
the motion for poftponing the confideration of the queftion to a diftant day. That gentleman must be perfectly fenfible, that if the papers requefted, can be ever important, it must be at a time when this Houfe are legiflating for the government

of the Province.

It has been often repeated in this debate, that without poffeffing full and fatisfactory evidence of our title to Louifiana it is both dangerous and abfurd to legiflate for governing the country.-Nothing which has been urged, has in my judgment, either weakened the principle contended for, or proved, that the title can be afcertained without thofe evidences of title which have been requested. It indeed it is expected that we shall provide for poffeffing and governing a country, without regard to the rights of Sp, or any other na tion; then I admit that the papers in queflion are unneceffary, and fo is the Treaty and Mellage alfo, and we may proceed to authorize the conqueft by law. But if it is only expected that we fhall poffefs the country under a fair and honourable purchase, then, moft affuredly, it becomes us, to afcertain, whether we have acquired a title by the inftrument under which we claim. I have been one of those who have believed that the power of making treaties belongs exclufively to the Prefident and a conflitutional majority of the Senate, nor have I at this time feen any reafon to doubt the correctnefs of that opinion, and I do not feel any hefitation in declaring, that if the Treaty under confideration has been fairly and conftitutionally made and ratified, it becomes a law, 4 and that this Houfe together with every Department of the government is bound to carry it into execution. But can it be imagined, that it refults from this, that we are bound to provide by law for executing the Treaty, before we know what the Treaty is and what are its effects ? If the Treaty contained within itfelf all the information which is neceffary for afcertaining its import and effect, there might be great weight in the argument against calling, for farther information, but when the import of the inftrument is uncertain and the great question of title, (which must be the foundation of all our proceedings upon this fubje&t.) remains altogether unfettied, it is indeed aftonishing that gentlemen fhould be willing to proceed without obtaining thofe evidences of title, which alone can juftily us, in extending the government of the Union over this new people. I wish to be diftin&tly underflood, that I do not claim the right of deciding on the merits of this Treaty, I only claim a right to know what we have acquired by the Treaty; that by knowing this we may be able to difcover what legiflative provisions are necellary for its execution.

the Prefident a declaration whether Spain has given her confent or not.

I admit that if this Treaty is to be carri

I wish again to imprefs it on gentlemen, that France has only ceded to us the right which fhe acquired by the 3d article of the treaty of Idelfonfo, and that righted into execution it ought to be done fpeed. was no more than a promife on the part of ily, and I have no with unneceffarily to Spain to cede the Country upon the exe- retard thofe gentlemen who believe that it cution of the ftipulations in favor of the ought to be confidered as a conftitutional Duke of Parma, and it cannot be necel- inftrument and executed accordingly. fary for me again to repeat, that a promife But for the fake of knowing how we can to cede is not a ceffion, and more efpecial- or ought to act, in regard to the manner ly when that promife is clogged with un- of executing it, it is in my judgment in known conditions. difpenfibly neceflary that we fhould po fefs the papers requcfted.

The engagement of France in the 5th
article to which gentlemen have referred,
and by which it is agreed that France fhall
fend a Commillary to receive the poffef-
fion from Spain, and to deliver poffeffion
to the Agent of the United States has no
application to the prefent queflion.

The queftion under confideration is,
has the United States a right to govern
Louifiana? That right does not depend
upon what may be done hereafter-it de-
pends upon the title which we have acquiring ladies.
ed by the Treaty; and the queftion still
returns upon us, have we acquired a title
by that inftrument:

It is poffible that Spain may refufe pof-
feffion to the French Commiffary, or
France may neglect to fend a Commiffary
to receive the poffeffion.

In either of thefe events, if it fhall be fully afcertained that we have acquired a title to the Country, I prefume the language of this country, will correfpond with the language of the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. Nicholfon) and we fhall day with him, more especially as it refpccts New-Orleans, what care we for the claims or poffeffion of Spain-the country is ours and we will have it.' The Houfe ought not therefore to legiflate with a view to any thing which France may do hereafter either to give us the title or poffeffion of the Country. We ought to find upon the ground of our right and our own title without looking to the guarantee or any foreign nation.

This I

A gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. Sand-
ford) had faid, that he held in his poffef-
fion evidence that France had already ac
quired poffeffion of the country.
declare to be news, of which I never
have heard a lifp until it had been announ
ced by the gentleman from Kentucky.
The account however I prefume is not offi-
cial-it has probably been taken from
fome Newspaper, and can furnish but lit.
tle evidence to establish the title to this im-
menfe country.

I am not tenacious of the particular
form in which this refolution fhall pafs-
I look only to the fubftance and ask for in-
formation. If it is fuppofed that the ref-
olution, fo far as it relates to the confent
of Spain interferes with the fecrets of the
Cabinet, I fhall be content to place it on
fuch grounds, as will barely obtain from

[The debate will be concluded in our next] Democratic Gallantry and Politenefs. In the houfe of reprefentatives on the 31 O. Mr. Early of Georgia moved that no perfon fhould be admitted within the bar of the houfe unlefs introduced by a member, except foreigu ambaffadors. Mr. Nicholfon did not approve of exclud. ing ladies. Mr. Early had no objection to admitting them. This was gallantry! Mr. J. Randolph wifhed the motion to extend to foreign ambaffadors. "Their business (faid he) is with the executivethey can have no business in this houfe." This was politeness!-The next day Mr. Dawfon, doubtlefs chagrined at the jico. bin-like conduct of fome of his party, con trived to get the bufinefs out of the houfe, by moving its poftponment to Jane next.

Poft road to New Orleans.

In the houfe of reprefentatives on the d Nov. Dr. Mitchell, after fome introductory remaks, moved That the committee on the Poft-office and polt-roads be d rected to enquire by what means the mail may be conveyed in the greatest security and difpatch to New Orleans." He added, that a mode might be adopted to convey the mail from New-York to New-Oleans in ten days. Motion agreed to.

Nov. 3, Senate agreed to the engroffed bill of the houfe, appropriating 50.000 dollars for carrying into effect the 7th atcle of the treaty with Great Britain.

Be it our weekly task,

To note the passing tidings of the times.
Hudson, November 22, 1803.


On Thurfday morning twenty-three waggons arrived in this city from New Lebanon, loaded with provifions, &c.

which, together with goo dollars in fpecie, is a donation from the fmall community of Believers, (vulgarly called Shakers) of New-Lebanon and Hancock, to the corporation of New-York, for the relief of the poor of that city. While we record with pleafure, fuch an inftance of liberality, we forbear expreffing our feelings on the occafion. The deed fpeaks for itfelf;

This account arriving in Bristol juft before the failing of the William Lewis made dreadful uproar in the town, but foon after, hearing it was only an alarm, every one returned to his home, except a few who in their flight outstripped the poft.

From NEW ORLEANS, October 7. "Lauffat and the Spanish government

and every perfon acquainted with the un-here are quarrelling. The rupture originoftentatious character of the generous donors, must be sensible that it was not done for praife-fake. But we have ftrong motives for mentioning fuch a deed. We wifh to fhew the proud rich man an ample worthy of his imitation. Therefore, if he has a heart to feel, let him "go, and do likewife."


The above mentioned donation, we underftand, confifted of the following articles :

300 Dollars, fpecie,*
853 lb. Pork,
1951 lb. Beef,
1744 lb. Mutton,
1685 lb. Rye Flour,
52 Bufhels Rye,
24 Bushels Beans,

179 Bushels Potatoes,
34 Bushels Carrots,

2 Bufhels Beets,

2 Bufhels Dried Apples.

Exclusive of 26 dolls. 50 cents. intended for the payment of expence of freighting the articles from this place to New-York.

Extract of a letter from a refpectable merchant in Lifbon, dated 30th September, to his correfpondent in this city, received via Philadelphia. [N. Y. pap.] "A French fleet of 16 fhips of the line and frigates have failed from Breft for Ireland, with troops on board, and a British fleet is in pursuit of them."

From the Philadelphia True American.

By the politenefs and attention of the owners of the fhip Lewis William, we have been favored with London papers to the 2d, and Bristol papers to the 3d October. The papers are taken up with various accounts of the bombardment of Calais, the various warlike preparations and movements in England, promotions of officers, failing and arrivals of fingle ships of war, of little confequence.

On the 27th of Sept. the alarm fignals were made, that the enemy had appeared off the coaft of Kept, which threw the whole country into bustle and contufion, fome running to arms, and fome running, they did not know where, with full arms.

ated in a very improper and unauthorised act of the former. The cutter Terreur, national veffel, being in want of hands proceed to fea, the Prefect permitted her captain and officers to refort to the expedi the merchant veffels in the harbour, which ent of preffing the French feamen, from they did without the advice or confent of the Spanish government, and proceeded on their voyage."


From the Mediterranean. Capt. Elwell, who arrived on Saturday laft, from Malaga, failed from that place on 28th of September. There was no doubt that the Moors had commented war against the United States. The pretext was the capture of the Tripoline hip under Moroifh colours. The brig Celia,

capt. Bowen, which had been taken by a Cruizer 20 guns, and re-taken by the Philadelphia, had been at Malaga, and failed from thence for Alexandria, in company with capt. Elwell. When in poffeffion of the Barbarians, fhe was near efcaping reboarded from the American frigate a formcapture; for when the Moorish veffel was al pafs was exhibited, which would have been treated with the ufual refpe&t had not fome confufion in the answer to an enquiry refpecting the brig in company, created a fufpicion which induced capt. Bainbridge to caufe her to be examined, and after that, the Americans were about retiring fatisfied when capt. Bowen fprung from one of the port-holes into the boat, and claimed protection from his countrymen. Capt. Bowen reprefented the Emperor of Morocco's marines as cowardly wretches, and believed that a very few guns would have rendered his veffel fate. It is faid, befides, that they are fearful of carrying fail either in purfuing or retreating.

The fhip taken from the Moors had failed for the United States.

Early in Sept. there were three or four fmall Moorish armed veffels at Gibraltar,

with fealed orders.

When the hoftile difpofition of the Emveffels at Gibraltar, put to fea for the properor was afcertained, all the United States tection of the trade, and orders were dit. patched up the Mediterranean for fome of


the government ships to come down. Two or three of the fmaller cruizers had fortunately arrived from America; and the ftrength of our fquadron at the Straits is fufficient to prevent any confiderable apprehenfions for the fafety of merchant vef fels.

Capt. Elwell was told by the Conful at Malaga, that Commodore Preble had gone over to Tangiers, to endeavour to restore a good underflanding with Morocco. It will be recollected that the Conful General to the Barbary Powers was a paffenger in the Conftitution, and both that gentleman and Commodore Preble, have ample powers.

There were no reports of Tripoline veffels being at fea.

War between France and Spain was expected at Malaga.

The report that Lord Nelson had bombarded Algiers was revived and credited.

[blocks in formation]

THE Editors of the Balance, obferving with regret, the inattention of fome of their diftant fubfcribers to the fettlement of their accounts, hereby give notice, that after the first day of January next, no perfon can receive the Balance by mail, unless payment has been made for all arrearages; and that no application from new fubfcribers will be attended to, if un

companied with advance payment.A great proportion of our cufi mers, have obferved a pun&uality which entitles them to our warmefl thanks.

The Wreath.


The following is the product of a leisuse momert-1 it is worth reading the writer is gratified.





FREE from Ambition, and no friend to strife Yet ever soaring 'bove the walks of life :— No flaming hero he, with death to joke, Yet ever living 'midst the flames and smoke. In life the lowest, yet forever rising, His thoughts on high, but never moralizing :He Charles of England was :—It is no satire :A King by name-a Democrat by nature. He lov'd New-England well-no patr't strongerNone, none, on record every lov'd it longer. But Charley's gone-extinguish'd is his taperAnd useless lies his brush, his bag and scraper.


Sic transit




BLACK lead and ebony fhavings, of each one ounce, of clear water, one pint, boil all together one hour; and when fine, bottle for ule. The comb must be often wetted, and the hair frequently combed, and if required to be of a fine black, add two ounces of camphire.

THE confequence of purchafing the friendship of hoftile nations with money, inftead of repelling their aggreffions and punifhing their infults by valour, is feen in the following :

The Danes invading England, in the beginning of the eleventh century, the timid English bought a peace with them, at the price of thirty thouland pounds. Afterwards thofe freebooters levied a contribution of eight thoufand pounds upon the county of Kent; and finally, prefuming on the cowardice and feeble refiftance of the English, from their having cholen

to pay them contributions of money rather than to face them in battle, the Danes eftablished themselves in Britain; Canute, their leader, became King of the country, and the daftardly natives had to bear the galling yoke of a foreign conqueror.

IT had been remarked of Charles II, King of England, that he never faid a foolish thing, nor ever did a wife one: a cenfure, (fays Hume,) which, tho' too far carried, feems to have fome foundation in his character and deportment. When the King was informed of this faying, he observed, that the matter was eafily accounted for: for that his discourse was his own, his actions were the miniftry s.

"AS poor as a poet" is a proverbial expreflion. Thomas Otway, one of the first tragic poets in the English language, literally died of hunger. Otway's poverty was thus cruelly ridiculed by the witty Earl of Rochester :

Tom Otway came next, Tom Shadwell's dear Zany,
And swears for heroics he writes best of any;
Don Carlos his pockets so amply had fill'd,
That his mange was quite cur'd, and his lice were
all kill'd.

* Don Carlos, one of Otway's plays, from which he received a confiderable benefit.


IN one of the works of this author is related a flory which has been omitted in his life lately publifhed. Poggio himfelt thus related it. It is neceffary to premife, that the fubject of the fection in which he has introduced it, is the folly of purfuits, the expence of which is greater than the pleafure produced is worth.

"A phyfician of Milan, who underftood the cure of madinen, had a pit of water in his house, in which he kept his patients, fome up to their knees, fome to their girdle, and fome to the chin, accordding to the greater or lefs degree of madnels with which they were affected.-One of the madmen, who was upon the point of his recovery, happening to be tanding at the houfe door, faw a young noble pass with his hawk upon his fift, well mounted, and with his ufual equipage of hunting, fpaniels, huntfmen, &c. beThe madman demanded to hind him. what ufe was all this preparation, and was courteoufly anfwered to kill certain birds. And how much, faid the madman, may be the worth of the fowls which you kill in a year. The gentleman replied five or ten


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And what, faid the madman, may your hawk, fpanieis, horfes, &c. ftand you in within the year. About five }[

fhould the doctor come home he'll drown you but what he'll cure you.

This anecdote, fays Poggio, may ap pear to be invented to enforce my prefent fubject, but I received it from the most fatisfactory authority, and there is in it fuch a mixture of that wildnefs, and inftinctive energy of intellect, fo peculiar to madmen in a ftate of recovery, that I fully believe it to have happened as related.


A MUSHROOM, (fays a London paper) was gathered last week in a nurfery garden near Sheffie ld. whd meened inches over the top, and weighed 24 pounds.

A BAKER at Reading lately crammed fome penny pieces into fome loves of light weight, in order to deceive the infpectors. The trick was, however, difcovered, and the baker very properly fined. This was being penny-wife and pound-foolish. [London paper.]


To City Subscribers, Two Dollars and fifty cents, payable in quarterly advances.

To Country Subscribers, who receive their paper at the office Two Dollars, payable as above. To those who receive them by the mail, Two Dollars, exclusive of postage, payable in advance

A handsome title-page, with an Index or Table of Contents, will be given with the last number of each volume.

Advertisements inserted in a conspicuous and handsome manner, in the Advertiser which accom. anies the Balance.

Complete files of the first volume, which have been reserved in good order for binding, are for sale -Price of the volume, bound, Two Dollars and fif ty cents-unbound, Two Dollars. The whole may be sent, stitched or in bundles, to any post-office in the state, for 52 cents postage; or to any post-of fice in the union for 78 cents.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

To our Patrons.


THE Editors of the Balance, obferving with regret, the inattention of fome of their diftant fubfcribers to the fettlement of their accounts, hereby give notice, that alter the fit day of January next, no perfon can receive the Balance by mail, unlels payment has been made for all arrearages; and that no application from new subscribers will be attended to, if unaccompanied with advance payment. A great proportion of our customers, have obferved a punctuality which entitles them to our warmen thanks.

Original Elays.

Hither the products of your closet-labors bring,
Enrich our columns, and instruct mankind.




AMONG imperfect beings, all practical lyftems of government muft neceffarily be imperfect; or, at moft, they can poffefs only a relative perfection confifting in their entire fuitableness to the particular circumftances of the body politic.

Were even divine and infinite wif dom employed in devifing a plan of gov. ernment for any particular people, the refult must be a fyftem of civil polity, which, being exactly fuited to the particular con

dition of that people, would necellarily
exhibit, in fome degree, the features of
their imperfections. This is not a vague
unproved affertion; it is founded on fat.
Deity himself legiflated for the Hebrew
nation their civii polity, their code of
laws were of his device and making; yet
that polity and thofe laws were not per-
fe&t, in an abftra&t view, but were fo,
merely in their relation to the particular
circumftances of the people for whom they
were defigned. Speaking of the inftitu.
tions which were enacted for the He.
brews, the Deity exprefsly fays in the fa-
cred book, "I gave them flatutes, which
were not good." This remarkable decla-
ration of fcripture, though the carpings of
ignorance and prejudice have reprefented
it as inconfiftent with the infinite perfec- ||
tion of the divine nature, is perfectly con-
fonant to found reafon. The ftatutes or
civil inflitutions, which God gave to the
Hebrews, were not all of them perfect,
abftratedly confidered; for they were
fuch, fome of them, as would have been
precifely proper for no other nation per-
haps under heaven. They were intended
for a "fff-necked," ftubborn people,
who had lately emerged from flavery, who
were furrounded with neighbours much
worfe than themfelves, from whofe exam-

ple they were in conftant danger of falling
into cuftoms, manners and practices of the
most abominable kinds. To the capacities,
to the local fituation and to the various pe-
culiar circumftances of the Hebrews, thofe
divine ftatutes were completely adapted;
and therefore they were perfect, as they
related to that particular people: but in
relation to other nations, or even to that
nation, after it had confiderably progreffed

in improvements, "they were not good.'

But though a fyftem of civil governrequire a correfpondent perfection in the ment, in all refpects perfect, as it would. fubjects of it, would be impracticable in the prefent ftate of things, yet fome portions of mankind are capable of enjoying much freer and more noble political inflitutions than others; hence the queftion concerning the best form of government depends, in its correct folution, on a thorough knowledge of the chara&er and condition of the people who are to be governed; because what might be the best kind of government for one nation, miglit be very improper for another.-For inftance, the republican fyftem of government, which alone is founded on the principle of equal rights, is unspeakably the best fyftem, for a people generally enlightened and highly virtuous; but, for the French, it has proved to be the worft: in England alfo, it has been found to be utterly impracticable.

Nothing can be more abfurd than the belief that all the nations of the earth, differing as they do from each other, in degrees of knowledge, in cuflons, manners and habits, may be brought to yield an orderly allegiance to the fame kind of government, and that a free one ;—that, merely by the abolition of the titles and privileges of royalty and nobility and the establifhment of popular inftitutions, mankind generally, even the ignorant and grovelling vaffals of defpotifm, might be inftantly transformed into genuine repub licans. Ideas of this kind, which have been floating in the heads of philofophifts, are "fuch fluff as dreams are made of."






TO take up the subject where we left it yesterday. We again repeat that we do not advance any claim on the acknowledgments of our adversaries, for not adopting the fame conduct towards them, that they adopted towards the Federalifts when they formed the treaty of 1794. As we difapproved of their behaviour at that time it would be unworthy of the cause we have efpoufed to imitate it now. "As in all things elfe fo in this we differ." But, although we do not attempt to avail ourfelves of their own authority against them, it may not be without its ufe to fhew the people, that their very good friends, whom they have at laft exalted on the ru ins of those they formerly esteemed, can, now they are in power, practice precifely the fame things which in the federalifts were made the fubject not merely of dif approbation but of the utmost abhorence. A few inftances will be added to thofe in yefterday's paper, and we deure to have it obferved that we do not speak of rumours, or verbal reports, but that we have the authority of printed records.

First then; there is Mr. Chancellor Livingston; this gentleman diftinguished himfelt by his fpirited oppofition to the British treaty in a feries of numbers, under the fignature of CATO; in the courfe of which he omitted no topic of invective against the inftrument itfell, or the negoci


The note addreffed by our envoy to the British minifter was feized upon without mercy, because it politely observed that recourse for reparation could at that time only be had to the " juftice, authority and interpofition of his majefly," which indeed was no more than taking up the words of our Declaration of Independence, where we recognized in terms the "native juice and magnanimity" of "our British brethren." But Mr. Chancellor Livington being a patriot of the first order among the difcontented, fays in one of his first numbers that Mr. Jay "completely forgot that he was the en voy of a great nation and funk into the fuppliant folicitor of fome merchants," otherwife "it would have been impoffible for him to have made ufe of fo many pan. egyrics on the justice and humanity (a word not used by him by the way) of his Britanic Majefly," and in another lavishing number, he cal's this note, lavishing the most fervile adulation on the Monarch of Britain. But now this gentleman can And no language fycophantic enough to

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be employed towards France. She is extoiled, as "a government which has feen all Europe bend the knee before its power. She is addreffed by the endearing appella. tion of the National ally of the United States"-in the extenfion of whofe power, "a new pledge of the fecurity of our commerce and our future tranquility" may be beheld. If this language from the public minifter of a nation who boafts of being independant of all the world is not fervile adulation we may challenge the annals of diplomacy to produce what is. To render the compliment the more palatable his Exceliency turned his back on good fenfe and propriety and in the most unexampled manner bestowed his deteftation officially on the tyranny of a nation with which we are connected in a treaty of amity and commerce.

Next comes the article of complaint againft the Senate of the United States for not publishing the contents of the treaty to the people at large before they proceeded to complete it by their ratification. A writer who attached much notice at the time for his oppofition to the treaty and every thing connected with it, thus expreffes himself on the point :

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"Previous to difcuffing the treaty it"felf, we must not pafs unnoticed the "mysterious fecrecy which has enveloped a tranfaction of the laft moment to the happiness and profperity of America. "Is not this fecrecy, alone, a proof that "the fenate conceived it difgraceful and "prejudicial to the United States.? The

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public clamour which they faw would "be excited, might have deterred them "from the hardy ftep of giving it their "affent; whereas they well knew, that if "it was not divulged until ratified, many,

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who might have been violent in their "oppofition, would, as good citizens,



fubmit to it as foon as it became the fupreme law of the land. There might "be a propriety in the fecrecy obferved "by the prefident; but the fenate ought "to have afforded the public the fame op"portunity of judging of it, which they "have of canvaffing every bill in its paffage towards a law."

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An abhorrence was next excited against the President for not fubmitting the treaty to the people before it was ratified in the Senate and was at that time inculcated in all the democratic preffes. In Philadel phia a writer under the fignature of Franklin (faid to be Mr. Dallas) infifted at much length that General Washington ought to be impeached for his refcrve towards the people in not fubmitting the treaty to their infpection previous to its being ratified in "Republics (he faid, and fo the Senate. they all then faid, ought to have no fecrets. the fecrets of courts, like thefe of indi viduals, are always their deleéts." The people, being the legitimate fovereign of

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our government, they have the fame right to a knowledge of the affairs of a state as a Monarch, and every reftraint upon this knowledge is an abridgment of their rights." Laftly comes the Franklin fociety with their refolutions, one of which is exprel. fed in to peculiar a ftyle that we cannot forbear inferting it at length: but this in

our next.



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WEBSTER's recantation and fubmif"Malafion to Spencer, in the affair of chi Underhill," has excited mingled emotions of pity and regret among his former political friends. Mr. Webiter's difpo fition, is of that foft, flexible, and inoffenfive kind, which renders him almost incapable of doing any thing that can excite This ineither irritation or contempt. ftance of his frailty and good nature is, however, a little extraordinary and quie unexpected. Conjecture has affigned many reafons for it. Sometimes it is laid, that the Aurora Borealis has become fo dull, infipid and ufelefs, and its editor fo completely abforbed in preparations for wet day, that the executive directory at Albany, has determined to establish a new republican printer. Mr. Webfler, it is rumored, thinks it would be convenient to go with the current, and wants to undertake the job. Again, it is faid, that Barher has to much to do in printing for the fate, that hand-bills, addices, &c. &c. for the friends of the people, about elec tion time, must be done elsewhere. Mr. Webfler knows, from long experience, that a great deal may be realized out of bufinefs of this kind, when printer only for one party. It would be quite convin ient to print for both parties. Again, it is rumored, that Mr. Webfter has become proftrate before the power and authority of the great man above mentioned for inother reafon. Mr. Webfler has been profecuted as one of the fureties of the late treafurer. He is right in not provoking those who hold the reins of government. Charity begins at home-a maxim which ! Mr. Webfter has ever found it conver ient to believe to be founded in the muft profound wisdom and prudence. Thefe, however, are foolifh florics, propagated for the purpofe of leffening the weight of Mr. Webfler's character, and deroge ting from his talents and political integrity. Who ever thought that convenence was the criterion by which Mr Web. fter determined the fitnels and propriety of bis conducì? Or that he had adopted D for Faklin's excelent advice Stoop, loop, as you go through the

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