
Stewardship, 1099.

Stewards in the East, 745.
Stolen Book, 181.
Stolen Penny, 440.
Stones, Living, 741.
Stow's Industry, 520.
Strangers, Sheltering, 608.
Strength or Weakness, 1231.
Strength, Source of, 1059.
Struggles, Early, 832.
Stubborn Boy, 1521.
Student, Young, 1469.
Study, Profitable, 1418.

Study under Difficulties, 475, 512.
Style in Sermons, 931.
Suffering for Christ, 686.
Suffering, Patient, 16.
Sufferings, Terrible, 1474.
Suicide Arrested, 1001.
Suitor, Pertinacious, 839.
Sunday Scholar's Belief, 1314.
Sunday Scholar's Career, 1282.
Sunday Scholar's Gift, 1283.
Sunday-school Attendance, 1284.
Sunday-school Ticket, 1285.
Sunday-schools, 1268-1288.
Sun Going Down on Anger, 23.
Superstition, Madness of, 1022.
Superstition, Power of, 770.

Superstitious Heathen, 503.

Supplication, Child's, 860.

against, 950.

Thankfulness, Poor Man's, 404.
Thanksgiving, 1052.

Theme, Loving, 700.
Thief, Detected, 966.
Things Not Seen, 423.
Things of Cæsar's, 1546.

Thoughtfulness, Conjugal, 464.
Thoughtfulness Taught by a Bird,

Three R's, Preacher's, 921.
Time, 1325-1347.

Time, Behind, 1327.

Time, Improving the, 1336.
Time Lost, 220.

Time Present Precious, 1077.

Time, Redemption of, 1341.
Time-serving, 304.

Tolerant King, 827.

Tongue, Good and Evil Member, €27.
Tower of Repentance, 1045.

Town Clerk of Ephesus, 1462.

Tract, What a, did, 1263.

Tracts and Tract Distribution, 1348—

Trade or Man? 8.

Trade Tricks, 153.

Tradesman and Prince, 1130.

Traveller, Patient, 838.

Treasure, Laying Up Earthly, 1257.
Tree Planted, 1427.

Trial, Patient under, 1323.

Swearing, Christopher Wren's Action Trial, School of, 17.

Swearing, Folly of, 952.
Swearing, Futile, 1395.

Swearing Soldiers, 182, 201, 959.
Sword and Arm, 1560.
Symbol of the Resurrection, 1068.
Symbols and Types, 1404-1429.
Sympathy, 1289-1302.
Sympathy and Duty, 596.
Sympathy Remembered, 1296.
Sympathy, Results of, 1297.
Sympathy Rewarded, 1298.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Ungrateful King, 411.
Unity, Dwelling in, 753.
Unity, Love of, 322.
Unrenewed Man, 1429.

Unseen, yet Loved, 1526.

Unselfishness, 550.

Wesley, Samuel, and the Officer, 957.
Whitefield and the Lawyers, 925.
Whitefield's Humility, 948.

Wicked, Tender Mercies of the, 826.

Wicked, Terrors of the, 1080.

Widow's Gift, 1390.

Untruthfulness. See Truthfulness.

Untruthfulness in Business, 1401.

Untruthfulness, Watching


Upright Emperor, 582.

Upright Judge, 588.


Uprightness and Humanity, 552.

VAIN Wisdom, 1465.
Vanity, 1430-1440.
Vanity Fair, 828.

Vanity of a Poet, 1435.

Vanity of Earthly Desires, 1439.
Vengeance Averted, 339.

Vengeance, Refraining from, 643.
Vengeance Restrained, 324.
Vice, Hardened in, 1250.
Vine and Branches, 100.
Violence and Gentleness, 694.
Virtue at the Scaffold, 1064.
Virtue, False, 428.
Virtue, Intrepid, 818.

Virtue, Philosopher's, 1397.
Visit, a Long, 347.
Visit Unexpected, 1007.
Vow in Prayer, 882.
Vows, 1428.

Vows, Sick-bed, 1041.

WAGES, Bitter, 1196.

Wall of Snow, 1008.

War, Horrors of, 154.

War, Prince Eugene on, 156.
War, Results of, 155.

Warfare and Contention, 154-160.
Warning, Awful, 553.
Warning, Words of, 1262.

Warnings Not to be Despised, 1466.
Warnings, Two, 1562.
Washington's Hatchet, 1402.
Watchfulness, Necessity for, 1322.
Water, Sweet, 1286.

Waters, Passsing through the,
1374, 1381.

Way to Bliss, 10.
Weakness, Royal, 1436.

Wealth, Insignificance of, 461.
Wealth, Passion for, 1093.
Wealth, Unexpected, 1105.
Wealth, Useless, 1103, 1104.
Weeds and "Spud," 1423.

Widow's Lamp, 610.

Widow's Love, 1487.
Widow's Sacrifice, 707.
Wife, Exemplary, 472.
Wife, True, 476.

Wife, Winning a, 479.
Wifely Resolution, 478.

Wilberforce and the Slave Trade, 611.
Will, Rebellious, 776.

Will, Resignation to God's, 878, 1050,

Wings, Two, 477.
Wisdom, 1441-1469.
Wise Choice, 1467.
Wise Rules, 586.
Wise, Truly, 463.

Wish, a Beautiful, 470.

Witnessing for Christ, 1233, 1371.
Witnessing in a Child, 1530.

Wives and Husbands, 464-480.
Wives, Praying, 473.

Wolsey's Rise, 509.

Woman, Exemplary, 267.

Woman's Sympathy, 1302.

Wonders in the Deep, 1470-1475.

Woodward, Dr., and the Actor, 1109.

Word, Cleansing, 1408.

Word, Doers of the, 111.

Word, Entrance of the, 1246.

Word Fitly Spoken, 935, 1468.

Word in Season, 656, 961.

Word Not in Vain, 185, 1288.

Word of God, Zeal for the Distribution

of, 1564.

Word of Peace, Preaching, 809.

Word, Power of the, 1558.

Word, Searching, 794.

Word versus Bond, 445.

Words, Blessed, 1536.

Words, Hard, 907.

Words, Soft, 609.

Work, 1265.

986, Work, Encouragement to, 1357.
Work for All, 451.

Well-doing and Benevolence, 29-45,
591, 854.

Wesley and the School Maid, 83.
Wesley, John, and the Officer, 5.
Wesley, Samuel and John, 774.

Work for the Lord, 1266, 1301, 1346.
Work, Motive of, 1455.

Work of God, Noblest, 768.
Work, Perseverance in, 518.

Work versus Idleness, 1347.
Worker, Earnest, 1446.
Works, Good, 1155.
World and the Soul, 1106.

World, Bad Heart lets in the, 1318.
World, End of the, 495.

World Hereafter, 257.

World or Christ? 128.

World, Separate from the, 200.
Worldling's End, 214.

Worldly Man's Confession, 1440.
Worship, 130, 1476-1487.
Worship, Life of, 1482.
Worship of Pictures, 484.
Worship, Orderly, 1483.
Worth, Neglected, 515.
Wrath Turned Away, 1267.
Wreck of the London, 1174.
Wreckers and the Child, 1547.
Wyat, Sir Henry, and the Cat, 996.

XIMENES, Cardinal, 411.

YEARS, After Many, 1240.
Young, 1488-1533.

Youth, Example for, 623.

Youth, the History of, the History of
Heroes, 1503.

Youthful Influence, 1534-1547.

ZEAL, 1548-1567.

Zeal Evoked, 1563.

Zeal of a Convert, 1372.
Zeal, too much, 1561.
Zealous Convert, 1565.
Zealous Preacher, 1566.
Zealous Scholar, 1567.

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