detracts', takes from.

Conceited, full of conceit.

Supe'rior, higher.

Being conscious of, knowing. Consumption, a disease of the lungs.

Memory Gems from Pope.

Order is Heaven's first law.

Reason's whole pleasure, all the joys of sense,
Lie in three words,-health, peace, and competence

Honor and shame from no condition rise;
Act well your part, there all the honor lies.

'Tis education forms the common mind:
Just as the twig is bent the tree's inclined.

To err is human, to forgive divine.

Teach me to feel another's woe,

To hide the fault I see;
That mercy I to others show,
That mercy show to me.

'Tis with our judgments as our watches-none
Go just alike, yet each believes his own.

20.-Pussy's Mistake.

1. MRS. PUSSY-CAT one night
Went abroad to see a neighbor,
As she really thought she might,
After days of honest labor;
Having driven every mouse
From the kitchen and the house.

2. As for rats, there wasn't one-
Not a single saucy fellow
Left to whisk his tail and run
From the pantry to the cellar:
So she thought she had a right
To divert herself that night.


3. There were kittens one, two, three, To be thought of first, however: "They'll be sure to cry for me,"

Pussy thought, "if I endeavor My escape from them to make While they're all so wide awake.

4. "And to wait till they're asleep, That would be a work of patience;

Just as like as not they'd peep,

And set up their lamentations
When to leave them I began:
I must try another plan."

5. So she pondered for awhile,

Till a happy thought occurring
Made her smile—a catty smile—
And she told the kittens, purring,
She had thought of a device
To secure some good fat mice.

6. "There are dozens, as I've heard, In the corn-crib over yonder;

If you only say the word

I can catch, I shouldn't wonder,
One apiece for you at least-
How would that be for a feast?"

7. "Oh," the kitties cried, "how nice!"

"But you know I'll have to leave you While I go to fetch the mice,"

Said the cat," and that will grieve you
You must promise not to cry
Till I come back by-and-by."

8. So the kittens promised her

There should be no sound of crying,
That they'd neither fret nor stir

From the place where they were lying;

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