
with Divine help, may be crowned with yet greater success. Hope and peace we bring with us, and the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus, to whose blood alone we point as the single atonement for sin.

The programme set before ourselves in the month of December last we have, to the utmost of our power, carefully adhered to and steadily kept in view; and our Lessons and Addresses, thanks to the continued aid of experienced and worthy teachers, are still at the same high level which has won for the Treasury that distinctive character which has gained for it its present proud position among kindred publications. To the same programme we intend to adhere during the coming year, adding thereto some further valuable features promised us from the hands of able writers.

To those kind and constant friends who have assised us during the past twelve months we tender many and grateful acknowledgments. We have, however, to ask our readers generally to remember that, in proportion as our circulation increases-and to this end all can render some meed of help-in like degree shall we be enabled to make the Treasury additionally valuable. If each of our subscribers would secure only one more, our programme might yet further be considerably extended and rendered more useful, and the good work in which we are engaged would receive fresh impetus.

Relying on the efforts of our many friends during the year 1869, we will add, in all humility, "Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us; and establish Thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish Thou it."


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