
vanced, and one volume will be published every week without interruption, at the moderate price of 1s. 6d. The fize resembles the admired editions of the Latin Claffics, by Elzevir; the types were cast on purpose on improved principles; the paper is writing-poft of the finest quality, and the embellishments will be designed from the subject of each volume, principally by the eminent Mr. Mortimer, and executed by engravers of the greatest merit; befides an original engraving of the portrait of each author, finely executed from pictures or busts of the best authority.

To collect genuine editions of our poets is a business of time, difficulty, and expence, even to the inhabitanes of the capital; but to collect them from the æra of Chaucer in 1328, to that of Churchill in 1764, uniform in fize, paper, and type, forming one book in a library, has hitherto been found impracticable; no other than partial editions, or collections of poetry, having hitherto appeared, but what were all executed under the vifible influence of immediate profit, and narrow economy, and loosely copied from one another, with multiplication of errors. Against this, sufficient precaution has been taken, by collecting, at great expence, the orinal authorifed folio and quarto editions; so that the present work, which is printed verbatim from these, will not be found more uniform in the manner, than correct in the text.


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