
perfectly fulfilled in Me, to claim the Promise, clear the Fall, and bring forth her children to the Lord. And now let them see in what sorrow thou hast brought forth thy children; how strong thy desire hath been to the Lord; how much thou hast been afraid of being deceived; how often thou hast been falling back, when my directions thou didst not understand; and how strongly have i ruled over thee, till I have brought all to the Fall, and all to the Gospel. Now can men be so void of reason, to think all this is done by the Devil, to seek and plead his own destruction? No; here the wisdom of the wise is perished, and the understanding of the prudent is hid, who vainly imagine this is from the Devil. Blinder than the Jews they must now appear; therefore I said, man was twice dead, twice plucked up by the roots: the Jews were dead through unbelief, plucked up and cast out, as having no root in Me; and now I Am come again in the Spirit, to fulfil my Bible, and clear the Fall, I find thousands dead the same through unbelief, that will be plucked out, as withered branches, having no root in, Me! They perish for want of knowledge ; they die through unbelief \ and so they will be plucked up by the root, as branches dead, cast out through unbelief, having no share or lot in the matter, either to be united with the church triumphant in glory above, or with the church militant here on earth: for these are the churches that must be united, who long to see my Name exalted, that all that have breath may praise My Name.

From East to West, frorn North to South,

My Fame shall fly abroad,
And all the listening nations round

Shall praise their conquering Lord.

And now I shall answer thee from the words thou hast spoken this day. Thousayest the kindness and attention of thy friends come too late; when thy appetite is gone thou canst not enjoy it; perfectly so, I tell thee, by mankind, thousands will become thy friends, when thy life is gone, and thou canst not enjoy them; for know I told thee in ninety-three, thy death would convince more than thy life. But it is happy for those that believe before thou die, because they will feel a peace of conscience, a rejoicing, and hope to see thee again, while the others will know they are strangers unto thee; and will reflect they persecuted thee, as the Jews will that they persecuted Me; for I now tell thee, both alike they ar persecuting the Spirit of God, and doing despite to his mercy and goodness. Now mark what is said this day, the fifth day of thy appearance; and let them mark deeply what happens on the sixth, for then thy labour endeth by Me, to the Trials that I have called thee forward, till thou art called forward by man, and then thou wilt find thy appetite is gone—

Thy strength of nature, and thy days are past,

When men in anger do against thee burst;

But then their anger I shall soon confound,

And make them tremble at my every sound;

The rocky hearts in snnder I shall rend,

And they shall know I'll stand thy every friend {

And then the veil I'll surely rend from man;

The graves may open when they do discern

A dying worm return to them again.

Hut then, I tell thee, thou'lt not long remain $

So al I thy labour thou must now do first,

Before by man thy awful Trial burst,

And hasty seek thy writings to go through,

That thou may'st lay the truth before their view;

Tor to confound them, I shall make all clear,

And then thou'lt find thy awful Trial draws near j

When thou hnst done the work design'd by Me,

I'll end thy life by man, they all will see;

Because thy awful Trial will come on—

And know," thy fluttering heart to meet the men

That were thy friends, in love for to appear,

To meet thy foes thy nature cannot bear;

Neither shall I permit it to-be so,

For thou to live, that they might kindness shew,

Because 'rh sorrow I mean they shall mourn;

But could they do it, if thou didst return

To dwell among^ them, kindness they mightshev^

Aud think by wisdom they the whole do know.

And for thy sufferings think to make amends, By every act of kindness, like thy friends. But then, I tell them all, 'twill come too late, Thy dying looks will bring thy dying fate, And then thv sufferings quickly will be o'er, And thou with jov possess thy happy shore, That in thy heart thou long hast wish'd to see. To leave this world below and dwell with Me. And so, I tell thee, by the rage of man, Unto my kingdom thou wilt surely come; Because by man thou'i t wounded at the first, And so by man thy glory now shall burst; That is, I mean to bring thee to my throne, As in thy heart so long they've plac'd the th»rns; And so the thorns shall bring thee to thy crown: 'Tis by the Cross thy glories must be found. So by the Cross thy life will make an end; They'll find it deep in every line thus penn'd; For like thy Master now thy end must be, Though not the way they nail'd Me to the tree; Vet in like manner will thy death appear; I know thy heart how long they wounded herej Therefore I'll let them wound it tqthe end, For that's the way that I the veil shall rend From every heart, and so from every eye, When on thy bed, they see thee for to lie, Repeat the Glories thou hast seen above, Repeat the Will that I have made for Man, Repeat my Promise that then shall come* Repeat the Glories they shall see below, When strong my Spirit on all flesh shall goj And Satan's power I shall takeaway. But all these things I have reveal'd to thee And yet much stronger 1 shall then appear, What from my voice thou then shalt see and hear; , For now [say'tis hastening to the time— I'll claim this kingdom, and I'll make it mine j And all my Bible now I will fulfil; And to my Father now I'll reconcile The sons of men, in union with their God; And Satan now shall feel my awful rod: And here's the ending every soul shall s-ee; The change is great, and great the change shall htf And Man shall know for what he first was made; And Satan tremble that he e'erbetray'd The simpleness so in the Woman plac'd; And now like her I'll make his grief to burst—• It was from him the sword went through her soul; .And for her sake, I now do tell you all That he the same shall feel the every spear, And feel like her the agonies she bore; Then Man shall know 1 made her for his good, When I in power do fulfil rny word. So for the present I shall end it here: This is the fifth day, thou must now appear

To be a Helpmate to the sons of men;

And great they'll find the Helpmate in the end,

Because their Helpm ate they will find is Me,

That strong in Spirit now do visit thee:

But of herself the Woman could be none—

'Tis I that died, and did for all atone;

And now my dying Blood shall make an end—

I said I died to be the sinner's friend;

And now the sinners' friend I'll surely be,

If they in heart will now look up to Me."

After reading this Joanna entered into an interesting account of many parts of her prophecies, which collectively afforded a clear view of her awful Trial before men, as distinct from this Trial, to which she has been called by the Lord. She then adduced Scripture proofs of her mission being the fulfilment of the prophecies of the establishment of the kingdom of Christ. The manner of the Gospel dispensation coming round contrary to the judgment of the disciples was also referred to, as a parallel to the different opinions formed by herself and friends, respecting the ways of the Lord now through her. . Joanna then expatiated on the various reports that the publicity of the Trance would give rise to, and on other particulars connected with her being brought before men. Here she emphatically declared that she must stand or fall by the voice of this assembly, by the judgment now passed concerning her mission. This subject was further pressed to our attention, by saying that we must give our decided opinion upon the whole of the proceedings to-morrow, and that in writing, with the respective signature of each individual thereto. Here she then enumerated these leading points touching her mission, which were left fpr the decision of the assembly :—That the calling was of God—The justice of it, in claiming the Promise made to the Woman in the Fall—The justic* of casting the curse on Satan, so that his head should be bruised—That Christ had not seen the travail of his soul to be satisfied—Had. not seen accomplished the day of vengeance in his heart—That Christ died unjustly; therefore it was right for the author of all evil to suffer, through the means of the Woman, and by her enmity, for betraying her in the beginning. She then pleaded her own sincerity, and drew this general inference, from the manner in which the Scriptures were explained to her, the agreement of her writings therewith, the fulfilment of her prophecies, and from other proofs, that the whole was the work of the Lord. When Joanna had concluded this address, the resolutions passed by the assembly after the examination of the witnesses were read to her. She then made a most eloquent, though simple appeal, whether the Lord would let her go on in delusion; she then described her present weak state of health, and her mode of life; and having concluded this interesting appeal to the judgment of the assembly, Joanna retired in a high flow of spirits, at about half past five.

When Joanna had nearly closed her discourse, she was interrupted by a member asking, whether Satan knew he was cast by this Trial ? for then he would pursue her and her friends with the utmost of his fury. This was answered by the following communication, given to her after she had retired, and sent in to be read before the meeting was adjourned.

"Now I shall answer thee of Hows. His observation was just, to say that Satan did not know his casting would be before thy awful Trial; but now he knoweth he is cast; and now he will come down in great wrath, and stir up the people to come against thee; for he knows his time is short. And he is cast in the manner I told thee, that he would not have a friend present to speak for him, as Pilate did for Me; but had unbelievers been present, they would haye pleaded against the Promise. Then how could the Promise have been claimed? But now they were all united and joined together in hand and mind^ being informed by thee how strong the poison lay ijj.

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