and when I had been in his belly, I would have kept such a jangling of the bells, that he should never have left, till he cast bells, steeple, church, and parish, up again. But if the good king Simonides were of my mind Per. Simonides? 3 Fish. We would purge the land of these drones, that rob the bee of her honey. Per. How from the finny subject of the sea These fishers tell the infirmities of men; 2 Fish. Honest! good fellow, what's that? if it be a day fits you, scratch it out of the calendar, and no body will look after it. Per. Nay, see, the sea hath cast upon your coast2 Fish. What a drunken knave was the sea, to cast thee in our way! Per. A man whom both the waters and the wind, 1 Fish. No, friend, cannot you beg? here's them in our country of Greece, gets more with begging, than we can do with working. 2 Fish. Can'st thou catch any fishes then? 2 Fish. Nay, then thou wilt starve sure; for here's nothing to be got now-a-days, unless thou can'st fish for't. Per. What I have been, I have forgot to know; But what I am, want teaches me to think on; hif it be a day fits you,] The allusion is to the lucky and unlucky days which are put down in some of the old calendars. - DouUCE. For-] i. e. Because. 1 Fish. Die quoth-a? Now gods forbid! I have a gown here; come, put it on; keep thee warm. Now, afore me, a handsome fellow! Come, thou shalt go home, and we'll have flesh for holidays, fish for fasting-days, and moreo'er puddings and flap-jacks; and thou shalt be welcome. Per. I thank you, sir. 2 Fish. Hark you, my friend, you said you could not beg. Per. I did but crave. 2 Fish. But crave? Then I'll turn craver too, and so I shall 'scape whipping. Per. Why, are all your beggars whipped then? 2 Fish. O, not all, my friend, not all; for if all your beggars were whipped, I would wish no better office, than to be beadle. But, master, I'll go draw up the net. [Exeunt Two of the Fishermen. Per. How well this honest mirth becomes their labour! 1 Fish. Hark you, sir! do you know where you are? Per. Not well. 1 Fish. Why, I'll tell you: this is called Pentapolis, and our king, the good Simonides. Per. The good king Simonides, do you call him? 1 Fish. Ay, sir; and he deserves to be so called, for his peaceable reign, and good government. Per. He is a happy king, since from his subjects He gains the name of good, by his government. How far is his court distant from this shore? 1 Fish. Marry, sir, half a day's journey; and I'll tell you, he hath a fair daughter, and to-morrow is her birthday; and there are princes and knights come from all parts of the world, to just and tourney for her love. Per. Did but my fortunes equal my desires, I'd wish to make one there. 1 Fish. O, sir, things must be as they may; and what a man cannot get, he may lawfully deal for his wife's soul.k flap-jacks; In some counties a flap-jack signifies an apple-puff; but anciently it seems to have meant a pancake.-STEEVENS. k O, sir, things must be as they may; and what a man cannot get, he may lawfully deal for his wife's soul.] i. e. "Things must be as they are appointed to be; and what a man is not sure to compass, he has yet a right to attempt :- Re-enter the Two Fishermen, drawing up a Net. 2 Fish. Help, master, help; here's a fish hangs in the net, like a poor man's right in the law; 'twill hardly come out. Ha! bots on't,' 'tis come at last, and 'tis turned to a rusty armour. Per. An armour, friends! I pray you let me see it. 1 Fish. What mean you, sir? Per. To beg of you, kind friends, this coat of worth, For it was sometime target to a king; I know it by this mark. He lov'd me dearly, And for his sake, I wish the having of it; And that you'd guide me to your sovereign's court, Where with't I may appear a gentleman ; And if that ever my low fortunes better, I'll pay your bounties; till then, rest your debtor. 1 Fish. Why, wilt thou tourney for the lady? Per. I'll show the virtue I have borne in arms. 1 Fish. Why, do ye take it, and the gods give thee good on't! 2 Fish. Ay, but hark you, my friend; 'twas we that it is for example scarely possible that a man's wife should not be damned; but still a man should strive to save her." This is the most probable sense of this very difficult passage that I can collect from the commentators upon it. 1 bots on't,] The bots are the worms that breed in horses. --MALONE. mAnd, though it was mine own,] i. e. And I thank you though it was my own. -MALONE. brace:] i. e. Armour for the arm. |