thrown out of that humble contemplative state of retirement we wish to enjoy, by her being introduced into your house. Wor. O Mrs. Lovely will find just the contrary, within half an hour after she has really commenced our guest: we have nothing to do with the fulsome formal parade of the world at our house. [To the labourer.] Why don't you go John? John. An't please your honour, I'll go directly. Lov. Sir, if you insist upon such an extraordinary act of hospitality, I should be glad to go with him, as I have some matters to settle with my servant on this remove. Wor. Well Sir, then I shall go to the house, and tell Mrs. Worthy and Mrs. Lovely how we have settled matters, and shall expect your speedy return. Mr. Worthy and Mr. Lovely immediately separated. But as there are still a variety of events which may require an abridgment to prevent repetition, the reader will excuse the dress of dialogue, while he is farther informed, that Mr. Worthy accordingly went home, and in the fulness of his benevolent heart, addressed Mrs. Lovely rather too abruptly for the tender feelings of her delicate and sentimental mind: telling her that he had heard every circumstance respecting them; and that he was quite in raptures at the fidelity and integrity of Mr. Lovely's conduct; and begged their acceptance of every token in his power of their hospitality and esteem. He insisted upon it that they should adjourn from the Golden Lion immediately, and be their guests, at least for some days; and that after they had received a short sample of their sincere and sympathetic regard, they should judge for themselves, how long they might farther favour them with their company. This so won upon the mind of Mrs. Lovely, that she could scarcely support herself under the strong impressions of gratitude she felt, from this instance of truly Christian benevolence. Her husband just then came in, and found her scarcely able to speak, and in tears, from the influence this had upon ber most grateful and affectionate disposition. The cause of this was immediately explained to him. Let the reader's imagination next describe the feelings of this very sincere and affectionate youth; thus engaged in wiping away each tear as it dropt from her eye, while he had enough to do to quell the like sympathetic tear, as it involuntarily forced itself through the same sluices of his affection : and then let him judge whether Mr. Lovely would have been a happier man, had he neglected one of such a mind, for the sake of either of the three unsentimental baubles, which ever it might have been, that through the mere pride, extravagance, or covetousness of the parties, was designed to have been entailed upon him. Thus Mr. and Mrs. Lovely commenced the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Worthy, while the honest landlord of the Golden Lion parted with them with considerable regret. They could not however help remarking, in the course of the evening's conversation, how very orderly all their little matters were conducted at the public house, and that it was the first house they ever remembered of that sort, in which they heard the private voice of family prayer. In the course of the evening conversation, Mr. Lovely started some queries concerning a young woman who, appeared quite of a dejected turn of mind, and asked whether it was from some deep affliction, or, it should rather appear, from some melancholy derangement. But when Mr. Worthy began to tell the story of Mrs. Chipman, as it has been before related to the reader, it was soon found too strong a contrast of what had passed between Mr. and Mrs. Lovely, for their tender minds to bear, especially as related to the feelings of Mrs. Chipman, since she had been made sensible of the evil consequences of sin. The conversation, therefore took another turn. Mrs. Worthy made some inquiries into the family of the Lovelys as her mother used to claim relationship to some of that name. By this means they discovered there was no very distant relationship between the Worthys and the Lovelys, though they were very glad it was not on the side of the Greedys. Mr. Lovely also had to console himself with a hope, that an intermixture into that family, might ultimately be of no great harm to the next generation, as his grandfather was too much the other way, and had suffered considerably, by lending large sums of money to some, in being security for others, and liberal upon all occasions, so that his fortune had been much injured by his generosity. Upon this discovery, the easy and affectionate appellation of cousin, was at once adopted, and the conversation became familiar; soon after which, the day was terminated by family prayer, and supper, and as the day following produced some conversation which it is hoped will not prove uninteresting to my readers though omitted in the former editions, the substance of that conversation shall next be narrated, as soon as the morning sun shall rise; and if these Dialogues be now in the hands of those who retire to their rest, without first dedicating themselves to God, by family prayer; while they conclude the evening by reading these little dramatic attempts, may this laudible custom, so seriously attended to at Brookfield-Hall, excite my kind readers also to break through the united barriers of sloth and shame; and ere they close their eyes in sleep, may they close the day with God. DIALOGUE XXIII. BETWEEN MRS. AND MISS WORTHY, AND MRS. LOVELY. THE EVILS OF SEDUCTION, FARTHER CONTINUED. ON the next morning, while Mr. Worthy and his family were at breakfast with their new guests, it was proposed by Mr. Worthy, that he and Mr. Lovely should take a ride to see some of the more extended prospects in that beautiful country, and then, on their return home, to pass through some of the retired glens that add a most pleasing variety to the enchanting neighbourhood of Brookfield-Hall: while the pleasantness of the day, and the serenity of the weather, invited Mrs. and Miss Worthy, and Mrs. Lovely, to make an easier excursion in an open carriage nearer home. Though the captivating scenery of the place, occupied Mrs. Lovely's attention for a longer time than was designed, from the weakly state of her health; yet their return allowed them sufficient time for the following conversation, before the designs of the more extended ride of Mr. Worthy and Mr. Lovely could be accomplished. After they were seated in an open pleasant hall, in this earthly paradise; some jellies and a little fruit were brought in. Mrs. Wor. Now madam, if Mr. Lovely was here, I think he would lay his commands upon you that you should taste how you like one of those jellies, and some of that fruit after your airing. Mrs. Lov. O Madam, your kindness and attention to such entire strangers, will never be forgotten. Mrs. Wor. I hope not, for don't you remember yesterday evening that we made it out that we are cousins, and relatives demand from us more than the common civility that is generally bestowed on strangers. Mrs. Lov. I thank you kind madam, this gentle exercise in this delightful situation, seems to have done me so much good, that I shall accept your offer without waiting for Mr. Lovely's commands, though his commands of this sort, are most affectionately numerous. Dear man, nobody can blame me for loving him. Miss Wor. I think we should all blame you if you did not love him, for we are all charmed with him since my father has told us of his noble and generous conduct. Mrs. Lov. O Madam, you cannot know half his worth; his most happy and delightful temper, can never be sufficiently appreciated. If his Uncle could have broken off the match, I am sure it must have broken my heart he is such a delightful man. Mrs. Wor. Why we are all of us equally delighted with him. Mrs. Lov. I am glad of it dear Madam, for I cannot but love all who love my dear husband. woman can be blest with a better. Mrs. Wor. Perhaps not, but I with one quite as good. I have Mr. Worthy above five and twenty ever differ, we never disagree. No think I am blest been married to years; and if we It is poor work when people's happiness ends with the honey moon. I doubt not but that the honey us, will last all the days of our lives. moon with Mrs. Lov. So dear Madam, the landlord of the Golden Lion says. What a quiet and orderly house they keep! while their kindness and attention is remarkably engaging. Mr. Lovely and myself, are so pleased with them, that it was our intention to have passed a few days under their humble roof, had not your kind invitation prevented; and especially |