

[As our purpose in the treatment of this Gospel is purely the development, in the briefest and most suggestive form, of Sermonic Outlines, we must refer our readers to the following works for all critical inquiries into the author and authorship of the book, and also for any minute criticisms on difficult clauses. The works we shall especially consult are:-" Introduction to New Testament," by Bleek; "Commentary on John," by Tholuck; "Commentary on John" by Hengstenberg; "Introduction to the Study of the Gospels," by Westcott; "The Gospel History," by Ebrard; "Our Lord's Divinity," by Liddon, "St. John's Gospel," by Oosterzee; "Doctrine of the Person of Christ,," by Dorner; Lange; Sears; Farrar; etc., etc.]


The Great World-Restoring Spirit.



EXPOSITION:-Verse 26.-" But when the Comforter is come." Read Advocate instead of Comforter. "Whom I will send unto you from the Father." What childish and withal presumptuous speculations have technical theologians indulged in, in what is called the procession of the Holy Ghost. example, the Greek Church held the dogma that the Spirit proceeded from the Father only through the Son: while the Latin Church insisted that He proceeded from the Father and the Son and the one short word Filioque which the latter would exclude and the former insert in the Creed was the cause of the great schism between the Eastern and the Western Churches. "Even the Spirit of truth." Truth is a small word but it is an infinite thing, it is the

underlying unchangeable reality in the great universe 01 thought. In character this spirit is eternal reality in the universe of shadows, semblances, and phenomena. "He shall testify of me." Dr. Browne says. "This refers to that glorious Pentecostal attestation of the Messiahship of the Lord Jesus which in a few days gave birth to a flourishing Christian Church in the murderous capital itself and the speedy diffusion of it far and wide."

Ver. 27.-" And ye also shall bear witness. "The apostles

should bear witness by their inspired records of Christ's life, which we have in the Gospel narratives. This they should do, not independently of the Spirit but under His prompting, and yet individually, giving each his own testimony."

HOMILETICS-Here we have presented to us the great world-restoring Spirit, the Spirit that was striving with men in the ante-deluvian age, and with men in every subsequent age, and that came with new arguments and power after our Saviour's ascension to heaven. Here we have

I. His ADVENT FORETOLD. "When the Comforter (advocate) is come whom I will send unto you." First: The prediction was given to comfort them in the prospect of the persecution to which He had just directed their attention. They are given to understand that however great their approaching trials may be, and though He Himself was about departing from them, one would soon come to them from His Father who would be all sufficient for their help. Secondly: The prediction here given was strikingly fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, in connection with the preaching of Peter. "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place, and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." Here we have

II. His CHARACTER PORTRAYED. "The Spirit of truth.” There is a spirit of lying abroad in the world, sowing the seeds of error in human souls, and cultivating them into briars and thorns, into poisonous weeds, and Upas trees. But here is the Spirit of truth who is also abroad and at work. First: He is infallible truth. Truth without any admixture of error or impurity. His ideas and His affections, so to say, are in perfect accord with eternal fact.

Secondly: He is redemptive truth. His truth is to open the eyes of ignorance, to break the chains of bondage, to cleanse the heart from impurities, to deliver the conscience from guilt! In one word, to restore the soul to the knowledge, the image, the friendship, and the enjoyment of the great God. Here we have―


III. His WORK INDICATED. First His work is that of an Advocate. He goes into the Court of human conscience and there He pleads for spirituality, benevolence, righteousness, God, against worldliness, selfishness, wrong, the devil. Sometimes He pleads in whispers, sometimes in thunder. Always is He earnest and persevering. He inspires His ministers to say, "We beseech you in Christ's stead be ye reconciled unto God." Secondly: His work is that of a witness. A witness for Christ, for the perfection of His character, the purity of His doctrines, and the beneficence of His influence. He does this through the teaching, the miraculous works, the moral triumphs, and the noble lives of those whom He inspired as the Apostles of Christ.

CONCLUSION: Let the assurance that this restoring Spirit is in the world, encourage us in our efforts to spread truth, and in our trials to be magnanimous and patient.

Sermonic Saplings.


3-A Good General.

66 AND IT CAME TO PASS THE SAME NIGHT, etc.Judges vii. 9 and 23.

T was said by Napoleon that God was on the


side of the strongest battalions. Notwithstanding our present advances materialism is still deified. We lean to the side of the strongest battalions, and march under the banner of imperialism. Gideon's first battle teaches another lesson. The strongest battalions did not then triumph. By trumpets and empty pitchers, in the hands of three hundred men, Midianites and the Amalekites were overthrown. giant falls before a sling used by a boy's hand. in a cradle frightens a ruler. A cross is working universal conquest. "God hath chosen the foolish things, etc." We may go back to rude ages in order to learn the might of moral forces. We look to Gideon for the characteristics of a good general.


A babe

I. A good general is LED. Not by caprice, not by the promptings of ambition, not by the desire of spoil, not by the voice of an unthinking host; but by patriotism, by the love of humanity broadly considered, and by the leading of the Eternal. Thus was Gideon. Love of fatherland led on to heroic deeds. He strove to promote the greatest ultimate good of humanity. God called him by an angel's voice, strengthened him by the miracle of

the dewy fleece, developed him and his comrades by the water-test, and perfected him by the enemy's dream. Lesson-seek for divine directions, and for divine furnishing, before going to any welfare.

II. A good general LEADS. Allowed on all hands. Napoleon led. Cæsar said, "Come," not go. Abimelech led. Gideon was ever to the front. He himself went as a spy to the camp of the enemy. Listeners hear no good of themselves. Every rule has its exception. Gideon heard that which meant good. For God gave the dream, and provided an interpreter. Notice about the dream. An inglorious symbol-a barley cake. An inglorious method-tumbled into the host of Midian. A glorious issue-The barley cake smote and overturned the royal tent. Inglorious instruments and methods work glorious issues when God directs. This is nothing else save the sword of Gideon; for into his hand hath God delivered Midian and all the host. He gave the example of brave deeds. "Look on me, etc." No empty boast. He did not take measures for flight if the three hundred should fail. Took his part in the fray, ready to do, to dare, and to die. Lesson: consider the Captain of our salvation. "He leads through no darker rooms etc." The footprints of his feet seen in every path of sorrow along which his followers have to travel. The blood stains from his person mark every field where his soldiers must fight. Courage, brothers, for Christ goes before in every conflict.

III. A good general INSPIRES. great generals on their soldiers.

Wonderful the hold of Inspiriting the shout

66 Arise; for the Lord hath delivered into your hands the host of Midian." The men catch the burning enthusiasm of their leader. Lesson-How inspiring the presence and

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