
Hæres patruelis

Antiquo gentis fuæ et titulo, et patrimonio fucceffit
Duas uxores fortitus eft;

Alteram Ifabellam, honore à patre derivato de
Arlington comitiffam

Deindè celciffimi principis ducis de Grafton viduam dotariam

Alteram Elizabetham Thomæ Folks de Barton in Com. Suff. armigeri.

Filiam et hæredem

Inter humanitates ftudia felicitèr enutritus Omnes liberalium artium difciplinas avidè arripuit, Quas morum fuavitate haud leviter ornavit. Poftquam exceffit et ephebis

Continuo inter populares fuos fama eminens Et comitatus fui legatus ad Parliamentum miffus Ad ardua regni negotia per annos prope triginta Si accinxit

Cumq; apud illos ampliffimorm virorum ordines
Solent nihil temerè effutire
Sed probe perpensa differtè expromere
Orator gravis et preffus

Non minus integritatis quam eloquentiæ laude

Equè omnium utcunq; inter fe alioqui diffidentium
Aures atque animos attraxit

Annoque demum M.DCC.XIII. regnante Annâ
Feliciffima, florentiffimæque memoriæ regina
Ad prolocutoris cathedram

Communi fenatûs univerfi voce defignatus eft:
Quod munus

Cum nullo tempore non difficile

Tum illo certè negotiis


Et varus et lubricis et implicatis difficillimum

Cum dignitate fuftinuit.

Honores alios, et omnia, quæ fibi in lucrum cederent,


Sedulò detrectavit

Ut rei totus inferviret publicæ,
Jufti rectique tenax

Et fide in patriam incorrupta notus. Ubi omnibus, quæ virum civimque bonum decent officiis fatis feciffet,

Paulatim fe à publicis confiliis in otium recipiens Inter literarum amoenitates,

Inter ante-actæ vitæ haud infuaves recordationes,
Inter amicorum convictus et amplexus
Honorificè confenuit,

Et bonis omnibus, quibus chariffimus vixit,
Defideratiffimus obiit.




THOU who furvey'ft these walls with curious eye, Paufe at his tomb where HANMER'S afhes lie His various worth through varied life attend, And learn his virtues while thou mourn'ft his end. His force of genius burn'd in early youth, With thirst of knowledge, and with love of truth;

* This Paraphrafe is inferted in Mrs. Williams's Miscellanies. The Latin is there faid to be written by Dr. Freind. Of the person whofe memory it celebrates, a copious account may be feen in the Appendix to the Supplement to the Biographia Britannica.

His learning, join'd with each endearing art,
Charm'd ev'ry ear, and gain'd on ev'ry heart.

Thus early wife, th' endanger'd realm to aid,
His country call'd him from the ftudious fhade;
In life's first bloom his publick toils began,
At once commenc'd the fenator and man.

In business dext'rous, weighty in debate,
Thrice ten long years he labour'd for the State;
In every speech pursuasive wisdom flow'd,
In every act refulgent virtue glow'd:
Sufpended faction ceas'd from rage and ftrife,
To hear his eloquence, and praise his life.
Refistless merit fix'd the Senate's choice,
Who hail'd him Speaker with united voice.
Illuftrious age! how bright thy glories fhone,
When HANMER fill'd the chair-and ANNE the

Then when dark arts obfcur'd each fierce debate, When mutual frauds perplex'd the maze of state, The moderator firmly mild appear'd

Beheld with love-with veneration heard.

This task perform'd-he fought no gainful poft, Nor wifh'd to glitter at his country's coft; Strict on the right he fix'd his steadfast eye, With temperate zeal and wife anxiety; Nor e'er from Virtue's paths was lur'd afide, To pluck the flow'rs of pleasure, or of pride. Her gifts defpis'd, Corruption blufh'd and fled, And Fame pursu'd him where Conviction led. Age call'd, at length, his active mind to rest, With honour fated, and with cares oppreft; To letter'd eafe retir'd and honest mirth, To rural grandeur and domeftick worth;


Delighted ftill to please mankind, or mend,
The patriot's fire yet fparkled in the friend.
Calm Confcience, then, his former life survey'd,
And recollected toils endear'd the fhade,
Till Nature call'd him to the gen'ral doom,
And Virtue's forrow dignified his tomb.

To Mifs HICKMAN*, playing on the Spinnet,
RIGHT Stella, form'd for univerfal reign,

Be Too well you know to keep the flaves you gain;

When in your eyes refiftlefs lightnings play,
Aw'd into love our conquer'd hearts obey,
And yield reluctant to defpotick sway:
But when your mufick fooths the raging pain,
We bid propitious Heav'n prolong your reign,
We bless the tyrant, and we hug the chain.

When old Timotheus ftruck the vocal string,
Ambition's fury fir'd the Grecian king:
Unbounded projects lab'ring in his mind,
He pants for room in one poor world confin'd.
Thus wak'd to rage, by mufick's dreadful pow'r,
He bids the fword deftroy, the flame devour.
Had Stella's gentle touches mov'd the lyre,
Soon had the monarch felt a nobler fire;
No more delighted with deftructive war,
Ambitious only now to please the fair;
Refign'd his thirft of empire to her charms,
And found a thousand worlds in Stella's arms.

These lines, which have been communicated by Dr. Turton, fon to Mrs. Turton, the Lady to whom they are addreffed by her maiden name of Hickman, must have been written at leaft as early as the year 1734, as that was the year of her marriage: at how much earlier a period of Dr. Johnfon's life they may have been written, is not known.


Verfes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.



"Go to the Ant, thou Sluggard"

URN on the prudent ant thy heedful eyes,
Obferve her labours, fluggard, and be wife:
No ftern command, no monitory voice,
Prescribes her duties, or directs her choice;
Yet, timely provident, fhe haftes away,
To fnatch the bleffings of the plenteous day;
When fruitful fummer loads the teeming plain,
She crops the harvest, and the ftores the grain.

How long fhall Sloth usurp thy useless hours,
Unnerve thy vigour, and enchain thy pow'rs;
While artful fhades thy downy couch inclose,
And foft folicitation courts repofe?

Amidst the drowsy charms of dull delight,
Year chases year with unremitted flight,
Till want now following, fraudulent and flow,
Shall spring to feize thee like an ambush'd foe.

HORACE, Lib. IV. Ode VII. Tranflated.


HE fnow diffolv'd, no more is feen,

The fields and woods, behold! are green;

The changing year renews the plain,
The rivers know their banks again;
The sprightly nymph and naked grace
The mazy dance together trace;

* In Mrs. Williams's Mifcellanies, but now printed from the original in Dr. Johnfon's own hand-writing.

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