
Surpris'd at such doings, he whisper'd his teacher
"If 'tisn't impertinent, may I ask, why
Should a bullock, that useful and powerful creature,
Be offer'd thus up to a blue-bottle fly."
"No wonder," said t'other," you stare at the sight,
But we as a symbol of monarchy view it;
That fly on the shrine is legitimate right,

And that bullock, the people, is sacrificed to it."


In the harvest season, when all the animal creation appears cheerfully industrious, if we congratulate the farmer on the noble prospect of his well-covered acres, he will shake his head; and, between a sigh and a grunt, he will answer you with-" Ah, but the straw is short!" If the straw is long, then he will tell you there is no substance in the grain. If there is but an indifferent crop, he laments that it will not pay the expense of housing and thrashing. If a plentiful crop, then he grumbles, corn will be so cheap, it will not be worth carrying to market.

The hop planter rises, lifts up the sash, and looks over the horizon; if the morning happens to be cloudy, he pulls down the window with an oath, saying "It will rain to-day, and all the blossoms will be washed off!" If there should be a pleasant air abroad, then the poles will be all blown down. If the sun shines,-"O Lord! the plants will be burned up." If it is a close, dry day, without much sun-shine, or wind, then he wishes for rain to destroy the vermin, or else they will eat all the buds up.


Assigned by Providence to rule a tap,
My days pass'd glibly-till an awkward rap,
Some way like bankruptcy, impell'd me down;
But up I got again, and shook my gown
In gamesome gambols, quite as brisk as ever,
Blithe as the lark, and gay as sunny weather;
Compos'd with creditors at five in pound,
And frolick'd on till laid in holy ground.
The debt of nature must, you know be paid,
No trust from her.-God grant extent in aid?


An officer of a disbanded regiment applying to the paymaster of the forces for his arrears, told him that he was in extreme want, and on the point of dying with hunger. The treasurer, seeing him of a jovial and ruddy aspect, told him that his countenance belied his complaint. "Good, my lord," replied the officer, "for Heaven's sake, do not mistake the visage you see, is not mine, but my landlady's; for she has fed me on credit for above twelvemonths." BIBLICAL FOP.

A bookseller of Edinburgh had the exclusive right of printing bibles, and amassed a large fortune; his son, who was remarkably stupid, came very finely dressed into a ball room, upon which occasion the following epigram was written:

The bible comes, in whose behalf
I'd speak, were rhyme unfetter'd;
He's double gilt, and bound in calf,
But then he's quite unletter'd.

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But for want of taste, voices, and ears.
Still between ev'ry toast, with his gills mighty red,
Mister President thus, with great eloquence, said;

(Spoken.) "Gentlemen of the Nightingale-club, you all know the rule: every gentleman must sing a song, or drink a glass of salt and water. Mr. Snuffle, I call upon you."-"I have got a cold in my head, but I'll try: let me blow my nose first, Blow high, blow low, &c."

Bravo, bravo, very well sung;
Jolly companions every one.

Thus the Nightingale-club gaily kept up their | clamour,

And were nightly knock'd down by the president's hammer.

When Snuffle haa finish'd, a man of excise,

Whose squint was prodigiously fine,

Sang "Drink to me only with thine eyes,

And I will pledge with mine."

After which Mr. Tugg, who draws teeth for all parties, Roar'd a sea-song, whose burthen was "Pull away,

my hearties."

Bravo, bravo, &c.

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An officer having gained a large sum of money at

Mr. Drybones sang next, who was turn'd of three-play, was requested the ensuing morning to accon


And melodiously warbled away,

"She's sweet fifteen, I'm one year more,

And yet we are too young they say, But we know better, sure, than they.' Then a little Jew grocer, who wore a bob-wig, Struck up" Billy Pringle had von leetel pig; Not very leetel nor yet very big; But ven alive him live in clover;

But now him dead, and dat's all over."

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(Spoken.) Come," said the president, "whose turn is it to give us a sentiment?-Mr. Mangle, the surgeon." "Sir, I'll give you, Success to the men who bleed for their country."--"And now, Mr. Dismal, we'll thank you for your song." "Sir, I'll give you something sprightly.

(In a crying tone of voice.)

"Merry are the bells, and merry do they ring. Merry is myself, and merry can I sing."

Bravo, bravo, xc.

pany a friend, as second, to the field. " You should have come yesterday," said the officer," to mak the request, for I then had time, but that is not the case to-day, my purse being full; but, if you must have a second, I advise you to seek the gentleman who lost what I have won; he is now not worth a sixpence, and will therefore fight like the devil himself."


A lady being at confession, informed the priest, that she had very early in life bad an illicit amour, and that a child was the fruit of the sin. "You must repent the shameful action," said the confessor. "Why should I repent?" resumed the lady, “when I find the boy an example of virtue?" "Well then," exclaimed the priest, "if that be the case, you must repent that you have no cause for repentance."


A proud, but ignorant peer, observing one day at a table, that a person, eminent for his knowledge Billy Piper some members call'd Breach of the Peace, and abilities, was intent on choosing the delicacies Because all his notes were so shrill,

before him, said,

Shriek'd out, like the wheel of a cart that wants dainties?"

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What! do philosophers love Why not?" replied the scholar. "Do you think, my lord, that the good things of this world were made only for blockheads ?"


A Sussex attorney dying a day or two after Lerd Chief Justice Holt, a wag observed, There never died a lord chief justice, but the devil took an attorney for a heriot."

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Barrymore happening to come late to the theatre, and having to dress for his part, was driven to the last moment, when, to heighten his perplexity, the key of his drawer was missing. "D-n it," said he, I must have swallowed it.' "Never mind," says Jack Bannister, coolly, "if you have, it will serve to open your chest."

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When it was the fashion to drink ale at Oxford, a humorous fellow established an alehouse near the pound, and wrote over his door, "Ale sold by the pound." As his ale was as good as his jokes, the Oxonians resorted to his house in great numbers, and sometimes staid there beyond the college hours. This was made a matter of complaint to the vice-chancellor, who was desired to take away his licence, by one of the proctors of the university. Boniface was sum-He laid him down and slept-and from his side moned to attend, and when he came into the vicechancellor's presence, he began spitting about the Dazzled and charm'd he called that woman ❝ bride," A woman in her magic beauty rose, room; this the chancellor observed, and asked what And his first sleep became his last repose. he meant by it? "Please your worship," said he, "I came here on purpose to clear myself." The vicechancellor, imagined that he actually weighed his ale, and sold it in that manner; he therefore said to him, "They tell me you sell your ale by the pound; is that true?" "No, an't please your worship," rephed the wit. "How do you then?" said the chancellor. " Very well, I thank you, Sir," replied the wit, "how do you do?" The chancellor laughed and said, "Get away for a rascal, I will say no more to you." The fellow departed, and crossing the quadrangle, met the proctor who laid the information; "Sir," said he, "the vice-chancellor wants to speak with you," and returned with him. "Here, sir," said he, "here he is." Who?" said the chancellor, "Why, Sir," said he, "you sent me for a rascal, and I have brought you the greatest that I know of."

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In praise of honesty and truth,
Men's busy tongues are never still,

'Tis well-for both are fled from earth,
De mortuis nisi bonum nil,


Two comedians having a wager about which of
them sung the best, they agreed to refer it to a friend.
A day was accordingly agreed on, and both the par-
ties executed to the best of their abilities before him.
As soon as they had finished, the arbitrator procced-
ed to give judgment in the following manner:-"As
for you, Sir, (addressing himself to the first) you are
the worst singer I ever heard in my life.""Ah,”
said the other, exultingly, "I knew I should win.
my wager." "Stop, Sir," said the arbitrator, “I
have a word to say to you before you go, which is
this, that as for you, you cannot sing at all.”

With cover'd head, a country boor
Stood, while the bishop bless'd the poor ;-
The mitred prelate lifted high

His voice-"Take off your hat"—" Not I-
Your blessing's little worth," he said,

"If through the hat 'twont reach the head."


A gentleman in Ireland having built a large house

A bon-vivant one night told a friend that he intend-was at a loss what to do with the rubbish. His stewed to leave twenty pounds to be spent at his funeral; ard advised him to have a pit dug large enough to which induced the other to ask him, if the money contain it. "And what," said the gentleman, "shall was to be spent going or returning? "Going, to be I do with the earth which is dug out of the pit?" To sure," replied he, "for when you return I shan't be | which the steward replied, “have the pit made large with you!" Lenough to hold all.”



This first of September, at five in the morn,
The weather quite cloudy, the prospect forlorn,
I arose from my bed, and without the least strife,
Resign'd to the arms of another--my wife;
Determin'd to Somnus her snorings to yield,
And join with brown Bess in the sports of the field.
My volunteer musquet I clean'd over night,
And Sol in his glory look'd scarcely so bright;
My pockets with powder and shot I did cram,
And sportsmanlike too, added chicken and ham.
Straight I hied to the closet, and why should I not,
Since by way of a cooler, I like something hot?
Nay I ne'er yet could manage my lodgings to bilk,
So in wedlock's rum bands I soon join'd rum and

Then my dogs round me whistled, I think these were all,

Viz. Nimble and Bounce, little Gypsey and Ball; With such four fam'd dogs, but for what I can't tell,

I expected no less than to bear off the bell;
I expected each jolly good sportsman to beat,
And to furnish my friends with a delicate treat,
But poor borrow'd Bounce was as blind as a bat
And knew not a hare from a tortoise-shell cat ;
And Gypsey, the terrier, her mistress's boast,
Stood staunch as a pointer, at nothing but toast.
There was Nimble, the greyhound, not given


Dislik'd staying out, so then nimbly ran home.
As Ball, I was certain, would make the birds rise,
I kept my piece pointed direct to the skies;
Soon up rose a bird, though I cannot tell what,
For I shut both my eyes to make sure of the shot;
But my musquet miss'd fire, a shocking disaster,
As the barking of Ball made the bird fly the faster.
I then prim'd my piece, and I added a charge,
Determin'd the havoc next time should be large;
Again I took aim, (oh, unfortunate man!)
Again I had nought but a flash in the pan.


A third time I prim'd, and I loaded a third,
When close in the hedge a loud rustling I heard;
I listen'd, and listen'd, then heard a soft strain,
Methought 'twas a blackbird, 'twould warble again;
The dogs they all snuff'd sure there's nothing behind,
Some scent that attracts, and now plays on the wind;
Straight I levell'd my piece, for a random-like shot,
Resolv'd what that might be, it should go to pot.
The trigger I pull'd, and of course shut my eyes;
But when open again, how great my surprise!
'Tis true, 'twas a blackbird, according to Kemble-
'Twas the Bird of a Jew-then all of a tremble-
'Twas Moses the pedlar, who in greatest distress
Had crept into the hedge for what I can't guess.
Now a little collected, the pedlar upsprung,
And assail'd my two ears with his voluble tongue.
I tendered him sixpence, which he took in a huff,
As sixpence a singe was not money enough;
He thought for his fright and his beard I'd be willing
To give him another, so make it a shilling.
But suppose, Master Moses, no more's to be had,
I've but one tester left, and that is rank bad;
"Ish it bad?" he replied, with his neck on the crane,
"Eesh, 'tish bad, my good Sir, but 'twill colour again."
Having settled with Moses, and wip'd off the score,
Such rare luck with three charges, I thought I'd try

"Twas a maxim, I thought, I might safely advance, The more powder and shot, the more likely the chance Then with four charges quickly I loaded my gun, Prim'd and ramm'd it down tight, which I scarce could get done

Before up got a covey delightful to view,
That I reckon'd at last on two brace for you;
For I took such an aim-still an unlucky elf-
That I kill'd my three dogs, and I wounded myself.
Now, I think, my good Sir, in two hours or less,
I've seen plenty of service with pretty brown Bess.
Both my wife and my neighbours weep sore for my

And as sore do I weep through the smart of my wounds
Ah! they open afresh, I cannot write further,
But remain, my dear Sir, yours,



Mr. Curran, who was a very small man, having a dispute with a brother counsel, who was a very stout one, in which words ran high on both sides, called him out. The other, however, objected. "For," said he, "you are so little, that I might fire at you a dozen times without hitting; whereas the chance is, that you shoot me at the first fire."-" Upon my conscience, that's true!" cried Curran. vince you I don't wish to take any advantage, you all chalk my size upon your body, and all hits out of the ring shall go for nothing!"


"But to con

Tis not thy years that frighten me away,
But that thy youngest brother's hair is gray!


Be not disquieted, fond girl, in truth,
They laugh not at thy age, but at thy youth.


I did not laugh-in spite of Celia's rage,
I dared not laugh-I've learnt to reverence age.


When an Irish dean was pilloried for a libel, a little ashamed of his elevation, he hired a chairman to hold an umbrella over his head during the painful cereTony, and for this service the doctor rewarded him


The late lord Erskine was one evening taken suddenly ill at lady Payne's; on her expressing a hops that his indisposition might not be serious, he answered her in the following impromptu :—

'Tis true I am ill, but I need not complain, For he never knew pleasure who never knew Payne."


When the whimsical lord Wharton was a stripling, and once came from school to the house of his father, who was a formal Presbyterian, and extremely deaf, the old nobleman invited the neighbouring gentry and their families to partake of an entertainment, on the anniversary of his birth. On dinner being served up, the young gentleman was ordered to say grace; when turning up the whites of his eyes, and assuming a puritanical countenance, he poured forth the following filial ejaculation :

"I pray God to shorten
The days of lord Wharton,
And set up his son in his place;
He'll drink and he'll w-e,
And ten thousand things more,
With a grave and fanatical face."


Butler, duke of Ormond, was by queen Anne ap

with a guinea. Next day the chairman called upon hen, when the doctor suspecting his drift, said, "My friend, what do you want; I thought I paid you yes-pointed lord lieutenant of Ireland; in going over to take terday very handsomely?" "To be sure, now," said Pat, "and so you did for the trouble; but, please your honour, consider the disgrace !"

From the Italian.

possession of his government he was driven by stress of weather upon the isle of lla, and was obliged to remain there some time, at the house of the minister, whose living brought him in about 221. per annum. He made the minister, whose name was Joseph, a present on his going away, and promised to do something more for him. Joseph waited with impatience at the not hearing further; at last he went over to Dublin, and got leave to preach in the cathedral, where he knew the duke would be. His text was: !"-But the chief Butler remembered not Joseph, but forgot him. The duke was struck with the words, and recollecting his old host, sent for him to dine with him, and gave him a living of 4001. per annum.

"Repent," said a grey coated friar one day
To a reprobate wretch as expiring he lay,
As I came up the stairs I was frighten'd to see
The fiend who is waiting to seize upon thee."
"You saw him then truly ?"-"Too truly, alas
"And under what shape ?"-"Under that of an ass."
"Well then," cried the sinner, "I am not afraid,
You surely were terrified by your own shade,”

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