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Livres Livres
" A COMPLETE pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dictionary of the world, containing the most recent and authentic information respecting the countries, cities, towns, resorts, islands, rivers, mountains, seas, lakes, etc., in every portion of the globe,... "
Guide to the Study and Use of Reference Books - Page 86
de Alice Bertha Kroeger, Isadore Gilbert Mudge - 1908 - 147 pages
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Monthly Bulletin of the International Bureau of the American ..., Volume 22

1906 - 1014 pages
...Imprimerie Chaix, 1893. 189, (1) p. 8°. HEILPRIN, ANGELO AND Louis: Lippineott's new gazetteer. A complete pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dictionary of...seas, lakes, etc., in every portion of the globe. Edited by Angelo Heilprin and Louis Heilprin. . . . Philadelphia and London, JB Lippincott company,...
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The Annual American Catalog, 1900-1909, Volume 4

1906 - 754 pages
...facsims.,) f°, cl., **$3 net. Heilprin, Angelo and L:, eds. Lippincott's new gazetteer: a complete pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dictionary of...seas, lakes, etc., in every portion of the globe. Phil., Lippincott, 1905. c. 9+2053 p. Q. shp., **$io net; hf. mor., **$I2.50 net. Lippincott's Pronouncing...
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Polybiblion: Revue bibliographique universelle, Volume 108

1906 - 684 pages
...pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dictionary of the world ; containing the most receñí and aulbentic information respecting the countries, cities, towns,...seas, lakes, etc., in every portion of the globe. Philadelphia. Lippincott, 1905. In-8. ix2053 p. 50 fr. [15H HeRLiHY (Cornelius Joseph). The Celt above...
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Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, Volume 19

Geological Society of America - 1908 - 752 pages
...complete pronouncing gazetteer or geographic dictionary of the world, containing the most recent and full authentic information respecting the countries, cities,...resorts. islands, rivers, mountains, seas, lakes, etcetera, in every portion of the globe. Edited by A. Hellprln and Louis Heilprin. JB Lipplncott Co.,...
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A List of Books in the Reading Room, 1909

John Crerar Library - 1909 - 522 pages
...Deschamps. ^ Lippincott's new gazetteer. L910.3 Q5oo v" SS"" Lippincott's new gazetteer. A complete pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dictionary of...mountains, seas, lakes, etc., in every portion of the globe ; edited by Angclo Heilprin . . . and Louis Hcilprin .... Philadelphia and London, JB Lippincott Company,...
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List of Reference Books

Merrill Library - 1911 - 118 pages
...Century cyclopedia of names, ed. by BE Smith, 1085p. XY [1894c.] Lippincott's new gazetteer ; a complete pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dictionary of...globe; ed. by Angelo Heilprin and Louis Heilprin. 2053p. Phila. 1906. Hasse, Adelaide Rosalia. Reports of explorations printed in the documents of the...
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Manual of Library Economy

American Library Association - 1911 - 124 pages
...LIPPINCOTT'S NEW GAZETTEER. Geographical dictionary of the world containing information respecting countries, cities, towns, resorts, islands, rivers,...seas, lakes, etc., in every portion of the globe. The most comprehensive American work of its kind, alphabetically arranged, giving description of and...
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Monthly Bulletin, Volumes 3 à 4

National Agricultural Library (U.S.) - 1913 - 746 pages
...Urbana, 111. [1908] 241116 n-12842 Annotated and priced list. Lippincott's new gazetteer; a complete pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dictionary of...authentic information respecting the countries, cities ... in every portion of the globe; ed. by Angelo Heilprin . . . and Louis Heilprin . . . with a conspectus...
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Out West: A Magazine of the Old Pacific and the New, Volume 24

Charles Fletcher Lummis - 1906 - 638 pages
...will be pardoned for failing to read through— or even to skim — a volume of more than 2000 pages, "containing the most recent and authentic information...respecting the countries, cities, towns, resorts, islands, mountains, seas, lakes, etc., in every portion of the globe." But Lippincott's Gazetteer has been,...
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Bollettino della Società geografica italiana, Volume 51,Numéro 1

Società geografica italiana - 1914 - 760 pages
...geographical dictionary of thè World, containing thè most and authentic informutions respecting thè Countries, Cities, Towns, Resorts, Islands, Rivers,...Mountains, Seas, Lakes. etc., in every portion of thè globe, edited by AH & LH, with a conspectus of thè thirteenth census of thè United States. Philadelphia...
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