

Per Pacem ad Lucem

Adelaide Procter

DO not ask, Lord, that life may be
A pleasant road;

I do not ask that Thou wouldst take from me

Aught of its load;

I do not ask that flowers should always spring

Beneath my feet;

I know too well the poison and the sting

Of things too sweet.

For one thing only, Lord, dear Lord, I plead:

Lead me aright

Though strength should falter, and though heart

should bleed

Through Peace to Light.

I do not ask, O Lord, that Thou shouldst shed

Full radiance here;

Give but a ray of peace, that I may tread

Without a fear.

I do not ask my cross to understand,

My way to see;

Better in darkness just to feel thy hand

And follow Thee.

Joy is like restless day; but peace divine

Like quiet night:

Lead me, O Lord, -till perfect Day shall shine,

Through Peace to Light.



Adelaide Procter

IVE us our daily Bread,

O God, the bread of strength!

For we have learnt to know

How weak we are at length.

As children we are weak,

As children must be fed;-
Give us Thy Grace, O Lord,
To be our daily bread.

Give us our daily Bread,

The bitter bread of grief.

We sought earth's poisoned feasts

For pleasure and relief;

We sought her deadly fruits,

But now, O God, instead,

We ask Thy healing grief
To be our daily Bread.

Give us our daily Bread

To cheer our fainting soul;

The feast of comfort, Lord,

And peace, to make us whole;

Our Daily Bread

For we are sick of tears,

The useless tears we shed;

Now give us comfort, Lord,
To be our daily Bread.

Give us our daily Bread,

The Bread of Angels, Lord,
By us, so many times,
Broken, betrayed, adored.
His Body and His Blood, -
The feast that Jesus spread:
Give Him-our life, our all-
To be our daily Bread!




O to dark Gethsemane,

Ye that feel the tempter's power,
Your Redeemer's conflict see,
Watch with Him one bitter hour;

Turn not from His griefs away,
Learn of Jesus Christ to pray.

Follow to the judgment-hall;
View the Lord of life arraigned;
Oh, the wormwood and the gall!
Oh, the pangs His soul sustained!
Shun not suffering, shame, or loss;
Learn of Him to bear the cross.

Calvary's mournful mountain climb,
There, adoring at His feet,
Mark the miracle of time,
God's own sacrifice complete;
"It is finished!" hear Him cry;
Learn of Jesus Christ to die.

Christian! Dost Thou See Them?



St. Andrew of Crete

HRISTIAN! dost thou see them
On the holy ground,
How the powers of darkness
Rage thy steps around?

Christian! up and smite them,
Counting gain but loss,
In the strength that cometh
By the holy cross.

Christian! dost thou feel them,

How they work within,
Striving, tempting, luring,
Goading into sin?
Christian! never tremble;
Never be downcast;
Gird thee for the battle;

Watch and pray and fast.

Christian! dost thou hear them,

How they speak thee fair?

"Always fast and vigil,

Always watch and prayer"?

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