GENERAL DEPARTMENT. - American Histori-
ans.-Cadwallader Colden, (with Por-
Virginia's Claim to the Potomac River,..... 13
Coleridge on Jefferson,
NOTES AND QUERIES.-Notes-Cold Weather
in Louisiana, 25; Revolutionary Or-
ders, 27; Kearsarge, 28; Hudson Riv-
er Terminology, 29; Farragut, 29;
Ann asa Man's Name, 30; Fort Niagara,
30; General Lafayette, Robert Ful-
tou, 30. The University of Salaman-
ca and Columbus, 30; Names of Pla-
ces on Long Island, 31; The Arms of
New York, 31; Earthquakes in Cana-
da, 31; The Oldest General, 31;
Venerable Voters, 32; Revolutionary
Pensioners, 32; Scyllacius, Author of
the Account of the Second Voyage of
Columbus, 32,
Queries. Barnaby Biddle, 32; Jonathan
Lambert, King of Tristan d' Acunha,
32; The Dagger of Cortez, 33; Ches'
History of the American Revolution,
33; Berkshire County, Mass., 33;
Portraits of Washington, 33; Condie's
Portrait of Washington, 33; Pluck-
amen, N. J., Wickford, R. I., 33;
The Cincinnati, 33; Virginia Act for
Religious Freedom, 33; Henry K.
Strong, 33; First Church in Albany
and its Records, 34; Family of Dr.
Samuel Bard, 34; Pack House in
New St., N. Y., 34; Good Peter, the
Oneida Chief, 34; Bishopric of Gar-
da in Greenland, 34; Fytge Phaber,
34; Billy Caldwell, 34.
Replies. Gov. Burnet's Wife, 34; Amer-
ican Flag, 35; The Henry Plot, 35;
Pennsylvania Act of 1711, Prohibit-
ing Slavery, 35; Theodore de la
Guard, 35; Tammany, 35.
SOCIETIES.-New York. -New York Historical
Society, 36; Long Island Historical
Society, 38.