
the exciseman of the Parish, who being himself an ignorant and giddy youth, and having heard that Mr. Merryman was, till of late, one of his own stamp, was struck with his warm and affectionate address from the above mentioned text, and that he now lives to God, as being himself also "alive from the dead." Mr. Merryman, who was supposed to have some secret inclination toward Miss Worthy, continued after this meeting, principally the guest of Mr. Worthy, for some days. A Sabbath intervening, an exchange of labour was mutually agreed upon between Mr. Lovegood and Mr. Merryman, while such a friendly and Christian intercourse proved of equal advantage to both their congregations. Mr. Worthy found himself very happy with such a guest in his house, as his domestic chaplain; and if in deep thought and contemplative religion, he was inferior to Mr. Lovegood, yet he was possessed of a lively zeal, which rendered him a very useful Minister to many of his neighbours, and a most pleasant companion to all who knew him.

Under a sanctified use of his natural vivacity, and constitutional courage, he was ever ready to impress on others the same blessed truths, by the knowledge of which, a change so glorious had been accomplished on his own mind. Thus, while at Mr. Worthy's, he would go round his pleasure grounds, and talk to all his labourers: if he stepped into the stable-yard, or into any of the neighbouring cottages, he would have some instructive hints to drop, or some religious tracts to distribute that he might leave a savour of the Gospel wherever he went; and this he did in such a cheerful and engaging style, as frequently rendered him very successful in his attempts.

In the days of his ignorance he was light, frothy, and vain ; but as soon as he was made a partaker, of the grace of God, though he retained all that belonged to his natural disposition, yet he had cheerfulness twithout levity, and became not less profitable, than lovely and pleasant in his deportment. It Vol. II


is however, a very supposable event, that persons of such natural vivacity should fall into some innocent mistakes; and an instance of this kind was exhibited by Mr. Merryman, during this visit.


One morning he called at Thomas Newman's, with whose company and conduct he was much delighted while there, old Susan Dowdy, an honest shoemaker's wife, called in with a pair of shoes for Betty, and with others belonging to the children; which had been carefully cobbled. Thomas being remarkably laborious, could not live without his rest; and being as remarkably honest, he could not rest if he was in debt: while he was therefore preparing to pay the demand, Mr. Merryman very affectionately discharged it for him. Upon the departure of old Dowdy, Mr. Merryman having discovered that she knew something of the blessed realities of the Gospel, mentioned to Thomas, that his next visit should be to see her and her husband. "Ah!" said Thomas, "I believe she is a precious old dame; but it was Dowdy's money made the match." Betty adjoins, "My dear, that is nothing to us; all have a right to settle those matters as they like best" and Mr. Merryman being frequently a little absent, dropped all farther investigation of the subject.

On the next day the promised visit took place. As soon as Mr. Merryman entered the house, he saw an active young man most diligently occupied at his stall; a young woman as industriously engaged in the household affairs; and the notable old woman at her spinning wheel, with the spectacles over her nose, pulling and tugging away as fast and as hard as she could; and her husband's grand-father, sitting in the chimney corner, quite decrepid with age. Alas for Mr. Merryman! he first began conversing with the husband's grandfather, as the husband of old Dowdy; next with the huband as her son, and then with the other young woman as the young man s wife, though she proved to be Dowdy's daughter by a

former marriage. Still supposing himself perfectly correct. The family kept silence, not being willing to expose themselves: and the prayer with which he concluded his visit, was a distinct echo of all these unfortunate mistakes.

On the evening of the day at Mr. Worthy's, he gave the history of his visits: the family knowing the preposterous match which had taken place between old Dowdy, who had an annuity of twelve pounds annually, and her young husband; joined in a general laugh at the expense of Mr. Merryman's blunder,-a blunder not to be corrected by any apology whatever. However, all agreed, that as good men do good, even by their innocent mistakes, it might answer as an excellent reproof to the parties, concerned; as all such preposterous matches, are very contrary to that decency and propriety of conduct, we should be careful to maintain in our social and relative connexions through life; especially if we profess to be under the regulation of the pure and holy word of God.

However it will at once be admitted, that such blunders were no blemishes in the character of one, whose natural simplicity and undisguised integrity, and whose uncommon tenderness and humanity, were of late become so very conspicuous. Still, whatever Mr. Merryman did, it was all done in his own way. A specimen of this was exhibited during his present visit to Mr. Worthy.

On the Thursday after the Sabbath, he went on a little business to Mapleton Market. A bustle was created by the anxiety of a cow, in attending upon her calf, while driven about the market and in the bustle, a board on which an old woman had placed her oranges, apples, and gingerbread, &c. was upset : a rabble of children attempted to avail themselves of this misfortune, and began a scramble for her goods. This lovely Mr. Merryman humanely considered that her little all was then at stake, and that if she was permitted to be robbed of her slender stock in trade,

the calamity would be deeply felt. Immediately he snatched an oaken stick out of the hands of a gaping peasant who stood by: drove away the unruly mob, and then gave his helping hand to collect the poor woman's scattered commodities, and to replace them on the board. He next gave the clown a sixpence, for the use of his cudgel, who doff'd his hat and thanked his honour for his kindness; next he gave half a crown to the poor old woman, as much of her barleysugar was so broken as to be unfit for fale. She then begged leave to reward Mr. Merryman's kindness with one of her best oranges, which he accepted; rewarding her with another shilling for her gratitude, and then departed; she sending after him a thousand blessings for the kind protection she had received in the hour of her distress. Her next inquiry was, who the young gentleman could be who treated her with such kindness, and when she was told that it was Mr. Merryman, the Rector of Sandover, she remarked that she was sure he must be a good Christianhearted gentleman, that she had heard many people say, that though he was a sad wicked blade once, yet of late he had been wonderfully reformed; and that since then, he had become a brave man in the pulpit; and vowed she would strive hard but that she would go and hear him. And who knows, the old woman's heart having been softened by this kind event, but that when she was able to put her resolution into effect, the word of life she heard might have become "the power of God to the eternal salvation of her soul "

Perhaps the reader may judge by another instance of Mr. Merryman's way of doing good, what was the real style and spirit of his character.

He was in the habit of giving an occasional visit to Mr. Meek; and was, as we may naturally suppose, registered among the list of his contributors, that the good man might not suffer a state next to starvation, from the cruelty and meanness of the redoubtable Rector Fillpot.

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