
cannot be interpreted in any other sense. Besides the prophecies of the calling of the Jews, we have a remarkable providential seal of the fulfillment of this great event, by a kind of continual miracle, in their being preserved a distinct nation in such a dispersed condition till the present time. The world affords nothing else like it. There is undoubtedly a remarkable hand of Providence in it. When they shall be called, that ancient people, who alone were God's people for so long a time, shall be his people again, never to be rejected more. They shall then be gathered into one fold together with the Gentiles; and so also shall the remains of the ten tribes, wherever they be, and though they have been rejected much longer than the Jews, be brought in with their brethren. The prophecies of Hosea especially intimate, that in the future glorious times of the church, both Judah and Ephraim, or Judah and the ten tribes, shall be brought in together, and shall be united as one people, as they formerly were under David and Solomon. Hos. 1: 11, &c. Though we do not know the time in which this conversion of Israel will come to pass; yet thus much we may determine by Scripture, that it will be before the glory of the Gentile part of the church shall be fully accomplished; because it is said that their coming in shall be life from the dead to the Gentiles. Rom. 11: 12-15

(5.) Then shall also Satan's heathenish kingdom be overthrown. Gross heathenism now possesses a great part of the earth. But then the heathen nations shall be enlightened with the glorious Gospel. There will be a wonderful spirit of pity towards them, and zeal for their instruction and conversion,

and many shall go forth and carry the Gospel to them. Then shall the joyful sound be heard among them, and the Sun of righteousness shall arise with his glorious light shining on those vast regions of the earth that have been covered with heathenish darkness for many thousand years. Many of them, doubtless ever since the times of Moses and Abraham, have lain thus in a miserable condition, under the cruel tyranny of the devil, who has all this while blinded and befooled them, domineered over them, and made a prey of them. Now the glad tidings of the Gospel shall sound there, and they shall be brought out of darkness into marvelous light.

It is promised in many places, that heathenism shall thus be destroyed. God has said, that the gods that have not made these heavens and this earth, shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens, Jer. 10: 11, and that he will utterly abolish idols. Isa. 2: 18. Then shall the many nations of Africa, who now seem to be in a state but little above the beasts, and in many respects much below them, be visited with glorious light, and delivered from all their darkness, and shall become a civil, christian, intelligent, and holy people. Then shall the vast continent of America, in which now prevails so much ignorance and cruelty, be every where covered with glorious gospel-light and christian love and instead of worshiping the devil as multitudes now do, they shall serve God, and praises shall be sung every where to the Lord Jesus Christ, the blessed Savior of the world. So we may expect it will be with the great and populous countries of the East, now mostly inhabited by the worshipers of the devil. Then the kingdom of Christ will be

established in those vast countries which have been more lately discovered towards the north and south poles, where men differ very little from the wild beasts, except in impiety. The same will be the case with respect to countries not yet discovered. Thus will be gloriously fulfilled, Isa. 35: 1, The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them: the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose." See also verses 6, 7.


2. Having thus shown wherein this overthrow of Satan's kingdom will consist, I come now to observe its universal extent. The visible kingdom of Satan shall be overthrown, and the kingdom of Christ set up on the ruins of it, every where throughout the whole habitable globe. Now shall the promise made to Abraham be fulfilled, that in him and in his seed shall "all the families of the earth be blessed;" and Christ become "the desire of all nations." Haggai, 2 7. Now the kingdom of Christ shall in the most strict and literal sense be extended to all nations, and the whole earth. There are many passages of Scripture that can be understood in no other sense. What can be more uni



versal than Isa. 11:9; For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." As much as to say, As there is no part of the channel or cavity of the sea but is covered with water, so there shall be no part of the world of mankind but shall be covered with the knowledge of God. So it is foretold, Isa. 45: 22, that “all the ends of the earth" shall look to Christ and be saved. And to show that the words are to be understood in the most universal sense, it is said in the next verse, "I have sworn by myself, the word is

gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, that unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear." So the most universal expression is used, Dan. 7: 27, " And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High God."



When the devil was cast out of the Roman empire, because that was the highest and principal part of the world, and the other nations that were left were low and mean in comparison, it was represented as Satan's being cast out of heaven to the earth, Rev. 12:9; but it is represented that he shall be cast out of the earth too, and shut up in hell, Rev. 20: 1, 2, 3. This is the greatest of all revolutions; therefore it is said, Rev. 16: 17, 18, that on the pouring out of the seventh vial there was great earthquake, such as there was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great." And this is the third great dispensation of Providence, which in Scripture is compared to Christ's coming to judgment, Rev. 16: 15. There, after the sixth vial, and after the devil's armies were gathered together to their great battle, and just before Christ's glorious victory over them, it is said, Behold, I come quickly; blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments." So it is called Christ's coming, 2 Thess. 2: 8. Speaking of Antichrist, it is said, “And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming." See also Dan. 7: 13, 14, where Christ's coming to set up his kingdom on earth, and to destroy Antichrist, is called coming with the clouds


of heaven. And this is more like Christ's last coming to judgment, than any of the preceding dispensations which are so called. The dispensation is so much greater and more universal, and so more like the day of judgment, which respects the whole world. The great spiritual resurrection of the church of God accompanying it, resembles the general resurrection at the end of the world more than any other. See Rev. 20 : 4.

Terrible judgments and fearful destruction shall now be executed on God's enemies. There will doubtless be at the introducing of this dispensation a visible and awful hand of God against blasphemers, infidels, obstinate heretics, and other enemies of Christ, terribly destroying them, with remarkable tokens of wrath and vengeance. More especially will this dispensation be attended with terrible judgments on Antichrist; the cruel persecutors in the church of Rome shall in a most awful manner be destroyed; which is compared to casting Antichrist into the burning flame, Dan. 7: 11, and to casting him alive into the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. Rev. 19: 20.

Then shall this cruel persecuting church suffer those judgments from God, which shall be far more dreadful than her persecutions of the saints. Rev. 18:6, 7. The judgments which God shall execute on the enemies of the church are so great, that they are compared to God's sending great hail-stones from heaven upon them, every one of the weight of a talent, as is said on the pouring out of the seventh vial. Rev. 16: 21. "And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God, be

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