Ah me! those flowers he binds no more; No longer heed the sun-beam bright And shewn the chequer'd field of mati. XX. As the first human heir of earth In pensive thought so Owen stray'd Wild Carron's lonely woods among, And once, within their greenest glade, He fondly framed this simple song: XXI. Why is this crook adorn'd with gold? Why am I tales of ladies told? A silken vest like mine so green, I know it is no shepherd's art This bracelet bright that binds my arm- And, O thou silent picture fair, XXII. Ah lovely youth! thy tender lay The fierce hawk hovering o'er his song? His little heart is large with love: He sweetly hails his evening star, And fate's more pointed arrows move, Insidious from his eye afar. XXIII. The shepherdess, whose kindly care "O tell me, parent, if thou art, "What is this lovely picture dear ? "Why wounds its mournful eye my heart, "Why flows from mine th' unbidden tear ?” "Ah! youth! to leave thee loth am I, "Though I be not thy parent dear; "And would'st thou wish, or ere I die, "The story of thy birth to hear? "But it will make thee much bewail, "And it will make thy fair eye swell She said, and told the woesome tale, As sooth as shepherdess might tell. XXIV. The heart, that sorrow doom'd to share, But when that seal is first impress'd, Yet fled not Owen's-wild amaze Look'd wistful for the tear to glide, XXV. "No, I am not a shepherd's boy," Awaking from his dream, he said, Ah, where is now the promised joy "Of this ?-for ever, ever fled! O picture dear! for her loved sake "How fondly could my heart bewail "My friendly shepherdess; O wake, "And tell me more of this sad tale. "O tell me more of this sad tale"No; thou enjoy thy gentle sleep! "And I will go to Lothian's vale, "And more than all her waters weep. XXVI. Owen to Lothian's vale is fled Earl Barnard's lofty towers appear"O art thou there," the full heart said, "O! art thou there, my parent dear ?” Yes, she is there: From idle state Oft has she stolen her hour to weep; Think how she "by thy cradle sate," And how she "fondly saw thee sleep." Now tries his trembling hand to frame XXVII. O'er a fair fountain's smiling side, The hand that bore those lines of love, XXVIII. "She comes not!-can she then delay ?" Cried the fair youth, and dropp'd a tear"Whatever filial love could say, "To her I said, and call'd her dear. "She comes-Oh! No-encircled round, His tender tale that Earl had read, 'Tis o'er-Those locks that waved in gold, That streaming head he joys to bear In horrid guise to Lothian's halls; Bids his grim ruffians place it there, Erect upon the frowning walls. The fatal tokens forth he drew "Know'st thou these-Ellen of the vale ?" The pictured bracelet soon she knew, And soon her lovely cheek grew pale. The trembling victim straight he led,. She saw-and sunk, to rise no more! |