
.SftdCyi iNTKODuc!riosr.

believers, she is truely convinced they are of the Devil; and from such wretches no truth could come. Here is the answer of the Spirit given to Joanna.

"Now, Joanna, I shall answer thee from this woman. The language of her heart is the language of thousands, that would say it, and would do it; and Would affirm they had acted as she said: for as I told thee before, I now tell thee again, nothing will convince an unbelieving mind; therefore it is written, they perish through unbelief. And now to convince the world that all was open, fair, and just, I ordered every letter to go out that have; but I well knew such unbelievers, that nothing would convince them: they would say, like the woman, thou hast designed it; thou and thy friends had agreed, without reason, in a thing that need not be mentioned, if it was from herself, to say she should be in a Trance at all ; for then her writings would have as clearly been proved without it. But as this is now the report of the world, and what I perfectly knew before, from the trial of men in past age?, I permitted this thing to go out in the world, to see what judgment men would draw. Now they liave drawn their judgment; and to prevent their future judgment, no one shall know the time of thy trance, no one shall know the manner of thy trance, nor thou thyself shalt form any judgment how, or when, before 1 come upon thee unawares; for all my visitation to thee in this Trial shall be suddenly and unexpectedly, like my visitation to thee at Bristol, that I never warned thee of hefore it came, that no man might say thou of pear est in the power of my Spirit to fulfil thy prophecies; and now I shall come upon thee unawares the same, in all the working of My Spirit unknown to thee or them. So they may be like my disciples of old, expecting things to come to their own judgment, in a different manner than I appeared: but had I told them every particular, and come perfectly like it, the world would have said fhey deceived them, to say I came as I told thera before; but when I come in a different manner to them, in a way they never expected, and they themselves confessed it so, no man could say they did it by deceit, when they themselves confessed they were deceived. And perfectly so it will be by thy Trial : the day, the hour, the time, or the manner of my strong visitation to thee, during thy Trial, will not be known till My Power appears. But I shall make all things so clear to them, that they shall never need of a Trial any more, to know from whence thy visitation is; but shall know it is I the Lord have spoken by thee. And now I shall tell thee, though I knew thee and proved by thy vitnesses that no deceit is in thee, and called thee abroad in the world to prove it to others; yet, as the unbelieving Jews did not believe in Me, the unbelieving world will not believe in thee, if I tell thee beforehand every particular of -what will happen. But thou sayest in thy heart, were not the particulars of the days foretold? to this I answer, they were foretold, if proved by thy enemies; but now thou knowest it is proved by thy friends: and if I act a different way, to shew the unbelieving world that it did not come as they expected, yet in a different manner and more clear than they expected, let them not be disappointed; for I tell thee, if all things come in a regular line without opposers, the world will say, there is deceit in thee and thy friends. Therefore it is My Wisdom now to conceal from all in what manner 1 shall clear up the truth, to make thy light break forth as the morning, and the truth as clear as the noonday sun; and so clear'shall the truth be now made; for the water shall now be made wine: and let them not grieve if the best wine is reserved for the last.

Upon conditions all my Bible stands,
And on conditions I have plac'd thy hand,
And on conditions you will see the end,
The way that I shall make the blind men bend,
That by the letters they have sentto thee,
They will confess they had no eyes to see;



So all their wards thou must with safety keep,
To shew the blind men how their eyes were sunlr
Deep in their heads, where thou didst see the holes;
Anil full as blind they'll find their naked souls:
So in their stead their letters must appear.
Then what impostor canst thou be to man?
Let them discern and judge thy written hand,
If an impostor would the whole reveal,

And from their know ledge nothing would conceal.

I know thy nature daily doth decay,

And so your nation now I say do Jay;

They ar*- decaying, as 1 said at first,

Jiy dearth and burdens so upon them cast;

And if by thy decaying thou dost fall,

By their decaying they may t-einble all;

Because thy heart they have so wounded here,

And back on them will surely come the spear.

But now believers boldly they may stand,

And now My KINGDOM they may all command;

For if they live on earth they will it gain,

And if they die, with MF. they sure shall reign,

That now in heart and soul give up to Me,

Their only wish ray kingdom for to see.

Let men begin from ruy Gospel and shew how close every word is brought to my Gospel, of the Parables I mentioned of the Kingdom of Heaven, and that not one that were bidden should taste of mv supper. They have been bidden to come forward and search out the truth; and as they have refused, I have refused them; and those of the highways and hedges are compelled to come in. Now I shall tell thee what is meant by the highways and hedne.s: those that work in the highways, and those that work by the hedges, are labourers; so let the believers come in as labourers, that my house may be filled; and lhat my visitation may be made manifest; for now I tell thee, by thy Master thou must stand or fall; and now thou art judged by men, whose faith is like thine; then by one Master you all stand or fall."

The following extracts are inserted to inform the reader respecting the mission of Joanna:

In Joanna's sealed writings, written in the years 17QO and 1800, are found these words: "I will provoke them to anger and jealousy; but whea this jealousy alarms the unbelievers, and they have not judgment enough of their own, to kno'\ from whence the writings come, but wish to be clear themselves, if they will call forward the Trial, as the Lord hath done, to see if every thing be true, as it is put in print, and by their unbelief cannot be clear, from whence it came, when friends and foes meet together to clear up the whole, this sign is set before them : By righteous and just judgment I have fixed the Trial, and by the truth it shall be proved; so righteousness and truth will meet together, love and peace will kiss each other; that is, love will kindle in every heart; and those that are now angry will then be as loving friends: so—

Perfect harmony will take place,
And every truth they'll then embrace;
For I shall throw thee in a Trance,
And every truth I'll then advance.
So Adams here you'll ail appear—

This is the Fall of Man:
And paler than the whited wall

W ill every member stand;
Then Satan's fall, be it known to all,

Will surely follow next;
For Man's Redemption now 1 call,

My standard so I fixt
It more secure for to endure

Than 'twas before, he fell;
For all his foes I'll so secure

And triumph over hell.
So men mav sec their destiny— . •

These are the fir;t redeemdi
Then follows on (for fast 'twill come)

The pure and liviug stream;
Forthou'lt return, and man will mourn,

And tears of joy'twill be.
The standard here will so appear,

That tears of joy they'll sec.
So now at last my word at fust

I surely shall complete:
The Woman ne'er brought on the curse,

But did the Serpent cheat.
A Mystery, that man shall see,

Will come so in the End ,
For the Good Fruit was on the Tree—

And Satan here must bend:
Pluckt by her hand let Satan stand,

And the good fruit appear;
The evil first, and Man was cast,

Ajjd Sabw Wust stoP berc

Then she must bring again to Man

The knowledge of the good;
Then Satan's arts must feel the dart,

When 1 fulfil his word:
To be as Gods it was his word—

His word I'll now fulfil;
Then he must fall, be it known to all—

But now I say, stand still,
And in the end, mark what is penn'd,

The mysteries will come round.
There's always Hell where Satan dwells*

And there he must be bound:
My ways are just, let sinners trust,

And judge Me in the end.
So on the Tree look all to Me,

I died the sinner's friend;
For now the Comforter will come,

I tell them, like a Ghost,
And tell the simple sons of men

How Paradise was lost,
And how they may it all regain,

Wrought by a Woman's hand;
For Paradise they shall obtain,

That now like men will stand,
And the whole armour now put on-«-

The breastplate goeth before,
Then fast the deluge down will come—

This is the niention'd war.
I made the Woman at the first

For to complete Man's bliss;
Then now by her it shall be done,

And make your jarring cease."

Since the conclusion of her Trial, Joanna received one of the books published against her at Stourbridge, which was announced some months since. After reading it she spoke of it thus: "I see the Unbounded wisdom of God, in ordering me to proceed as I have done; for I could not have thought there had been so black a heart in man, as to judge, that in spiritual things, any one could have acted so deceitfully with God and man, as the wretched author, who printed this book against me hath done; but whatever may be the blackness ofi .his heart, my soul come not thou into his secrets! The Lord is my judge, and is witness against him. And I admire the wisdom of the Lord, in having the truth cleared, in the manner it follows here, iivm the depositions of the witnesses." i

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