There Is No Death They have but dropped their robe of clay Though disenthralled and glorified, They still are here and love us yet; The dear ones they have left behind, They never can forget. And sometimes, when our hearts grow faint Of grief or passion sweep, We feel upon our fevered brow Their gentle touch, their breath of balm; Their arms enfold us, and our hearts Grow comforted and calm. And ever near us, though unseen, For all the boundless universe BLESSED ARE THEY THAT O MOURN William Cullen Bryant DEEM not they are blest alone Whose lives a peaceful tenor keep; The light of smiles shall fill again There is a day of sunny rest For every dark and troubled night; And thou, who o'er thy friend's low bier Nor let the good man's trust depart, For God hath marked each sorrowing day, T What of That? WHAT OF THAT? Anonymous. IRED! Well, what of that? Didst fancy life was spent on beds of ease, Fluttering the rose leaves scattered by the breeze? Come, rouse thee! work while it is called to-day! Coward, arise! go forth upon thy way! Lonely! And what of that? Some must be lonely! 'tis not given to all Dark! Well, and what of that? Didst fondly dream the sun would never set? Hard! Well, what of that? Didst fancy life one summer holiday, With lessons none to learn, and nought but play? No help! Nay, it's not so! Though human help be far, thy God is nigh, LOSS AND GAIN W Nora Perry HEN the baby died, we said, While we watched he waited there, Friends say, "It is better so, Ah, the parents think of this! Left upon the broken toy, Only time can give relief I My Child MY CHILD John Pierpont CANNOT make him dead! His fair sunshiny head Is ever bounding round my study chair; With tears, I turn to him, The vision vanishes-he is not there. I know his face is hid Under the coffin lid; Closed are his eyes; cold is his forehead fair; My hand that marble felt; O'er it in prayer I knelt; Yet my heart whispers that—he is not there. He lives! In all the past And on his angel brow, I see it written, "Thou shalt see me there!" Yes, we all live to God! Father, thy chastening rod, So help us, thine afflicted ones, to bear, Meeting at thy right hand, "Twill be our heaven to find that he is there! |