Att. Fly! not we. Ant. I have fled myself; and have instructed cowards My treasure's in the harbour, take it.-0, Reprove the brown for rashness, and they them [Sits down. Enter EROS and CLEOPATRA, led by CHARMIAN and IRAS. Eros. Nay, gentle madam, to him :-Comfort him. Iras. Do, most dear queen. Char. Do! Why, what else? Cleo. Let me sit down. O Juno! Ant. No, no, no, no, no. Eros. See you here, sir? Ant. O fye, fye, fye. Char. Madam, Iras. Madam; O good empress! Eros. Sir, sir,— Ant. Yes, my lord, yes;-He, at Philippi, kept The lean and wrinkled Cassius; and 'twas I, b He, at Philippi, kept His sword even like a dancer ;] i. e. Cæsar never offered to draw his sword, but kept it in the scabbard, like one who dances with a sword on which was formerly the custom in England.-STEEVENS. Dealt on lieutenantry, and no practice had Eros. The queen, my lord, the queen. Iras. Go to him, madam, speak to him; He is unqualitied with very shame. Cleo. Well then, - Sustain me:-0! Eros. Most noble sir, arise; the queen approaches; Her head's declined, and death will seize her; but Ant. I have offended reputation; A most unnoble swerving. Eros. Sir, the queen. Ant. O, whither hast thou led me, Egypt? See, How I convey my shame out of thine eyes By looking back on what I have left behind 'Stroy'd in dishonour. Cleo. O my lord, my lord! Forgive my fearful sails! I little thought, You would have follow'd. Ant. Egypt, thou knew'st too well, My heart was to thy rudder tied by the strings, Thy full supremacy thou knew'st; and that Thy beck might from the bidding of the gods Command me. Now I must To the young man send humble treaties, dodge With half the bulk o'the world play'd as I pleas'd, Dealt on the lieutenantry,] i. e. Fought by proxy, made war by his lieutenants, or on the strength of his lieutenants. - STEEVENS. unqualitied-] i. e. Unmanned in general, disarmed of his usual fuculCleo. ties. STEEVENS. ★ How I convey my shame-] How, by looking another way, I withdraw my ignominy from your sight. --JOHNSON. 1 tied by the strings,] That is, by the heart-string. JOHNSON. O pardon, pardon. Ant. Fall not a tear, I say; one of them rates All that is won and lost: Give me a kiss; Even this repays me. - We sent our schoolmaster, Some wine, within there, and our viands: - Fortune knows, We scorn her most, when most she offers blows. SCENE X. Cæsar's Camp in Egypt. [Exeunt. Enter CESAR, DOLABELLA, THYREUS, and others. Cas. Let him appear that's come from Antony. Know you him? Dol. Cæsar, 'tis his schoolmaster :m An argument that he is pluck'd, when hither Which had superfluous kings for messengers, Not many moons gone by. Cas. Enter EUPHRONIUS, Approach, and speak. Eup. Such as I am, I come from Antony: I was of late as petty to his ends, As is the morn-dew on the myrtle leaf To his grand sea." Cas. Be it so; Declare thine office. Eup. Lord of his fortunes he salutes thee, and m his schoolmaster:] The name of this person was Euphronius. He was schoolmaster to Antony's children by Cleopatra.--STEEVENS and MALONE. To his grand sea.] i. e. His full tide of prosperity. STEEVENS. |