
The immediate consequences of this renewal of the declaration, and of the accompanying order of council, that it should be read in all the churches within the ecclesias

that, in gratitude, he himself was the king's, and did ever, as much as in him lay, influence him to his | true interest."-p. 204.

Although nothing appeared against Penn, he was obliged to give security to appear on the first day of the next term, and was then dismissed. On his appearance at the time appointed, in discharge of his bail, not one

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"Renewed his declaration for liberty of conscience, with this addition, that he would adhere firmly to it, and that he would put none into public employments but such as would concur with him in maintaining it. He also promised that he would hold a parliament in the November following. This was what William Penn desired. He wished the king to continue firm to his purpose; but he knew that neither tests nor penalties could be legally removed without the consent of parliament. He rejoiced, therefore, that the parliament were to be consulted on the measure; for he in-witness could be produced against him; and dulged a hope that the substance of the royal de- nothing having been proved to his disadvanclaration would be confirmed by both houses, and tage, he was discharged in open court. thus pass into a law of the land.”—p. 191. What must have been his joy and his gratitude on the passing of the great Toleration Act, shortly after this, by king, lords, and commons, although it did not come up to the extent of his wishes? Even Burnet, in his History of his Own Times," though at the Hague he had treated William Penn coldly for advocating the very principles of the new act, gives as reasons why it had passed, those very considerations which William Penn had long before given as reasons why it ought to pass. This author says, that "wise and good men did very much applaud the quieting of the nation by the toleration. It seemed to be suitable both to the spirit of the Christian religion and the interest of the nation. It was thought very unreasonable, that, while we were complaining of the cruelty of the Church of Rome, we should fall into such practices among ourselves, and this while we were engaged in a war, in the progress of which we should need the united strength of the whole nation.

tical jurisdiction of the kingdom, are well known; the committal of the seven bishops to the Tower, their trial and acquittal being matters of history. In about a fortnight afterwards, William of Orange landed in Torbay, and James the Second ceased to reign. William Penn's feelings at this change of affairs may be more easily imagined than described. By the flight of James he had lost one who," with all his political failings, had been his firm friend;" and not only so, "but he lost (what most deeply affected him) the great patron, on whom he counted for the support of that plan of religious toleration for which chiefly he had abandoned his infant settlement in America, at a time when his presence was of great importance to its well-being." He dared not return to America, though there a peaceful asylum awaited him, lest his flight should lead to the conclusion that he was guilty of the crimes laid to his charge. He, therefore, in the consciousness of innocence, resolved on remaining in England, and to go at large as before, dangerous as was such a proceeding to one who had no longer a protector at court.

And quickly did he experience the effect of the recent political change, for on the 10th of December, while walking in Whitehall, he was summoned before the Lords of the Council, and examined touching the charges brought against him. In reply to some questions, he protested that—

"He had done nothing but what he could answer before God and all the princes in the world; that he loved his country and the protestant religion above his life, and had never acted against either; that all he had ever aimed at in his public endeavors was no other than what the prince himself had declared for; that King James had always been his friend, and his father's friend; and

In 1690, Penn was again arrested, on the charge of having traitorously corresponded with James II. He appealed to the king in person. The king was moved by his open and explicit defence to dismiss Penn; some of the council, however, interfering, he was ordered to give bail to appear at the next Trinity term. As on the former occasion, when he appeared in court there was no evidence against him, and he was honorably discharged.

A third time was he arrested, on suspicion of being engaged in a conspiracy at the time of the apprehended French invasion; he was now obliged to lie in prison until the last day of Michaelmas term, when he was brought before the Court of King's Bench, and again discharged.

After these repeated failures, it might have been thought that there would have been no further attempt to molest him; but just as he had attended the funeral of his beloved friend, George Fox, the founder of the Society of Friends, and was about to embark


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for America, he had intimation that a fresh | his fellow-professors "looked coldly on him, imputation had been brought against him by and requited his services with obloquy." one William Fuller, who was afterwards declared by Parliament to be "a notorious im- tion, or the concordant testimony of the Are we to believe this one gratuitous asserpostor, a cheat, and a false accuser," who had historians of the Quakers,-Sewel, Gough, "scandalized the magistrates and the govern- and Clarkson,—all of whom agree in bearing ment, abused this House, and falsely accused the most direct testimony to the estimation several persons of honor and quality." To in which Penn was held by the members of escape the consequence of this fresh impeach- his own sect? ment, as he could not leave the kingdom with founded on such authorities as these, in favor Are we to give up opinions honor, Penn resolved to remain in retirement of a flippant observation of one who can perin England, neither wantonly throwing him- vert truth as Mr. Macaulay has done? The self in the way of the government, nor endeavoring to fly from it; and about six weeks very Society which Mr. Macaulay represents afterwards, another proclamation was issued has spent thousands of pounds in printing as "requiting Penn's services with obloquy," for the apprehension of himself and of Dr. and distributing his works, and cherishes the Turner, Bishop of Ely, and of James Graham, record of his life as a piece of biography founded upon the accusation of the same worthy of all imitation. Fuller, that he and others had been conBut Churchmen cerned in a conspiracy to invite over James Mr. Macaulay pervert facts as he may; let entertain the same opinion of Penn. Let II. from France. He remained in retirement him word his detractions never so smoothly,for about three years, neither molested by constable, magistrate, nor any other officer of justice, though greatly annoyed by the increase of popular clamor against him-the consequence of these unfounded accusations. In 1693, he was deprived of the government of Pennsylvania by King William, whose ear had been poisoned against him. In the following year, however, the king honorably reinstated him in his government, and he was received into higher favor than ever by his own Society, many of whose members had fallen away from him in consequence of the calumnies so industriously circulated, and which, for a time, circumstances prevented him from refuting. He was thus restored to his former position, and acquired, if possible, higher honors from his previous sufferings. Five years afterwards, after having spent his time usefully in England, he and his family embarked for America. He arrived safely in Philadelphia in the November of 1699; returned to England in December, 1701; carried up the address of the Quakers on the accession of Queen Anne, in the following year; and, after various changes and reverses of fortune, died, and was buried at Jordans in Buckinghamshire, in the year 1718.

We now revert to the only other of Mr. Macaulay's assertions respecting Penn that we shall notice, namely, the statement that

she has already recorded her judgment, from which "The voice of history cannot be thus silenced: there is no appeal. This Quaker was a strong and a brave and therefore a free man; he ruled he made posterity his debtor, for that spirit which himself, and fearing God, feared no other; and so and there is no fear that the debt due to him will won freedom for himself he left to it as a legacy, be unpaid so long as the inheritance remains. The memory of good men is sacred; we treasure it as we value our safety in the present, our hope for the future."-Preface, lix.

the calumniator, to give the character of Induced, as we have been by the voice of Penn a searching and uncompromising scrutiny, we rise from the task under the firm conviction that he was one of the best and wisest of men. We lose sight of the Quaker in his higher character of Christian; we forget the courtier in the majesty of the philanthropist. It is a mistake to regard him as a sectarian. We believe that long after his sect and its peculiarities shall be forgotten, the name of Penn will be held up as an example to future ages, as a distinguished legislator, a great and powerful teacher, a sincere Christian, and a man of perfect and undeviating integrity.

* Macaulay, vol. i., p. 506.

From the Quarterly Review.


1. The Handbook of Travel-Talk; A Collection of Dialogues and Vocabularies, intended to serve as Interpreter to Travelers. By the Editor of the Handbooks of Germany, France, and Switzerland. 12mo. 2nd Edition. 1850.

2. The Royal Phraseological English-French and French-English Dictionary. By J. Ch. Tarver, French Master, Eton. 2 vols. 8vo. 1845-1850. Pp. 1670.

THE motto of this useful manual of TravelTalk is Bacon's famous saying "He that traveleth into a country before he hath some entrance into the language, goeth to school and not to travel." We hope the editor means gradually to extend his work, and, having profited by what he has done, shall be happy if in the following remarks he finds anything either of encouragement or sugges


Lavater has laid down that the character of a man may be detected not less clearlynay, often much more so-in the most trifling gestures, in the ordinary tone of his voice, in the way he takes a pinch of snuff, or mends a pen, than in great actions, or when he is under the influence of the stronger passions, which indeed obliterate nice distinctions:

Love levels ranks; lords down to cellars bears, And bids the brawny porter walk up stairs.

If we allow that these little things may afford the true index of individual character, it follows that they must be the faithfullest signs of national character also; and thence comes it that the best history of a people is to be found in its dictionary. Let us take a particular class of words and phrases-a very ordinary and limited one-and we are much deceived if we shall not find a mass of characteristic traits daguerreotyped, the more strikingly because involuntarily, in the commonest Forms of Salutation.

Observe the tone that predominates in those of the East: what an air they breathe of primeval simplicity, what condensed documents they are of the external nature and the state of society. In them we clearly mark the ceremonious politeness of half-savage peoples, among whom a word or look is in

stantly requited by stroke of ataghan or thrust of a lance-exactly as was found among the Red Men of the great Western prairies; for it is an old observation that no purest-blooded aristocrat of the most refined court, not even Louis Quatorze in all his glory, could be more perfectly well-bred than a Huron chief. The immobility too of the region is well reflected, for these little phrases will be found nearly identical over an immense expanse and through a vast duration. They are almost all based upon a religious feeling; and convey in the form of prayer a wish that the person may enjoy Peace, the summum bonum, the prime want and wish in such countries and such conditions of life. A pastoral people is always warlike; and throughout the Bible this is the invariable blessing which forms the staple of salutation. Shalum! We trace the ruling idea in the very name of Jeru-salem. We plainly see that when their language was crystallizing they must have been a people whose hand was against every man, and every man's hand against them; and the Bedouins of the present day have precisely the same character, embodied and eternized in the same salutation. In some Hebrew modes of greeting we also see strong traces of a gross, sensuous character: there is an under-tone that speaks of a land dropping and running over with fatnessa gurgling of luscious rivers of milk and honey, oil and butter, more than in ten German tables-d'hôte. "No marvel," says Carlo Buffone, "that that saucy, stubborn generation were forbidden pork; for what would they have done, well pampered with fat griskins, that durst murmur at their Maker out of garlick and onions ?"

Islam probably made but a small change in the habits of those tribes among which it

was first introduced; and consequently we shall find little in these phrases. The same religious tone continues, modestly combined with an incipient tinge of fatalism. "May your morning be good!" says the Arab; "May God strengthen your morning!" "Perhaps thou shalt be fortunate " God grant

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thee his favors!" "If God will, thou art well!" "If God will"-here the fatalist does not even venture to put up a prayer, but only asserts the fact. "If God will, all the members of thy family enjoy good health." Here we have the reclusion of women indicated in an unmistakable manner.

The pride, gravity, and laconism of the Ottoman are no less faithfully depicted. His salutations generally include a sort of saving clause, as, "If God will," or the like; but they breathe strong proofs of confidence as to the success of the petition. The Turks are not a people

-in Fortuna qui casibus omnia ponunt,
Et nullo credunt mundum rectore moveri,
Natura volvente vices et lucis et anni;

and it must assuredly give no small dignity to social intercourse when the most lofty and solemn truths are thus brought into contact with the familiar speeches of common life. "Be under the guard of God;" "My prayers are for thee;" "Forget me not in thy prayers." Their phrases, however, seem formal and colorless when compared to the torrent of hyperbolical compliment poured forth as a matter of course by the fluent and facile Persian. The same difference may be discerned as between the Englishman and the Frenchman. The only trace of tender or poetical feeling we have noted in a tolerably copious list of Turkish complimentary greetings, is the following: "Thy visits are as rare as fine days,"-which, moreover, evidently dates from a period long prior to their descent upon the serene shores of Roumelia. "Peace be upon thee!" says the Persian-not with thee, as among us in the olden time, but upon thee, as though it were to drop visibly,

like the gentle dew from heaven, Upon the place beneath.

"How is the state of thine honor?" "Is thy exalted high condition good?" "Glory to God by thy benevolence !" "I make prayers for thy greatness!" "May thy shadow not be removed from our head!" "May thy_shadow never be less!" Is it possible to be conceived by one who has any


touch of what Sir Thomas Browne calls "the deuteroscopie or second-sight of things," that these perpetual shadows, and the rest of the supellex of Oriental Novels-(alas, for Hajji Baba!)—can be mere matter of accident? Could a foggy, shivering Frieslander say, May your shadow never be less? serve also the immense part played in the Oriental world by the idea of Paternity-a part which begins in the very infancy of mankind-which was carried by the Jews in particular to a great height, as each man flattered himself that he might be the father, or at least ancestor of the Messiah--and you will see, in the still hourly employment and sacrosanct veneration of that idea, a relic of the first generations-a leaf from the groves of Eden, a lock of wool from the sheep of Abel. There are even whole tribes and nations who take their names of individuals from this idea of paternity--a man not calling himself the son, but the father, of Soand-So. Consider, if this method were to be generally adopted, what a change would take place in the personal nomenclatures of half the world: we should have no more Morisons or Hudsons, Fitzherberts or Fitzclarences-no more O'Connells or O'BriensMacNabs or MacGregors-the Ivanovitches and Gavriloffs and Jellachichs would be rooted out from among the orthodox Slavonic peoples; there would be no more Islandic Olafson's and Sigmundsens: nay, there

would have been no Atreides, no Peleides. In the desert, men of A. D. 1850 call themselves, not the son of their father, but the father of their son. One class of the population among us, it must be confessed, might be far from displeased were this mode to be couples in the flush and glory of "their first." introduced: it would singularly gratify young

But "Thou hast exalted




May thy horn be lifted up!"-would never do in Cheapside. In Egypt they have a form of salutation which stamps and fixes a feverish climate to the life: "How goes the perspiration? Do you sweat copiously?" and this, as father Rabelais says, pour cause, seeing that in those regions, if you do not continue in the diaphoretic mood, meltingly alive to the torrid fervency of the sun, you run a great risk of melting away altogether, of exhaling-of dying, in short, in "a burning quotidian tertian. "May your shadow never be less!" beside being a most picturesque expression, stereotyped in human speech-human speech, that only firm, solid, unfluctuating thing (except a Whig ministry, perhaps)—is also a neat formula for the re

what a poem in two syllables!)—who invented the word swag; the sailor (" in many a tempest had his berd he shake") who first talked of his ship's fore-foot, or qualified the vessel as she; the first boxer who in a commonplace head beheld a nob―the head being viewed simply as the subject of knocks, fibbing, and evil-entreatment, and thus by a stretch of transcendental metaphysic abstraction reduced to its lowest terms, detached from all associations but those of fistycuffs

spect Orientals entertain for fat. Not only does it typify, as in some indestructible Babylonian frieze, a burning climate, where violent light and strong shadow are before the eyes of man from the cradle to the grave -a climate where the fan and the parasol have become emblems and insignia of sovereign rank, like our sceptre (originally the staff-the accompaniment of old age, and hence of wisdom and authority)--but it marks the honor and glory attached to obesity in a climate where none but the rich-or, even more wondrously perhaps, a conk; and great can reach (by having plenty to eat the first bibliomaniac who spoke of "tall and little to do) the envied pinnacle of copies," of "foxing" and "croping;" this twenty stone. Thus we are told of the Hin- man, of whatever breed or degree, was a doos in Major Williamson's Oriental Sports poet. Let no dainty objector whisper that (chap. xv.), that the possessor of a jolter- such words are common, vulgar, familiar, head is a happy individual, who passes and cannot be poetical. Daisies are common; his life surrounded by the warmest demon- the sea is common; men, women, and childstrations of respect and veneration." But ren are exceedingly common, at least in some why quote for readers all fresh from Morier, parts of the world, and yet we believe they Fraser, Lane, Kinglake, Layard, and the are allowed by the best judges to be not "Milordos Inglesis" of yesterday? How only poetical, but the very stuff and matter deliciously sumptuous is the greeting of the of all poetry. They are what the Lord Chinese "Have you eaten your rice? Is Chamberlain Polonius wished his son to-be, your stomach in good order?" What people could generate such a phrase but timid, frowsy, formular inhabitants of the Central Flowery Land? Could it have taken root in Aberdeen or Kentucky?

But all these phrases must have been private property before they became common; they must have happily conveyed a reality before they grew to be merely conventional forms of speech. In other words, they were invented by a man of genius in every case, and bear the impress of genius-i. e., of a concentration of the thoughts and sentiments of the age into a focus of vivid brilliancy. A proverb has been happily defined by a living statesman, "the wit of one man, the wisdom of many.' 11** All the picturesque metaphor, the bold and striking condensation, the lightning-like pointedness of that exquisite form of language which we call Slang, has no other origin but this: nay, all that is worthy to be called language (which sometimes makes up but a moderate part of the dictionary) has no other source or modus existendi. Look at the slang of any trade or profession, and we shall see that every word of it is literally a "word that burns"-the indestructible vesture of a thought. high-toby-man or cracksman-(Cracksman!


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Familiar, but by no means vulgar;

indeed their very commonness prevents them from ever being vulgar: for what is vulgarity but the effort to be something not common?

The Greek salutation seems to have been subject to few changes; but this circumstance, which may at first sight appear against us, seeing that the Greeks were so capricious a generation, so mobile, imaginative, and composed of such a number of tribes, will on examination furnish an additional buttress. The Hellenic race, notwithstanding the multitude of internal nuances, was essentially "one and indivisible." A strongly graven line bounded them from the Bapapo on every side;-they were as completely one people through a common patriotic pride and a highly developed civilization, as the Jews were by an elaborate scheme of social distinctions and the intensity of religious pride and scorn. Hence it was quite natural that they should all agree in using one and the same form for the expression of those general sentiments which constitute the groundwork of intercourse. And what a word of greeting was it that they selected,-or rather, that grew up among them like a tree-Xaps rejoice, be glad! What a people that must have been! Yes, from the cradle to the grave, in the agora or in the vineyard, in the torchlighted thalamus or on the battle-field, every moment of the Greek's existence was filled

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