Gen. xli. 33. Let Pharaoh look out a man intelligent and wise, and set him over the land of Egypt the prospection of the natural [principle] concerning the inflowing truth and good, which should arrange all things in the natural mind. A. C. 5285. Gen. xli. 34. Let him appoint officers over the land, and take up the fifth part of the land of Egypt = the arrangement of general (principles) in the natural, which should be preserved and then stored up. Ib. 1 Gen. xli. 36. That food shall be for store to the land against the seven years of famine which shall be in the land of Egypt that it may be there for all the uses of the natural principle, according to necessity in the defects which are in the natural principle. A. C. 5285. Gen xli. 41. I have set thee over all the land of Egypt = dominion over both natural principles (internal and external). A. C. 5314; also verses 43, 44, 45. Ib. = Gen. xli. 46. And Joseph went throughout all the land of Egypt = when he subordinated and submitted all things, even as to the minute particulars in the natural. A. C. 5338. Gen. xli. 48. And he gathered up all the food of the seven years which was in the land of Egypt the preservation of good adjoined to truth, multiplied from the first times in the natural. A. C. 5340, seq. Gen xli. 54. And in all the land of Egypt there was bread of truths multiplied from good. A. C. 5363. Gen. xli. 55. And all the land of Egypt suffered hunger in both the natural [principles]. A. C. 5364. - remains desolation Gen. xli. 56. And he sold unto the Egyptians, and the famine increased in the land of Egypt appropriation, and the grievousness of the desolation increasing in the natural. A. C. 5371, seq. = Gen. xli. 57. And every land came into Egypt that goods and truths are collated in the scientifics which are of the church. A. C. 5373. = Gen. xlii. 1. Jacob saw that there was corn in Egypt that those things which are of the faith of the natural [principle] as to the truth of the church, have a desire of acquiring truths by scientifics where (they can be found). A. C. 5399. = Gen. xlii. 1, 2. Jacob said to his sons, why do ye look one upon another? Behold, I have heard that there is corn in Egypt perception concerning truths in general, why they hesitate, since truths can be acquired by scientifics. A. C. 5403—5. Gen. xlii. 3. And Joseph's ten brethren went down to buy corn out of Egypt the endeavour and the act of such truths of the church as correspond, to appropriate to themselves the good of truth by scientifics. A. C. 5408-5410. Gen. xliii. 2. And it came to pass when they had eaten up the corn which they had brought out of Egypt when truths which are from scientifics were again deficient. A. C. 5578-80. Gen. xliii. 15. They arose and went down into Egypt = elevation to acquire life for themselves from the interiors of scientifics. A. C. 5637. Gen. xlv. 4. And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom sold unto Egypt manifestation by influx, as to the internal which they had H ye alienated. By Egypt here are signified the lowest things. A. C. 5885, seq. = Gen. xlv. 8. I rule in all the land of Egypt that the good which flows from the internal arranges the scientifics in the natural mind. A. C. 5904. Gen. xlv. 9. God hath made me lord of all Egypt [= that the celestial internal arranges all things and every particular in the natural. A. C. 5908.1 That Jacob dwelt in the land of Goshen, xlv. 10. [= that it (Goshen) is a medium in the natural. A. C. 5910.] = Gen. xlv. 13. Ye shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt the communication of the spiritual heaven in the natural with spiritual good. A. C. 5922. Gen. xlv. 18. I will give you the good of the land of Egypt possession of scientifics. A. C. 5942. =the =doc Gen. xlv. 19. Take for you waggons out of the land of Egypt = trinals of scientifics. A. C. 5945. Gen. xlv. 20. The good of all the land of Egypt is yours that this (good) is the primary principle in their natural mind. A. C. 5949. Gen. xlv. 23. Ten asses carrying from the good of Egypt tifics with many things of service. A. C. 5958. = scienGen. xlv. 25. And they went up out of Egypt = recession from the scientifics of the church. A. C. 5964. = Gen. xlv. 26. And they told him, saying, Joseph is yet alive, and he is governor over all the land of Egypt influx and perception, that the internal is not rejected, and that the natural mind is under its power. A. C. 5966-68. Gen. xlvi. 3. Fear not to go down into Egypt = that natural truth, with all things belonging to it, shall be initiated into the scientifics of the church. A. C. 6004. = the pre Gen. xlvi. 4. I (God) will go down with thee into Egypt = A. C. 6006. sence of the Lord in that state. tifics of the church. A. C. 6018. initiation into the scien Gen. xlvi. 7. Jacob * * * his sons and his sons' sons with him, his daughters and his sons' daughters, and all his seed brought he with him into Egypt truths and goods in their order, and everything of faith and of charity collated in the scientifics of the church. A. C. 6020-23. Gen. xlvi. 26. Every soul which came with Jacob into Egypt all truths and goods initiated into the scientifics of the church. A.C. 6024. Gen. xlvi. 27. And the sons of Joseph who were born to him in Egypt celestial and spiritual things in the natural. Ibid. and Gen. xlvii. 6. The land of Egypt is before thee the sciences of the natural mind under the auspices of the celestial internal. A. C. 6083. Gen. xlvii. 11. And Joseph made his father and his brethren dwell, gave them a possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land the life of spiritual good and of the truths of the church from the celestial internal, in the inmost of the natural mind, where scientifics A. C. 6102, sey. are. Gen. xlvii. 13. And there was no bread in all the land, because the Gen. xlvii. 14. And Joseph collected all the silver found in the land Gen. xlvii. 15. And when silver failed in the land of Egypt and in All Egypt came to Joseph the application of the scientific to the Gen. xlvii. 20. And Joseph bought all the ground of Egypt for Gen. xlvii. 21. As to the people, he removed them to the cities from Gen. xlvii. 26. And Joseph made it a law over the land of Egypt Gen. xlvii. 27. And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the land of Gen. xlvii. 28. And Joseph lived in the land of Egypt seventeen. Gen. xlvii. 29. Bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt = regeneration Gen. xlvii. 30. Thou shalt carry me out of Egypt = that there be an Gen. xlviii. 5. Thy two sons born unto thee in the land of Egypt, Gen. 1. 7. There went up with him (Joseph) all the servants of ** Gen. 1. 21. And Joseph returned into Egypt, he and his brethren = = Gen. 1. 22. Joseph dwelt in Egypt the life of the scientifics of the Gen. 1. 26. And he was put into a ment in the scientifics of the church. coffin (ark) in Egypt = concealA. C. 6596. We have here translated and presented to the reader the article on Egypt, wherever the term occurs throughout the book of Genesis. If the entire article were printed, it would occupy about thirty additional pages of this periodical, as every book of the Word is similarly quoted and explained. Some idea may now be formed of the value and extent of this Index, and how useful it will be, not only to the student of the Word, but to every reader who desires to have some spiritual discernment of what he reads. We cannot see that the manuscript, as Swedenborg left it, could be of much service, as it comprises none of the spiritual intelligence to be found in his printed works, nor does it appear that he added anything to it during the last twenty-three years of his life. It forms, however, the outline of a work which Swedenborg contemplated, and which, if time had been granted, he might have executed. As it is, the outline is taken up by one who is adequate to the task of completing it in the manner in which the author would seem to have contemplated. The question is not, whether the work consists, as stated in our former notice, of about ten volumes 8vo., of at least 500 pages each, should be printed; but whether a man can be found with sufficient industry, energy, and patience to accomplish it. Dr. Tafel is the man who, through the Lord's help, has undertaken it, and we trust that he will be enabled to finish it. The only cause for hesitation whether the work shall be proceeded with in the thorough manner in which it has been begun, is the fear lest funds may not be forthcoming to complete the undertaking. There are other expenses besides printing and paper. The manuscript has to be copied, and very much has to be transcribed from the author's printed works, before the press can be supplied, all which must be done by a person employed for the purpose. This is certainly attended with much expense; but as one generous friend has come forward with a donation of £500. for the publication of these manuscripts, we believe that when more is required, it will, in due time, be supplied. Our brethren in America would, we are certain, willingly coöperate in this useful undertaking. An annual grant from their publication fund would greatly aid the work in its progress. It only requires to be brought under their notice to insure their cordial coöperation in a work which, when accomplished, will be of the greatest use to the church in all future generations. ASSYRIA AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN THE WORD OF GOD, AS ILLUSTRATED BY THE NINEVEH SCULPTURES. A course of Lectures recently delivered by the Rev. T. Chalklen. LECTURE IV. THE former part of our last lecture was devoted to the consideration of such of the animals of Assyria as are named in the Holy Word and are found represented upon the sculptures, with a view of shewing their spiritual significations in a good sense, reserving their significations in the opposite sense for this lecture. We have already observed, in speaking of Assyria in general as representative of a perverted rationality, that the same thing which represents a genuine good or true principle, serves likewise to represent the opposite of such a principle; and this because no evil or falsity can be an original creation, or an emanation from the only source of all life and being, but has become what it is by the perversion of something good or true, to which it now stands opposed. The phrenological organs would afford a further illustration of this. By the exercise of the same organ a man may become either firm in righteousness or obstinate in iniquity. The faculty which would dispose a man to profound adoration of the Lord, by being perverted, might make him a stupid devotee of the absurdest superstition. Thus the power of loving, which, in an orderly condition, would concentrate its supreme regard upon the Lord, in a perverted state turns itself back into a man's self as its chief and central object. The representatives, therefore, in the Word denote either good or evil, truth or falsity, according as the subject treated of belongs to a state of order or a state of perversion. In our investigation of the spiritual meaning of the animals of Assyria, we will again begin with the horse. The horse belonging to the highest class of animals, and therefore signifying, in a good sense, a superior principle or faculty of the mind, must, when meant in an opposite sense, denote something appertaining to a sadly perverted condition of things. In Ezekiel, 23rd chapter, the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah, under the figure of two sisters, are thus charged—“ Aholah played the harlot when she was mine; and she doated on her lovers, on the Assyrians her neighbours, clothed with blue, captains and rulers, all of them desirable young men, men riding on horses. Her sister Aholibah doated upon the Assyrians her neighbours, captains and rulers, clothed most gorgeously, horsemen riding upon horses, all of them desirable young men.” In this passage horse |