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" THE WORLD'S COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS. A descriptive account of the Economic Plants of the World and of their Commercial Uses. By WG FREEMAN, B.Sc., FLS, Superintendent, Colonial Economic Collections, Imperial Institute, London, and SE CHANDLER, D.Sc., FLS,... "
Guide to the Study and Use of Reference Books - Page 43
de Alice Bertha Kroeger, Isadore Gilbert Mudge - 1908 - 147 pages
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The American Naturalist, Volume 41

1907 - 888 pages
...vol. 7, part 1, of "North American Flora," under the editorship of Professors Underwood and Britton. A descriptive account of the economic plants of the world and of their commercial uses, by Freeman and Chandler, is being issued in fortnightly parts by Pitman and Sons, of London, under...
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The American Naturalist, Volume 41

1907 - 860 pages
...vol. 7, part 1, of "North American Flora," under the editorship of Professors Underwood and Britton. A descriptive account of the economic plants of the world and of their commercial uses, by Freeman and Chandler, is being issued in fortnightly parts by Pitman and Sons, of London, under...
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The Open Shelf

1915 - 302 pages
...children. 1909. J232.9-916 Industries Freeman, WG & Chandler, SE World's commercial products. J633-36 A descriptive account of the economic plants of the world and of their commercial uses. The text is somewhat difficult for children, and the interest will be chiefly in the excellent illustrations....
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Bibliography Bulletin

New York State Library - 1906 - 618 pages
...SE The world's commercial products. Pitman $3.50 Far from exhaustive and sometimes inaccurate, this descriptive account of the economic plants of the world and of their commercial uses brings together conveniently mvch practically useful material, with a wealth of excellent illustrations....
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Cambridge Public Library Bulletin, Volume 12

1907 - 296 pages
...[Edinburgh], 1907. Tables, diagrs. 23cm. 621.9-D24 Freeman, William George, and Chandler, Stafford Edwin. The world's commercial products : a descriptive account...plants of the world and of their commercial uses. With contributions by TA Henry, CE Jones, and EH Wilson. Boston [London, 1907]. Illus., col. plates,...
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Library Leaflet

1907 - 472 pages
...Fitchett, Laura Simkins. Beverages and sauces of colonial Virginia, 1607-1907. NY 1906. 641.72 :06 Freeman, William George, and Chandler, SE . •The...plants of the world and of their commercial uses. Illus. Lond. 1907. *q633 :07.1 Graphic arts and crafts year book, 1907. v. 1, illus. Hamilton (O.)...
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Brockton Library Bulletin, Numéros 1 à 14

1899 - 622 pages of poultry houses, coops and yards. 1907. 636.5 F54.1 Freeman, WG, Chandler, SE, and others. The world's commercial products; a descriptive account...plants of the world and of their commercial uses. nd 630 F85 Qreen, Olive, fseuii. How to cook shell-fish. 1907. 641 O79.3 Hill, Sarah C. A cook book...
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Annual Report, Volumes 33 à 44

1901 - 660 pages
...RZ.D91 Fletcher, SW Soils: how to handle and improve them. 111. (Farm library.) RGF.F61 Freeman, WG, and Chandler, SE The world's commercial products;...descriptive account of the economic plants of the world and their commercial uses. Ill *RL + F85 French, Allen. Book of vegetables and garden herbs: a practical...
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Monthly Bulletin, Volumes 5 à 6

St. Louis Public Library - 1907 - 378 pages
...the history and present position of socialistic speculation or agitation. — Nation. Freeman, WG, and Chandler, SE The world's commercial products:...plants of the world and of their commercial uses; with contributions by TA Henry, CE Jones and EH Wilson, nd Rcf. 3Oc Not primarily for the specialist....
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Report of the Librarian and Annual Supplement to the General Catalogue

State Library of Massachusetts - 1905 - 1150 pages
...[of Mechanical Engineers] in New York City, Dec. 4, 1905. np, 1906. 8°. 106 p. Illus. and plans. [3] Freeman, William George, and Chandler, SE The world's...plants of the world and of their commercial uses. With contributions by TA Henry, CE Jones, and EH Wilson. Boston, [1907]. 4°. (6), viii, 391 p. Illus....
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