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On conversation-Importance of the subject—
Talking too much-Excessive silence-Tale-
bearing and tattling-Prying into, the secrets of
families-Propagating ill reports--Discussion of
personal character and conduct-Making conver-
sation useful--Making preparation to converse
-Paying close attention in conversation-Treat-
ing what is said by others respectfully-Looking
the individual with whom we converse in the
face-Opposing erroneous sentiments in a suita-
ble manner-Haughtiness in conversation--Con-
troversy--Losing the temper in controversy-
Ease and attractiveness in conv ersation-Too
much readiness to make promises of service-
Disposition to take offence--Sudden and excessive
intimacies-Maintaining personal dignity in con-
versation--Retailing anecdotes-Repeating old
proverbs-Coarseness or indelicacy--Interrupt-

ing another in conversation--Contradicting-Indulgence of personal vanity--Egotism-Affectation of wit-Pedantry-Flattery-Inviting flattery to ourselves-Speaking of our own performances-Rude familiarity-Strict regard to truth -Proprieties of time and place-Faithfulness to confidence reposed--Loud and boisterous manner in conversation--Frequent use of SuperlativesConversing with the wise and good-Observing the conversation of the best models


Religious conversation-Importance of the subject -Some popular errors on this. subject pointed out---Counsels-The duty of embracing every good opportunity for religious conversation-Introducing it in an easy. happy manner---Adapting conversation to the company-Dictation and authority in conversing--Avoid theological controversy---Conversing with infidels--Conversing with persons of different religious denominations -Conversing with strangers-Conversing with persons in high station-Violating good manners -Conversing with persons under religious impressions Giving sound do trinal instruction-Being too ready to administer comfort to the anxious and inquiring-Excessive haste to publish the exercises of the anxious--Conversing too much at a time-Urging to a hasty profession of religion-The use of technical language in religious conversation- Preparing for religious



conversation-Frequent examination as to the manner in which this duty has been perform

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On Visiting-Importance of the subject-I. Pastoral visits By no means to be neglected-To be attended to systematically-Preceded by prayer -Performed with faithfulness--Not in a formal, task-like mode-Extended to the poor as well as the rich-Made as instructive and interesting as possible-- Particular attention to children and young people-Record of visits to be carefully kept-Assembling several families togetherTo be accompanied by an elder-Visiting the sick-Counsels-Visiting reduced families-II. Social visits--not to be neglected-Preceded by Prayer--Not so numerous as to interfere with pastoral visits-Not too frequent in particular families-Poor as well as rich-Length of visitsVisits at unseason a ble hours--Dining parties— Suitable conversation at them--Avoid giving trouble--Receiving as well as paying visits[Leaving every where a testimony for God 168--208


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Habits in the Seminary generally-Regulations, even for a Theological Seminary, indispensably necessary--The advantages of such an Institution -Attention to the laws of the Seminary--Avoiding noise in the publick edifice---Spirit of order

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