
loved all, that He died for sinners. And this is God's love to the world, in giving his Son into the world; that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish. And He doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, that they might believe in the Son. And the gospel is preached to every creature under heaven; which is the power that giveth liberty and freedom, and is glad tidings to every captivated creature under the whole heavens. And the word of God is in the heart and mouth. For Christ is given for a covenant of the people, and a light to the Gentiles, and to enlighten them; who is the glory of Israel, and God's salvation to the ends of the earth. And so, ye are to have the mind of Christ, and to be merciful, as your Heavenly Father is merciful.


O Friends!

G. F.


Do not die from the good, through the wantonness of fleshly lusts, neither be choked with the cares of this life, nor fear the shearers, neither let the heat scorch your green blade;

but dwell under the shadow of the Almighty, who will shade you from the heat and cold. Neither be cumbered nor surfeited with the riches of this world, nor bound, nor straitened with them, nor married to them; but be free and loose from them, and be married to the Lord. The sufferings in all ages of the righteous and just were, because they could not join to the nation's vain worships, evil customs, rudiments, traditions, and carnal inventions, but joined to the Lord, and not to them; and therefore they suffered, and kept single to the Lord God in following Him and his Truth, and living in it, the Amen, the crown, life, virtue, and righteousness, that floweth over all, in which the righteous have peace.

When ye do judge of matters, or when ye do judge of words, or when ye do judge of persons, all these are distinct things. A wise man will not give both his ears to one party, but reserve one for the other party, and will bear both, and then judge.

G. F.


Dear Friends,


My love is to you all. Live in the Truth, which ye first received; that it may be your crown, and your clothing. And dwell in love, and peace, and unity one with another in the Truth of God, which the devil is out of: and keep your meetings in the Name of Christ Jesus, that never fell; and then ye will see over all the gatherings in the fall. And all know one another in Him, who is the substance, and Him to be your Way and Teacher, Priest and Prophet; and then ye will see over all the false ways, prophets, priests, and teachers. Be faithful to God, every one in your measure of light, life, and truth; and keeping your habitations in the Truth, and in the light and life, then ye will see over Adam and Eve, their sons and daughters' habitations in the fall, who cannot abide the truth, light, and life in the inward parts. Therefore they are not in peace one with another, being not in the habitation that Adam was in before he fell, nor in Christ, that never fell, in whom


the saints sit down, in the life, Christ, who was with the Father before the world began.

And so, live in the substance, which is the Seed, Christ, who ends the prophets, first covenant, first priesthood, and all the types, and figures, and shadows given after the fall.


My dear Friends,

G. F.


Be not carried away by good words and fair speeches, nor the affectionate part, which is taken with them; but every one have hold of the Truth in yourselves, and the life, and light, and power of the Most High, by which ye may be stayed upon Christ, your bread of Life: He is the staff of your heavenly and eternal life. Now friends, who have denied the world's songs and singing; sing ye in the spirit and with grace, making melody in your hearts to the Lord. And ye having denied the world's formal praying, pray ye always in the spirit, and

watch in it. And ye that have denied the world's giving of thanks, and their saying of grace, and living out of it; do ye in every thing give thanks to the Lord through Jesus Christ. And ye that have denied the world's praising God with their lips, whilst their hearts are afar off; do ye always praise the Lord night and day, and from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, praise ye the Lord. And ye that have denied the world's fastings, and their hanging down their head like a bulrush for a day, who smile with the fist of wickedness, keep ye the fast of the Lord, that breaks the bond of iniquity, and lets the oppressed go free; that your health may grow, and your light may shine as the morning.

G. F..



Of Persecution.


Forgive us, as we forgive them, cry Papists, cry Episcopalians, cry Presbyterians, and Baptists and Independents; these cry and say the Lord's prayer: Forgive us our debts and

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