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" WHO says that fictions only and false hair Become a verse ? Is there in truth no beauty ? Is all good structure in a winding stair... "
The Retrospective Review - Page 218
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The temple, sacred poems and private ejaculations. [With] The ..., Volumes 1 à 2

George Herbert - 1667 - 362 pages
...Is t here in truth no beauty ? Ii all good ftrufture in a winding ftair? V „1"J May no lines pafs, except they do their duty Not to a true, but painted chair ? Is it no verfe, except enchanted grov es And fudden arbours fhadow courfe-fpun lines-? Muft purling ftreams...
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The temple, sacred poems and private ejaculations. [With] The synagogue

George Herbert - 1703 - 450 pages
...verfe? Is there in truth no beauty i Is all good ftruiture in a winding ftair ? May no lines pafs, except they do their duty Not to a true, but painted chair ? Is it not verfe, except enchanted groves And fudden arbors fhadow courfe-ipun lines ? Muft purling ftreams refrefh...
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The Retrospective Review, Volume 3

1821 - 400 pages keep them." — The account of his life, as a country clergyman, given by his own bioI grapher, does not offer much variety. It appears to have been...purling streams refresh a lover's loves ? Must all be veil'd, while he that reads, divines Catching the sense at two removes. Shepherds are honest people...
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The Retrospective Review.., Volume 3

Henry Southern - 1821 - 398 pages keep them." — The account of his life, as a country clergyman, given by his own bio-- grapher, does not offer much variety. It appears to have been...purling streams refresh a lover's loves ? . Must all be veil'd, while he that reads, divines Catching the sense at two removes. Shepherds are honest people...
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Retrospective Review, Volume 3

Henry Southern, Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas - 1821 - 402 pages
...— For thou must die. Sweet rose ! whose hue, angry and brave, Bids the rash gazer wipe his ey« : Thy root is ever in the grave, — And thou must die....purling streams refresh a lover's loves ? Must all be v ti I'd, while he that reads, divines Catching the sense at two removes. Shepherds are honest people...
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The Works of George Herbert, Volume 2

George Herbert - 1838 - 406 pages
...and heaven move ; Let not thy higher Court remove, But keep a standing Majesty in me. XXVII. JORDAN. WHO says that fictions only and false hair Become...purling streams refresh a lover's loves ? Must all be veil'd, while he that reads, divines, Catching the sense at two removes ? Shepherds are honest people...
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The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations

George Herbert - 1838 - 402 pages
...and heaven move ; Let not thy higher Court remove, But keep a standing Majesty in me. XXVII. JORDAN. WHO says that fictions only and false hair Become...purling streams refresh a lover's loves ? Must all be veil'd, while he that reads, divines, Catching the sense at two removes ? Shepherds are honest people...
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The Temple: And the Country Parson

George Herbert - 1842 - 400 pages
...change, and heaven move, Let not thy higher court remove, But keep a standing majesty in me. SorBan. WHO says, that fictions only and false hair Become...Is it not verse, except enchanted groves And sudden arbors shadow coarse-spun lines ? Must purling streams refresh a lover's loves ? Must all be veiled...
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The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations

George Herbert - 1844 - 388 pages
...verfe ? Is there in truth no beauty ? Is all good ftrufture in a winding ftair ? May no lines pafs, except they do their duty Not to a true, but painted chair ? Is it not verfe, except enchanted groves And fudden arbours fhadow coarfe-fpun lines ? Muft purling ftreams refrefh...
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Macphail's Edinburgh ecclesiastical journal and literary review, Volumes 1 à 2

1846 - 906 pages
...quickened into life at his bidding and unfolding itself in action. Listen to George Herbert — " Who say» that fictions only and false hair, Become a verse?...there, in truth, no beauty ? Is all good structure iu a winding stair ? May no lines pass, except they do their duty, Not to a true, but painted chair...
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