LONDON; A POE M. IN IMITATION OF THE THIRD SATIRE OF JUVENAL. Written in 1738. -Quis ineptæ Tam patiens urbis, tam ferreus ut teneat fe? Juv. 'HO' grief and fondness in my breast rebel, Then injured THALES bids the town farewell, Yet ftill my calmer thoughts his choice cominend, 2 For who would leave, unbrib'd, Hibernia's land, Or change the rocks of Scotland for the Strand? JUV. SAT. III. * Quamvis digreffu veteris confufus amici; Laudo, tamen, vacuis quod fedem figere Cumis Deftinet, atque unum civem donare Sibyllæ. 2 Ego vel Prochytam præpono Suburræ, There none are swept by sudden fate away, Their ambush here relentless ruffians lay, 3 While THALES waits the wherry that contains A tranfient calm the happy fcenes bestow, + Since worth, he cries, in thefe degenerate days Wants ev'n the cheap reward of empty praise; 3 Sed, dum tota domus rhedâ componitur unâ, Subftitit ad veteres arcus. 4 Hic tunc Umbritius: Quando artibus, inquit, honeftis Nullus in urbe locus, nulla emolumenta laborum, Res hodie minor eft, heri quam fuit, atque eadem cras Ire, fatigatas ubi Dædalus exuit alas ; Dum nova canities * Queen Elizabeth, born at Greenwich. In those curs'd walls, devote to vice and gain, Some fecret cell, ye Pow'rs, indulgent give, 6 Letlive here, for has learn'd to live. 7 Let fuch raise palaces, and manors buy, Collect a tax, or farm a lottery; With warbling eunuchs fill our filenc'd flage, : Et Catullus maneant qui nigrum in candida vertunt. Siccandam eluviem, portandum ad bufta cadaver.- The invafions of the Spaniards were defended in the houses of parliament. The licensing act was then lately made. Heroes, proceed! what bounds your pride fhall hold? What check reftrain your thirst of pow'r and gold? Behold rebellious virtue quite o'erthrown, Behold our fame, our wealth, our lives, your own. To fuch, the plunder of a land is giv❜n, When publick crimes inflame the wrath of Heav'n : * But what, my friend, what hope remains for me, Who start at theft, and blush at perjury? Who scarce forbear, tho' BRITAIN'S court he fing, A statesman's logick unconvinc'd can hear, Gazetteer; Well may they rise, while I, whose rustick tongue 10 For what but focial guilt the friend endears? Who fhares Orgilio's crimes, his fortune fhares. Quid Romæ faciam? mentiri nefcio: librum, Si malus eft, nequeo laudare & pofcere. 9 Ferre ad nuptas quæ mittit adulter, Quæ mandat norint alii: me nemo miniftro Fur erit, atque idco nulli comes exeo. 10 Quis nunc diligitur nifi confcius ?— Carus erit Verri, qui Verrem tempore, quo vult, * The court. paper which at that time contained apologies for the But |