
GOD, is, as I take it, the true love of GOD.

IF a man then be wicked, and has not hardened himself beyond the power of repentance, let him not be ashamed to fee and confefs his danger, and embrace the means, prefented to him by religion, of recovering his forfeited inheritance. Chrift came into the world

to fave finners.

IF a man is ftill innocent, let him beware of the deceitfulness of fin. No man ever became abandoned, but by degrees. Get out of the right road, and there is no knowing, where the error ends. By lofing gradually the fense of shame, fear, and virtue, you may bring yourself to that impenitent hardness of heart, which admits not of a faving repentance.

AT the fame time, let not the wellmeaning meek-fpirited chriftian abandon himself to gloomy apprehenfions, under a fenfe of flight failings and infir


mities. If the heart be truly turned towards GOD, if you endeavour to improve daily upon yourfelf, in the regular application of the necessary inftrumental duties of religion; you are in a happy way. Bleffed are the poor in fpirit: Chrift died for their fins and rofe again for their juftification.

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Reliance on Providence.

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